Saturday, February 20, 2021

News Weakly - 2/20/21

As I'm sure you're all aware, Trump's impeachment was, again, dismissed. Although 7 Republicans voted with the 50 Democrats to convict, it wasn't enough for the 2/3's required to convict. So, what did we learn? For all the Trump haters, the impeachment is over; get over it. For all the Trump lovers, the impeachment was dropped, not overturned. Trump wasn't declared not guilty. Most of the Republicans that voted against convicting did so on a technicality -- you can't impeach a president who is not a president. So, Trump was not convicted and Trump was not exonerated. Lose-lose. What was the point again? Politics as usual.

Not in Safe Hands
Biden asked Congress for tougher gun laws including a ban on assault weapons. I'd be fine with a ban on assault weapons ... if they could figure out just what that means. There are seemingly endless definitions and the way we are going these days it doesn't matter how we define them today; tomorrow could be another thing. In 1964 they banned discrimination for "sex" meaning "being male or female" and today they've redefined it to mean "whatever your sexual preference or gender might be." Today they ban "assault weapons" like machine guns and tomorrow they might include baseball bats because "someone used a baseball bat as a weapon to assault someone." You just can't tell in a society so prone to insanity.

Looks Bad
Governor Cuomo's aide admitted to covering up 13,000 deaths in nursing homes and Cuomo concurred. New York had a policy of sending elderly COVID patients back to their nursing homes rather than isolating them, obviously increasing the number of deaths in nursing homes. They opted to lie about it rather than face up to it and deal with it. As long as you can lie to the public, the scandal never happened. Certainly looks bad for a "liberal" governor who wasn't being very "generous" with his people.

Missing the Point
In a mindless shooting in Philadelphia, a gunman shot 8 apparently random people, killing one. Mayor Jim Kenney wrote, "Today's mass shooting near the Olney Transportation Center, in broad daylight, is yet another tragic example of the vicious, outrageous, and unacceptable gun violence epidemic that's threatening the lives and safety of our fellow Philadelphians." Yes, this is about the presence of guns, not the crazy people that use them for irrational and outrageous purposes. It's the guns that are the problem. And if we can just get these guns away from the American public, we're pretty sure that irrational and outrageous people will straighten right up. It would only make sense, I suppose, if Cuomo would blame his pen for making him sign the order that killed thousands of nursing home patients.

Polar Opposite
The Mayor of Colorado City, Texas, resigned this week after lashing out at his constituents who were asking for help in the cold crisis. "No one owes you or your family anything," he wrote in social media, "nor is it the local government's responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim, it's your choice! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!" Unfortunate contrast to the liberal side that is intent on controlling every aspect of our lives.

In Other News
While Texans complain about global warming -- "If this global warming keeps up, we're all going to freeze to death" -- Ted Cruz hustled to Cancun to lasso the sun and return it to Texas. Meanwhile, the party of love and progress is celebrating the death of Rush Limbaugh.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Lose-lose: Simply put, Trump was NOT guilt of incitement. Regardless of how you want to interpret the impeachment fraud, the evidence is overwhelming that the riotous attack in the Capitol was taking place before Trump’s comments which the LEFT are calling inciting.

    Not in Safe Hands: The AR-15 platform is scary-looking to the LEFT, and they consider it a “military grade” weapon. But other weapons with similar performance, looking nothing like an AR-15, were never included in their title “assault rifle.” The most popular weapon, essentially replacing bolt action and lever action rifles are popular because they are easy to handle. Women have used them for defending themselves and their homes, yet the LEFT wants to take away their defensive weapons.

    Missing the point: We non-indoctrinated people realize that all the anti-gun laws in the world only hurt legal gun owners who would never think of going on a shooting rampage. Yet they refuse to address the horrendous gun crimes in places like Chicago and New York.

    Polar Opposite: Resigning because someone was offended by truth is getting to be all to common.

  2. I'm a little confused, Glenn. Is it your view that the government, local, state, or federal, has no responsibility to its constituents? The electric companies have no obligation to provide electricity? No services provided are required to provide services? That's what the mayor claimed. Are you agreeing with the mayor? I'm just asking for clarification.

  3. I think the governments only owe to their constituents what their Constitutions state, or whatever they are taxed for. The power providers owe what their clients are paying for.

    LOCAL governments can very well set up assistance programs but there is no requirement to do so. If I lose power, it isn't the city or state problem, it is the problem with the power companies, which as a Mayor he has no control over them. His comment about power providers was in error because we PAY to be provided power. But his statement about governments is 100% correct. To demand government bailouts is wrong -- that is not what governments are for, contrary to the beliefs of the socialist LEFT.

  4. Not in Safe Hands

    I guess Biden is sure it will work this time, despite it having absolutely no effect on crime the last time. There's no object that isn't an assault weapon in the hands of anyone looking to assault another.

    It took me some time, but I not long ago found the details that resulted in the 1930's law prohibiting the possession of fully automatic weapons...AKA "machine guns". When one looks at the rhetoric of the time, there's no real difference between the nonsense then and the nonsense now. And unlike the movies depicting the Capone era, "Tommy Guns" were not used with any great frequency at all. But just like today, the rare occurrences were hyped up in order to pass the feel good legislation that made little difference with regard to the crime rate. Of course the left isn't keen on observing and learning from history.

    Looks Bad

    If there's anyone not Chinese responsible for China virus deaths, it ain't Trump.

    Missing the Point

    ...and of course, the fork is the reason I can't lose this gut.

    Polar Opposite

    Some context missing here...and not necessarily from you, Stan, but the article to which you linked. A few examples of the "whining" would've helped. It might have provided a degree of rationalization for the mayor's sentiments. Just the same, he seems to be targeting those who do nothing but expect local government to render aid. I've had to deal with power outages, water issues and the dreaded cable TV interruptions. I But I do make some phone calls just to know what to expect. I hope the mayor wasn't just fed up with those kind of calls.

    Before we moved to our current location 30-some years ago, we experienced bad flooding that filled our basement to the last step before the main floor. We had to get sand bags and seal off doors and ground floor windows, move furniture we could up out of the basement, row in a dingy provided by my father-in-law two or three blocks to the porta-potties (actually quite romantic except for the stench of the sewage) and then get tetanus shots to top it off. We assumed the town would do what it could when it could. I don't think we made a single phone call that night.

    In Other News

    The Cruz story is just leftist appeals to class envy. What could Cruz do that he couldn't do in a warmer climate? Are senators expected to wrap blankets around each and every citizen in such circumstances?

    I can't really think of any lefty politician or pundit who died and got the kind of response from the right-wing as we so often see from the left when a conservative dies or gets really sick. It's stunning, but not unsurprising...sadly.


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