Saturday, May 08, 2021

News Weakly - 5/8/21

American Totalitarianism
Bruce (aka Caitlyn) Jenner was asked about his views on biological males competing with biological females as 34 states have made or are considering making policies preventing it. He said he was opposed to biological males competing with biological females. Bad call, Bruce. Yes, sure, you are transgender, but now you're anti-trans as well. The thought police have spoken. Insanely, but they have spoken. It is wrong, evil, and abominable to have an opinion that runs contrary to the ruling class who, obviously, can't be wrong.

And You Thought it was Just the Rich
We all know that Biden plans to continue to up the spending. We all know that he plans to do it by taxing the rich. I guess we know that's not entirely the case. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the Federal Reserve may have to raise interest rates. Why? To "keep up with President Biden's spending proposals." No, not just the rich; anyone who borrows money. That's not just the rich. Biden told Virginians that "people making less than $400,000 "will not pay a single penny in taxes." Biden ... "misspoke."

Perfectly Fair
Derek Shauvin was convicted of murder, and now we find that one of the jurors that convicted him participated in a protest about it last summer. I'm sure there was no prejudging, no overt bias. I'm sure he was perfectly fair.

Fight Makes Rights
The New York State Court of Appeals will hear the case. What case? The case for freeing the "wrongfully imprisoned" elephant, Happy, who lives at the Bronx Zoo. The Nonhuman Rights Project is "seeking recognition of her fundamental right to bodily liberty." Imagine that. First, it will necessarily end all zoos and other places where animals are not enjoying "bodily liberty" ... including places where endangered animals are protected. More importantly, it paves the way, lacking any other basis for "fundamental rights" (since we've eliminated God in this equation), for whatever "fundamental right" you may wish to claim.

Like the case of 15-year-old Oregonian, Olivia Moultrie. She's some sort of soccer superstar who now demands that "an unlawful barrier" to her playing in the National Women's Soccer League be removed. The "unlawful barrier" is an age restriction. We should, by no means, have age restrictions. If she can play at 15, let her play. If he can drive at 10, let him drive. If they can work at 8, let them work. What's with all these artificial, "unlawful barriers"? And why would any organization be allowed to make rules? We live in a world absolutely governed by "how I feel," resulting in the total loss of absolutes ... and reality.

As in the case of Laurel Hubbard, a New Zealand biological male who will be the first transgender Olympian when he competes as a woman in this summer's Tokyo Games. "I feel" trumps science and reality every time. And you will concur, or else.

Once again the evil Republicans "advance a restrictive election bill", this time in Texas. Earlier this week it was Florida. Republicans have the gall to think that voting should be regulated to prevent fraud. Democrats have historically objected to preventing voter fraud, as demonstrated by mantras like, "Vote early; vote often." Currently it's considered racist to ask voters to identify themselves as legal voters. (We don't yet know why it's not racist in other circumstances like asking drivers to identify themselves as legal drivers or drinkers to show ID to prove they're of legal age, for instance.) Perhaps the Babylon Bee points it out best in their headline, "White Liberals Watch In Amazement As Black Man Acquires ID." I say "anti-voter fraud laws" and the media says "anti-voting laws." I suppose our biases are showing.

Honorable Mention
I had to point out this other story from the Bee. It's supposed to be funny, but I'm afraid it's closer to "Next year perhaps" rather than "That's just silly." It just feels like we're too close to "Greetings, menstruating partner, and may you have a satisfactory birthing person's day this year!" on a Mother's Day card.


  1. Seriously, what could someone who was one of the greatest athletes of his time and who competed at the highest level of his sport, who's also transgender possibly know about the topic of transgender athletes? Why should anyone listen to a word he has to say on the subject?

  2. Craig,

    Maybe despite it all, he's not an "expert". You know only "experts" have the final say on anything, even above those who have experience. Hey! Does "experience" have anything to do with being an "expert"? Hmmm.

    American Totalitarianism

    Is this the only way California can have a conservative-type running the state anymore? I haven't paid enough attention to know just how conservative Jenner really is, but it's clear he's not totally conservative. This is a "lesser of two evils" choice I'm glad I don't have to make.

    And You thought it was Just the Rich

    Just one of the many ways Biden and the Dems are going to "Make America Poop Again".

    Perfectly Fair

    Chauvin impresses me as being a legitimate jerk. Nonetheless, he was doomed from the start as the worst charge which could have been leveled against him was involuntary manslaughter, or maybe depraved indifference or anything that doesn't do more than suggest he wasn't paying close enough attention to when this dying man was about to actually die...and even then it should have resulted in a guilty verdict. In short, I still can't decide what charge would have been truthfully appropriate.

    Fight Makes Rights

    I have a real problem with the notion of treating animals as if they're endowed by God with the same rights He granted us. I've always been fond of every pet I've ever had, but most of them were also meals should life ever have taken a tragic turn. Keeping them in zoos is not cruel. It's just not ideal.

    Age restrictions are lawful. What's the kid talking about? Oh wait! She's a teenager! She knows everything!

    I've not paid attention to the Olympics in decades. Probably since the first Dream Team. I'll never watch them again if they allow this dude to compete against women.


    It's truly amazing the left is still given the time of day. They are among the stupidest and most irrational people the world has to offer.

    By the way...where I work, at least 90% of the people are black. I've stopped offering help getting them IDs, as the first two got really angry with me. They acted really insulted.

    Honorable Mention

    It's truly amazing the left is still given the time of day. They are among the...wait...I said that already.

  3. I'm told, "You dingbat! No significant voter fraud is happening in America!" So by concerning myself with elections that count each valid vote and doesn't allow invalid votes, I'm perpetrating a "Trump," lying about voter fraud. Forbes disagrees. It happens. People who shouldn't have get elected by means of voter fraud. Vote harvesting, mail-in ballot fraud, and more are happening all the time. The Grunge did a story on The Craziest Cases of Election Fraud in U.S. History. It happens. The same people that are declaring "No fraud occurred in this latest election" were crying "Fraud!" in the 2004 election. Do I think this last election was the victim of fraud? I don't have a clue. And we will never know. I'm not defending Trump's claims, but I believe that if we have better voting rules and better enforcement, it will certainly decrease the crime and subdue the complaints ... on either side.

  4. Art, a couple of observations/comments. On Chauvin's trial, I have no idea of the crimes Chauvin perpetrated or did not, since I'm not privy to the facts. I'm just relatively sure that he had no option of a "fair trial" given the new American ideal of "Guilty without being proven innocent" in cases the media and the public have already tried in their minds. On that teenager who wanted to play professional soccer, the lawsuit about the wasn't brought by her; it was by her parents. I don't think they thought, "She knows everything." I think they thought, "We want our little girl to do whatever she wants!" Of course, that requires the notion that "whatever she wants" is right, so they'd have to have started with "She knows everything," wouldn't they.

  5. The Bee article was prophetic.


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