Saturday, April 24, 2021

News Weakly - 4/24/21

As Predicted
Long Beach, California, passed a city ordinance that would require grocery stores to pay their workers an additional $4/hour "hero pay" due to COVID. What could go wrong? Well, grocery company, Kroger, says they can't afford it in that area and has opted instead to close two stores. Good job, Long Beach. (See what I did there? "Good job," as in "they don't have jobs anymore"? It's really bad when I have to say, "I'm being funny" because apparently I'm not.)

Who in Brooklyn Center said, "We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational. We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business."? That would be California congresswoman Maxine Waters. "Of Chauvin, Waters said: 'I hope we're going to get a verdict that will say guilty, guilty, guilty. And if we don't, we cannot go away.'" But, of course, since she's black, it's not inflammatory. It's not inciting violence. Only orange-colored white men can be inflammatory.

Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Another tragic police shooting in Columbus. A black 16-year-old girl, Ma'Khia Bryant, was shot by a police officer after she lunged at two women with a knife. He ordered her to "Get down!" and, when she didn't, shot her. Her mother said her daughter was a “very loving, peaceful little girl" and "promoted peace." Just for the sake of clarity, while I'm unhappy about a young person shot by police, wielding a knife and lunging at people with it doesn't really qualify as "peacemaker."

The Verdict
I'm sure you've all heard: Derek Chauvin was convicted of two counts of murder and one of manslaughter. Biden called it "a step forward" although we need to continue to deal with "systemic racism." And America nods and agrees. So I'm baffled. If George Floyd's death was part of systemic racism, especially in the police, why was Chauvin not convicted of a hate crime? Why was there no charges and no evidence offered? If this was a crime of racism and we were hoping this verdict would address that, why wasn't it in there? "It was a murder in the full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off the whole world to see," Biden said. "Systemic racism is a stain on our nation's soul." Really? I didn't see that in the verdict. Neither did anybody else, and, yet, everyone else did, too. Chauvin was convicted of a crime of which there was no prosecution or proof since he was clearly guilty without any possibility of innocence.

Canceled by "Freethinkers'
Richard Dawkins, the darling of atheists (aka "freethinkers") everywhere, transgressed the religious rules of his clan and got canceled. Dawkins received the 1996 American Humanist Association "Humanist of the Year" award only to have it revoked by the AHA because he suggested that Rachel Dolezal identified as black and some men identify as women and some women identify as men but "You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as." Oh, bad form, Richard. Denying that a transgenders are not actually, scientifically, precisely how they identify themselves? "You believe there is no God? Yes! You're one of us. You believe that truth is not how he/she defines it? You're out of here!" As Stephen McAlpine put it, Dawkins got blindsided by the Sexual Spaghetti Monster. Yes, Freethinkers, there is a god -- the god of your own making. Dawkins thought it was Reason. He was wrong. Currently it's sexual identity, apparently. Dawkins was a sexual identity fundamentalist, and they shot him dead. So much for "freethinkers."

Words Mean Something
A high school in South Dakota is changing their plans for a "slave auction." What??!!!" I can hear you say. "They were planning to auction off slaves??" No. They weren't. They were planning to auction off student workers who would give a day's labor in exchange for contributions to the club. Not slaves. But they're changing the name because "This is a term that is so demeaning of black culture and humanity." I thought the same thing when, in electronics, they taught us about devices that had a "race condition" that was solved by a "master/slave relationship." Racist electronics. Must be white.

Following up on my concerns (above) about inflammatory speech, the FBI is seeking information about the insurrectionist pictured here.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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