Saturday, May 01, 2021

News Weakly - 5/1/21

Mind Control
According to ABC News (and, obviously, every other news outlet), Oklahoma's governor signed 3 anti-abortion bills into law. It was because it is a "Republican-controlled Senate" according to the story (apparently because Democrats favor killing babies and calling it "reproductive rights"). The bills required those who do abortions be certified (quite clearly that's "anti-abortion" ... wait) and prohibited abortion if there is a heartbeat (because heartbeat does not constitute life; we know this because pro-abortionists have no heart and they are alive). (Idaho's governor signed the same law in his state.) Clearly the laws insure "safer abortions" (as if there is a safe way to kill a baby) and protects the lives of the baby in the womb (rightly termed "pro-life," not "anti-abortion"), but the media and the left won't ever let you hear that.

On Friday, April 9, 2021, the African savanna elephant was put on the endangered list from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Seven years earlier, Wayne LaPierre, Jr., the executive VP of the NRA, and his wife killed two savanna elephants on a guided hunt. The outrage is palpable. "We're in the midst of a poaching epidemic, and rich trophy hunters like the NRA chief are blasting away at elephants while the international community calls for stiffer penalties for poachers – what message does that send?" They didn't kill an endangered animal. They didn't do it illegally. It isn't poaching. What message does it send? Some people haven't got a clue.

Trillion with a T
"I'm on a diet, but I just broke it with a piece of pie ... so I guess I'll go ahead and eat the whole pie." Lousy logic, but apparently it's Biden's logic. Last year the deficit jumped by $3 trillion for COVID relief. Then this year it jumped again with another $2 trillion COVID relief bill. "Well," he seems to think, "we've totally overrun any possibility to address any sort of national deficit, so let's push it on over the edge. Let's have an infrastructure bill for $2.6 trillion and, hey, why not another $1.8 trillion for American families? How will we pay for it? We won't! We'll just tax the people with money. No one likes them anyway." The government would steal from the rich to feed big government. Not all analysts think this is a good idea. The Babylon Bee made the point.

No Brainer
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is considering requiring police officers to get permission to pursue a suspect ... on foot. Well, it only makes sense. Think of it. They stopped high speed police chases when they realized there could be accidents. They took away nonlethal options from police when they realized they might hurt someone. And when do all these police killings take place? When someone resists arrest. Solution? Don't pursue people who resist arrest. It could put a complete end to police shootings if they just stop confronting potential law-breakers. I get it. The Babylon Bee does, too.

Surprise, Surprise
Seattle is reporting that over 200 police officers left their jobs last year citing "an anti-police climate." The story goes on to say, "Activists have applauded the reductions and called for additional city police department cuts." And the city council is considering a $5.4 million cut in the police department’s budget. Surprised? I'd be surprised if you were.

West Virginia's governor just signed into law a bill that prevents biological males from competing with biological females in school sports. CNN calls it an "anti-transgender sports bill." Governor Jim Justice said, "I do not think that from the standpoint of our girls, that we ought to allow a situation to where, you know, for whatever reason may be, we end up with a superior athlete that could just knock our girls right out of the competition." I'd label it a pro-woman bill. The terms the media uses indicate the bias the media has. (Like on another story where CBS says, "Mike Pence praises Trump" versus Yahoo's "Mike Pence sucks up to Trump." No bias there!) An LGBTQ advocacy group said, "Lawmakers are sending a clear message that they don't value trans lives and would prefer we did not exist entirely." The language doesn't even make sense. ("We want to protect our girls" does not equate to "Trans lives shouldn't even exist.") (Note, by the way, that no one appears to be outlawing women who identify as males from competing with biological males.)

A small city in eastern Oregon, Baker City, has declared a state of emergency ... for the supreme lack of common sense in Oregon in terms of the response to COVID. They're trying to figure out how to counter the governor's edicts and declaring themselves a Common Sense Sanctuary. I kinda like it.

The Happiest Place
Disneyland in California opened this week 412 days into "15 days to flatten the curve." I think it's the new math. I'm just sayin'.

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