Saturday, May 22, 2021

News Weakly - 5/22/21

Haters Unite!
Joining the BLM movement to declare, "We hate police," the organizers of New York's gay pride parade have opted to ban police from their upcoming event. The message was not ambiguous. The NYPD is entirely corrupt; they need to "acknowledge their harm and to correct course moving forward." The gay pride folks do not need to acknowledge the good work that the NYPD as a whole has done or correct their own course moving forward. The police officers who are gay are "disappointed," of course. But I'm wondering how wise it was to announce, "We are removing law enforcement, so feel free to break the law here."

No Justice, No Peace
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) opted to boycott the traditional White House Eid celebration in protest of Biden's argument that Palestinians and Israelis "deserve to live in dignity, safety and security." So many surprises. The White House has a traditional celebration of breaking the fast of Ramadan? People are upset that anyone would think that people deserve to live in dignity, safety and security? Someone cares what CAIR does? So many surprises. (Note: let's be clear. The protest of this position says clearly that Israel has no right to live in dignity, safety, or security. Those who defend the Palestinians against Israel's efforts to defend themselves side with those who wish to eliminate Israel.)

Statue-tory Sexism
A 26' tall statue of the famous Marilyn Monroe pose standing over the subway grate (from the Seven Year Itch) is taking up residence in Palm Springs, California, and not everyone is pleased. The statue will face away from the front door of the Palm Springs Art Museum so people coming in will see her, but that means that people going out are going to be looking up her dress, a misdemeanor in California. The museum isn't happy and others are objecting to "objectifying" Marilyn. Now, of course, everyone knows about that photo and it has been iconic for ages, so why, all of the sudden, the "#Metoo Marilyn" crowd objects eludes me. It is "blatantly sexist," they say, and I'm not disagreeing, but is the plan to erase history (again) and the minds of most people (male and female, because objectification is not a gender-exclusive thing)? Obviously Marilyn didn't object to the pose.

Follow the Money
Governor Andrew Cuomo, under investigation for multiple accusations of sexual abuse, is the guy that is known for causing the deaths of tens of thousands of elderly New Yorkers from COVID. So it seems really off that he has a $5 million book deal on his leadership in the COVID pandemic. How many ways is that wrong?

More Pronoun Trouble
Singer Demi Lovato has announced that she is now non-binary. You know, not male or female, but both ... or neither. She's going with "they" and "them" for her pronouns. And the press is bowing to the lunacy. She decided after "a lot of "self-reflective work," apparently without the use of a mirror.

What's in a name?
I suppose we could either change with the tide ... or teach people the truth. Penn State is choosing the former. They are replacing "sexist and classist" words like "freshman" because that has "man" in it and "junior" because that follows western male father-son naming conventions ... and no one knows that "man" also refers to "members of the human race" and "junior" only follows naming conventions when someone uses it that way. (No one ever heard "My wife is 2 years my junior" and thought "western father-son naming convention?".) The terms are only sexist or classist if you choose to take them that way. You could teach your students the truth at this school or you could cater to emotional lies. This "higher learning" institution chooses the latter.

Equal Right to Die
Bernie Sanders seeks to work at crippling Israel in their efforts to defend themselves from constant attack. A report from May 8 said that Palestinian militants have fired more than 1,600 rockets from Gaza at Israel. Now, 400 went down in Gaza and 90% of the ones that didn't were interecepted by Israel's missile defense system, but that doesn't constitute "not an attack." That is good defense. In response, Israel has attacked 600 targets ... with precision weapons. The fact that a disproportionate number of Palestinians have died is due to Hamas's tactic of putting their weaponry and fighters in the middle of civilians and Israel's superior armament ... which is what Sanders and the Left would like to take away. "If we can just make the casualties more equal, we can be diverse and inclusive."

Believe Science
USA Today put out this fine story with the headline, "They gave birth and love their children, and they want to remind you that 'not all pregnant people are women.'" Because being born with ovaries by no means suggests that you have to have them to get pregnant. Or, to put it another way, to prove the proposition that not all pregnant people are women you have to first assume that we can be whatever sex we feel like we are, and that's what's known as circular logic.

Pride and Prejudice
I don't even ... So the story is that Lego has announced that its first LGBTQIA+ (their letters, not mine) set will debut on the first day of "Pride Month." Because, as we all know, sexual orientation and gender and who sleeps with whom has always been the point of Lego toys and Lego has, sadly, been very lacking in inclusion and diversity. Now you can have your kid play with a purple drag queen as a critical component of playing with Legos. In case you didn't know it, there are some places where inclusion and diversity are not the point.

Too Much
The Babylon Bee just had too much good material to work with this week. On that last story above, they reported that Lego is unveiling genderless bricks with no male/female connectors. (If you don't get it, look at the Bee story.) (The Genesius Times couldn't leave that one alone, either.) There was the story about Democrats wearing binkies to wean themselves off masks. There was the one about the man driving alone in a carpool lane who told the officer his preferred pronoun was "they." And right out of Star Wars comes the report that Luke Skywalker has been condemned for blowing up an Associated Press office located on the Death Star. I guess current events, for the Babylon Bee, has just been a target-rich environment.

1 comment:

  1. Haters Unite!

    My first thought when I first came upon this story was "Are they among those who whine about being victims of hate crimes?" Their demand kinda makes their parade target-rich environment, then, doesn't it?

    And yeah, "gay" cops are kinda stuck in the middle, aren't they? The left is so inclusive!!

    No Justice, No Peace

    Like the story above, this smacks of delicious irony! Who wants them around in the first place? Boycott away!!

    Statue-tory Sexism

    The greater concern is the increased amount who will enter just so they can exit!

    Follow the Money

    His middle name should be "Somuchwrong".

    More Pronoun Trouble

    Why do these people think anyone cares? And is it just me, or is this unique to females? I can't recall seeing stories of any males (actual males for certain) "announcing" such things about themselves. I'd love to see some celeb of either sex "come out" as normal and then explain what that means relative to nonsense like this. Then sit back with a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the lamentations!

    What's in a name?

    So glad all my girls are well out of the university system. What will become of my granddaughters? My youngest (whose boyfriend just came by today seeking my blessings!) is greatly concerned about having kids when she gets married in a world such as ours has become. She's already learning about homeschooling.

    Equal Right to Die

    Disproportionate amount of enemy dead is kind of the point, isn't it? Part of the problem with this conflict is Israel's restraint. One wins wars by killing all of the enemy or so many of the enemy that those who survive no longer wish to fight and will surrender unconditionally.

    Believe Science

    I can't overstate the importance of public mockery and derision in the fight against this form of insanity. One can be compassionate toward the mentally defective, but to be gracious toward those who perpetuate such blatant dishonesty does no one good.

    Pride and Prejudice

    Child abuse. And unlike those above, these abusers are deserving of far worse than mere mockery. Leave the kids alone!

    Too Much

    I can imagine the struggle of deciding just which story, position or philosophy to mock given the limitation of only 24 hours in a day. But these outlets are doing just what I suggested in the Believe Science piece.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?