Saturday, March 20, 2021

News Weakly - 3/20/21

It's Official?
The current pope has made some statements that have led people to think that he was in the process of changing the Catholic church, so it is with sadness that they read that the Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions. Worse, they called homosexual unions a "sin" and a "choice." (The story said that the Vatican called homosexuality a sin and a choice. The Vatican actually called the behaviors a sin and a choice.) There was an interesting line in the CNN story. "The decision is a setback for Catholics who had hoped the institution would modernize its approach to homosexuality." Because, apparently, the truth in general and God's truth in particular are variables that we can "modernize" if we wish to. (Jer 17:9) And, as the Babylon Bee reports, God is still stubbornly refusing to change with the times.

Truth Crisis
Facebook is promising to "counteract the spread of false information about vaccines" by labeling posts that discourage people from getting vaccinated for Covid-19 as "false information." Now, that's all well and good, but it seems to me that in a society of "deepfakes" and heavily biased media dictated by heavily biased Twitter users, it could easily be asked, "Who gets to determine what is false and what is true information?" I'm just baffled by the folks that are shocked that anyone would question the government, the media, or science. Are we not the Pontius Pilate society (John 18:38)? "What is truth?"

Changing the Rules
A filibuster is a procedure used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote in the Senate. Rules for this have changed over the years. In the classic movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Jimmy Stewart plays a freshman senator that goes on a marathon filibuster to prevent a project from going forward long enough to get the votes back that would halt it permanently. Currently the filibuster has been used by the minority party to stave off being steamrolled by the majority. Now that the Democrats are an overwhelming majority in the House and a 50-50 proposition in the Senate (where the Democratic VP breaks the tie), Joe Biden thinks it's time to change those rules. "I can't get my way if that's in place. A reform (that gives the Democrats all the power) is in order." You know, in the name of diversity, inclusion, and unity. I don't see why this would be a surprise.

Oh, Yeah, Much Better
Trump was castigated for his border rules, so Biden tossed them out. Now more than 13,000 unaccompanied minors are in custody, eclipsing the evil Trump's numbers. Data indicates a direct connection between the overwhelming number of children in custody and Biden's reversal of Trump's policies. Much better.

And this related odd story is out. Apparently a caravan of migrants disappeared overnight at the Mexican/American border leaving only a giant wooden horse. Go figure.

Trump Hate Lives
"Silly you," you say, "Trump hate isn't a thing. It's over now that he's gone." Really? How about this military veteran that decided to lob a smoke bomb onto Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort because the guy hadn't received his stimulus check yet? Umm, excuse me ... you know Trump isn't sending checks anymore, don't you? You know he's not in power anymore, don't you? No, I guess not. Trump claimed to have actually won the election and I guess this is just one Trump hater who believed him.

Just What We Need
Now, I'll be honest. I haven't been a big fan of comic books. Still, I can't recall a single built-for-teens comic book that told me about the sex life of, say, Superman or Batman. Were they heterosexual? I don't know. I guess they probably were. No one cared; it wasn't the point. Well, now it is. Marvel Comics wants to jam a brand new gay Captain America down your kids' throats. You will consume it and you will like it because "gay" is what they want you to embrace. Just what we need.

The Unforgiveable Sin
Alexi McCammond was born in 1994. In 2021 she was named Teen Vogue editor. In 2016 she covered the presidential debates. She started college in 2011. At the age of 17 she tweeted some stupid things. Now she's out of a job. Apologies are irrelevant. That she might have matured since high school is pointless. There is no room for forgiveness in our cultural climate. It's okay, Alexi. There is still forgiveness in Christ. (I'm just wondering who spends their days hunting down ancient tweets in an effort to harpoon anyone possibly succeeding.)

Reverse Psychology
In an act of pure evil, former President Trump urged people to be vaccinated against COVID, saying it was "a great vaccine" and "a safe vaccine" and "something that works." As a result of the standard Trump-hate backlash, Fauci declared the vaccines unsafe, Democrats urged people to stay away, and vaccinations have come to an end.


  1. It's Official?

    I have to say, I'm a bit surprised that this pope "came out" in opposition to the least officially if not personally. Gotta give him kudos for maintaining truth in this area.

    NOT surprise misleading liberties were taken with regard to how the Pope's position was reported. However, they foolishly stated the truth: homosexual unions are both a sin and a choice.

    Truth Crisis

    Censoring anything that isn't wholly in agreement with leftist thought is all the rage these days. It even happens at certain blogs, of all places. But there are legitimate concerns with the vaccines that, while not that which most people might consider worthy of their concern, aren't necessarily so for others. The problem of course being some assuming authority for what is worthy of our consideration for that which is an entirely personal choice. As to social media, who among them is qualified for determining such things on our behalf? More importantly, who asked them to do it at all?

    Changing the Rules

    Is this arrogance or stupidity? Despite the problems Dems are trying to codify that will result in extreme difficultly in voting them out of office, they're also making sure that everything that hurts is because of them and as a result, landslide GOP victories are far more likely to occur. When it does, imagine the fun when Dems whine about a return to the filibuster rule.

    Dems ALWAYS make changes that soon bite them in the keester. This change will as well.

    Oh, Yeah, Much Better

    It's still Trump's fault, don't ya know. All things Biden & Co do poorly will be blamed on Trump, just as Obama blamed George W. Bush. It's what Dems do.

    Trump Hate Lives

    Will it ever truly die?

    Just What We Need

    I dug comic books as a kid. There were examples of characters' sex the sense that a pair would be "an item". The most obvious, of course, were Superman and Lois Lane. Never were there any "gay" characters, because back in the day, truth wasn't trashed quite as badly as it so commonly is today. Indeed, the heroes created back then, particularly in DC comics, were intended to be people of honor, truth, wisdom and integrity. Marvel introduced flawed heroes, and it's unlikely it would have introduced a "gay" character as something about which the character would've been proud. Not back then. Now, it's all the rage to guarantee that, whatever the story, movie, TV show, "gay" characters must exist and be celebrated as normal and morally acceptable.

    One exception comes to mind: Netflix had run several Marvel characters in their own shows (Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, The Punisher). There was quite a bit of overlap between them, particularly with side characters. There was a high-powered lesbian lawyer played by Carrie-Ann Moss, who was "married" and cheated on her "wife" with a secretary. One usually doesn't see "gay" characters drawn so corrupt as this character was.

    The Unforgiveable Sin

    The Chinese laugh at us for this kind of nonsense. It is a symptom of our decaying national character, and it is without a doubt not emblematic of "embracing grace"...though no one knows what that really means.

    Reverse Psychology

    Who knows what to believe about this virus anymore? I do know that whatever comes out of the mouth of Anthony Fauxci today, he will change tomorrow. Good work by Senator Rand Paul in holding his feet to the fire.

  2. Just a little comment on your last comment. That whole "Reverse Psychology" thing was entirely a joke with the sole exception that Trump did encourage people to get the vaccine. The rest was sarcasm/satire.

  3. It wasn't really lost on me. Your final piece in this Saturday tradition is almost always for laughs. I probably should have acknowledged it. But I was more concerned about bringing to light the most recent Fauxci-ism exposed by Paul, as well as the overall confusion regarding this virus with which we've all had to suffer.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?