Friday, March 05, 2021

Death Penalty

I think one of our fundamental shortcomings as humans as we consider God is our understanding of sin. We think of it as a goof, a faux pas, a blunder. How bad can it be? We make a mistake like everyone else and we apologize and move on. You know, try to do better and all that, but, seriously, on what basis would Hell make sense as righteous judgment for our little errors? So we struggle with God over this, moved by compassion for folks that are under the threat of damnation and not fully grasping how that can be right.

I struggled with the notion of hell for sin for some time until it dawned on me that I had a short-sighted view of sin. When I came to terms with sin as Cosmic Treason, then hell made sense. Here's an explanation of why sin is Cosmic Treason, rebellion against the Most High. Perhaps you, like me, will benefit from getting a clearer picture of what is at stake and the seriousness of sin. Perhaps you, like me, can get an understanding of why the ultimate violation would require the ultimate death penalty.


  1. I'm told that we're making stuff up because Cosmic Treason is not in the Bible. Neither is Trinity or Social Justice, so I guess there is a LOT of made up stuff, right? We don't decide what is or is not true in Scripture based solely on the words used, but on the concepts. And "Uh, uh, you just made that up" while ignoring the arguments and the texts mentioned is not a valid rebuttal.

  2. C"mon Stan, you know that if the Bible doesn't use the exact, specific, precise English words for something that it's not in the Bible.

    Perhaps had you said active rebellion against the- King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The Most High God, King of Glory, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, or The Only Sovereign. Or active disobedience of the one which shall never pass away, and who's kingdom shall not be destroyed.

    I suspect that problem is in acknowledging that God is actually King in a real actual sense, and that as King He gives commandments that are to be obeyed. If God is your best buddy who occasionally makes suggestions about things you might want to consider, then the notion of treason is ludicrous. But, if God is in His rightful place on the throne of His Kingdom (and if that Kingdom actually includes the entire cosmos, which He created), then things look a little different.


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