Saturday, March 13, 2021

News Weakly - 3/13/21

Good News, Gen Next
You'll be happy to hear, future Americans, that Biden and Congress have agreed to tie you up for the rest of your lives with a debt you can never pay (the debt before this was about $225,000 per taxpayer) in order to give us each a $1400 check, not because we actually need it or that it will actually remecy anything, but, well, because some will certainly feel happier with Democrats somehow. Oh, no, you won't get that federal $15/hr you hoped for. No, you won't get as much for unemployment as promised. Oh, no, this won't solve the COVID crisis. In 1960 the debt-to-GDP ratio was 53%. In 1980, it was 34%. Today it is 130%. Good luck with that. But, hey, at least we won't have to pay up in the end. That's your problem. We're a year and $2.7 trillion into "15 days to flatten the curve." Biden says, "Just $2 trillion more should do it."

Pardon Me. Your Bias is Showing
Forbes reported on Biden's orders this week addressing gender inequality and sexual violence. Oddly, not a word about Cuomo. Wonder why? The report said he would "focus on changes imposed during the Trump administration." Why, do you suppose, does this Forbes writer not view Biden as "imposing changes"? Of course, none of this is a surprise. He is pushing "reproductive rights" which is always code for "killing babies in the womb" and, of course, the rights of transgender people over the rights of the rest of the world. What does surprise me is the number of Christians who switched from Republican to Democrat to support this kind of thing.

The Latest Victim
The latest victim of the Cancel Culture after last week's execution of Dr. Seuss appears to be Pepé Le Pew. You remember Pepé Le Pew. He was the skunk with the French accent on the quest of misguided love with a black cat that accidentally got a white stripe painted down her back. Hilarity ensues. Well, it did. Now they say he "normalized rape culture." Now, I've seen a lot of those cartoons and I don't recall a single rape, but, hey, what do I know? "To the pure, all things are purel."

Arkansas passed one of the very few actually pro-life bills in existence in America. Arkansas Governor Hutchinson signed into law legislation that allowed abortion only in the cases of a risk to the mother's life. It excludes rape or incest because, if you're going to be pro-life, rape or incest don't qualify as a threat to life. It won't last, of course. The courts will preclude it. The fight will escalate. It will eventually go to the Supreme Court ... which is the real aim. The simple fact that Arkansas assembled "overwhelming legislative support" for a pro-life stance is quite amazing in this day and age.

But ... I Thought He Was Going to Fix This
Ding, dong, the wicked Trump is gone, and our savior (lowercase "s") has come to save us from the Trump. Specifically, Biden has acted to save migrants from the mistreatment of the former administration. So ... how is it that a record number of migrant children are now being held in facilities ... even beyond the 3-day limit? The number tripled in the last two weeks! A warning for those who put their trust in princes.

And On That Note
Similarly, the governor of Mississippi also signed a controversial bill into law. This one prevents biological males from playing on women's sports teams. As it turns out, it's only haters that want to protect women's sports. The open-minded, inclusive, tolerant people have no concern at all for subjecting women to the biological disparity.

Warning Bells
Beth Moore has left the building. Moore announced leaving the Southern Baptist denomination (SBC) because of things that "haven't remained in the past." She has complained about "an evangelical culture that demeans women, promotes sexism, and disregards accusations of sexual abuse." She condemns "Trumpism" and "Christian nationalism." Not being a Trump supporter myself, I understand some of that. Being a follower of God's Word, I don't understand some of that (like when "demeans women" is used to describe the biblical restrictions to the role of women in the church). Whether she is going off to do God's work somewhere else or going off the rails is yet to be seen. We should surely be conscious of Galatians 6:1 if necesssary.

The headline reads, "Mount Everest to reopen for first climbers post-pandemic." Apparently the remoteness and wide open spaces weren't "masked and socially distanced" enough. In the same vein, a grandmother got a prescription for a hug so she could see her grandchildren for the first time in a year. I know that "Covidiot" means something different to most people, but this truly is "Covidiocy."

Speaking of ...
And Evanston, Illinois, has become the first American city to make modern Evanstonians (Is that the right term?) pay for the sins of their fathers for "the city's past discriminatory housing policies," giving $25,000 to black families for housing. Not even God does that (Deut 24:16).

Not All Satire is Humor
In light of the several women who have come forward with accusations of sexual harrassment from Governor Cuomo, the headline from the Babylon Bee makes sense ... but it's more chilling than funny: "10,000th Victim Comes Forward To Accuse Cuomo Of Inappropriately Killing Her Grandma."


  1. RE Pepe,

    When you think about it, isn’t “rape” fairly common and natural in the animal kingdom?

  2. If you're referring to the current culture's definition, absolutely.

  3. Clearly animals are unable to consent in the recent sense of consent.

    I think it’s probably pretty easy to find examples of behavior that’s tantamount to rape in animals.

    Which raises questions about those folks who think we should get out sexual ethics from the animal kingdom.

    Of course there is a scientific school of thought that rape is an advantage from an evolutionary standpoint.

  4. In the scientific school of thought, morality has no basis.

  5. Especially from a naturalistic/Darwinian worldview.


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