Saturday, May 29, 2021

News Weakly - 5/29/21

It Had to Happen
Australia's The Bachelorette will star a 26-year-old indigenous bisexual woman. They will include men and women to try to win her heart. This illustrates, once again, the inequity of the LGBT movement. They've done nothing for the "B's." Sure, a lesbian can wed a lesbian and a gay can wed a gay and a transgender can wed a transgender, but a bisexual cannot wed one of each gender. The LGBT group still opposes polygamy. Can you say "double standard"?

New Religion Banned
The Texas Senate passed a bill banning schools from requiring teaching critical race theory (CRT). Now, think about that for a moment. They didn't ban the teaching; they banned the requirement. Their thinking: Stop teaching white children they are responsible for slavery. And, of course, the "woke" are now also the outraged. Now, mind you, I think that if you're going to allow (not require) teaching of CRT (theory), then you'll have to allow (not require) teaching of other theories ... like Intelligent Design. But, of course, the "woke" want to require teaching white children they are responsible for slavery while refusing to teach them the theory that everything that comes into existence must have a cause. That's just too radical for them. (Note: It is a mistake to term this a "ban" on CRT theory. It is a removal of the requirement to teach it, not the teaching itself.)

What Scandal!
Rand Paul made the news by refusing to get vaccinated for COVID. Why? He had it already. Natural immunity. The story rightly points out that he is going against the CDC's recommendations. Experts don't know how long natural immunity will last. Oh, and there is "a rare risk that those who've already had COVID-19 could become infected again." But wait! Isn't there "a rare risk" that those who have been vaccinated could get it? (Is it rare?) It's hard to believe the science when the science doesn't actually know what to believe. (Like Fauci's 180° turn on whether COVID was natural or engineered.)

I was always a bit confused about "COVID-related" when it came to "deaths." There was a stampede that killed 12 in a bar that was raided because it wasn't supposed to be open during the COVID lockdown. COVID-related? Now we have this news: "Pandemic has fueled eating disorder surge in teens, adults." The pandemic did it? People who got COVID gained eating disorders? Or is it more accurate to say that the prevention attempts did it? No, not the pandemic; the "treatment." And eating disorders are just one of the side effects.

We Know What's Best For You
Meet Patrisse Cullors. She is a founder of the BLM movement. The first term she uses to describe herself is "activist" and it spreads from there. She defines herself as a prison, police and "militarization" abolitionist. She opposes capitalism and cites Karl Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong as people who provided a new understanding of what economies could look like. Oh, and she just resigned from BLM when it was reported that she was so richly benefiting from white capitalism with a $1.4 million luxury home and three others around the country. Financial impropriety? I don't know. But certainly the absolute opposite of what she says she believes is a better way of life.

Just Curious
Seriously, just wondering. Why are so many states having to work so hard to get people to get vaccinated for COVID? Oregon offers a lottery with prizes up to a $1 million jackpot. California is offering a $116 million vaccine incentive program. (You'd think they could do better than that with their $76 billion budget surplus including $26 billion in COVID rescue money from Biden.) Minnesota offers the chance to win up to $5 million. CVS offers a chance to win trips. Krispy Kreme offered free donuts. Is not "This will keep you safe from dying of COVID" insufficient incentive? Or is it the mixed messages and dubious reports that make people hesitate?

Big Government
The president has unveiled his first budget for the nation -- $6 trillion. That sounds like a lot, but the current budget is $4.8 trillion, so this is just $1.2 trillion more. Now, if that sounded reasonable to you, you're not thinking about $1.2 times a 1 with 12 zeroes after it. But don't worry; he's just planning to cover that with your money. If you spread that out over the number of employed people in America, that only comes to a little less than $7,000 each. You won't mind, right? I know ... he'll take it from the rich and the corporations. I can't think of a better way to "grow the economy" than to stick to the wage payers. And all without keeping up our national security. Besides, what does he care if our grandchildren will never be able to pay this off? What we want is big, fat government, you see?

Sad News
True story: John Cena, actor and WWE wrestler, apologized to China for referring to Taiwan as a "country." Satire story: The Babylon Bee is reporting that he will undergo a spine transplant to remedy his lack of backbone. And speaking of backbone, the keeper of all truth, Facebook, is reminding users they can be banned for saying anything false ... or anything too true.

Must be true. I read it on the Internet.

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