Saturday, February 13, 2021

News Weakly - 2/13/21

As Expected
It's not a big deal and, frankly, not really news. The Left-driven SAG-AFTRA union has banned Donald Trump from ever rejoining SAG-AFTRA. "It is a resounding statement that threatening or inciting harm against fellow members will not be tolerated. An attack against one is an attack against all." Because against the evidence and without any trial or judge or jury the Hollywood elites believe they can hold people as guilty without being proven innocent as all true Americans can. Oh ... wait ... that's not right, is it? In the case of Trump, it's not right, but it's the norm. Condemn first, ask questions later ... maybe. I have been unable to find any reference to anyone ever having been banned from the union at any other time. Maybe the fact that they hate Trump so badly that they can set this sort of precedent would be news? Nah, not really.

The Biden administration is indicating that the U.S. is going to rejoin the UN Human Rights council. That's a no-brainer. No, not "Well, of course!" A "no-brainer" as in "You wouldn't consider it if you used your brain." The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights is irrational in places ... at best. Basic "universal" human rights include the "right to life" (Article 3) and the right to be recognized as a person (Article 6) while we know that the unborn have no such rights. Article 16 states that "The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State" without definition of "family" or "protection." Article 25 says, "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family ..." That is, if people don't have such a standard of living, their human rights are being violated. (No reference to personal responsibility, etc.) Everybody has the right to "the free development of his personality." (Article 22) (I don't mind telling you I don't think that it is a human right for a child molester or sociopath to have the "free development of his personality.") The UN declares that it is a universal human right to participate in "periodic and genuine elections" and in one fell swoop they ban all non-democratic systems of government. (By the way, the current anti-racism movement has declared that democracy is a tool of white supremacy and needs to be eliminated.) There is a long list of "universal human rights" that are not being met and should not be and the U.S. wants to take part in that. No-brainer.

Coming Soon to a Country Near You?
The Australian state of Victoria has passed legislation "to ensure that all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, feel welcome and valued in Victoria and are able to live authentically and with pride." That's nice. Vague, without a lot of definition or meaning, and, at its edges, really frightening, but nice. (Consider, for instance, the guy that claims his sexual orientation leads him to molest little girls. We don't want him to feel welcome or valued, do we?) The aim is to make conversion therapies -- the methods used to voluntarily or involuntarily change from "homosexual" to heterosexual or to realign gender identity with birth biology -- illegal by any means. The law includes "prayer-based practice," making it illegal in Victoria to pray for people in these conditions. Even if they ask you to. Mull that over for a moment.

A Surprise that Shouldn't Be
You all thought that Planned Parenthood was all about killing the unborn. Well, they're branching out. Surprise! "Planned Parenthood is now one of the largest providers in the United States of cross-sex hormones like testosterone to females seeking medical gender transition." That is, Planned Parenthood has jumped onto the trans activism bandwagon big time with the aim of changing women into men. The primary target is "trans-identifying kids" who, in order to complete this endeavor, would have to keep going back to PP for years unlike the "one-and-done" abortion event. Reports are that 1-2 female teens per day are seeking hormone treatments. No doctors. No licensed mental health professionals. Given the surge of teenage girls (up to 4000%), this should be disturbing to women above all. Given Planned Parenthood's dedication to killing babies, their aim to decrease the female population should not really be a surprise at all.

Without Explanation
The owner of the Dallas Mavericks has, without explanation, dropped the playing of the national anthem at their games. His only response was, "Ask why they don't play the National Anthem every day before you start work." He disagreed with critics of kneeling players and coaches and said he would join those who do. The playing of the national anthem before the game was primarily a product of World War I as a show of national pride and unity. It was a matter of patriotism. So, no explanation needed, Mr. Cuban. If you recognize no patriotism, you would obviously not want it represented before your games. We get it. Just another reason to stop paying any attention to sports these days.

I don't have a television, so I wasn't really paying attention, but I got a haircut this week and a TV was on covering the impeachment hearings. I was stunned to hear the bottom line concern of the prosecutors. They said (two of them) that Trump had "dangerous beliefs that produced dangerous actions." We're prosecuting "dangerous beliefs" now? Who gets to define "dangerous beliefs"? Trump believed, true or false, that there were good reasons to believe that election fraud had occurred. This is now defined as a "dangerous belief" and they are prosecuting him. "If the U.S. doesn't give us what we want, we will burn the system down is not a dangerous belief? Current culture holds that the belief that homosexual behavior is a sin is homophobia. Is that an example of what's next? Chilling.

Seems Reasonable
In a mail-in impeachment vote this week the Senate convicted Trump 8275 to 3. It could happen.


  1. I don't understand the argument that the National Anthem doesn't "represent" them. I'm not sure who it represents, other than Americans, since it doesn't mention any race. All I can remember if it seems to talk of pride in our ability to overcome adversity and proclaim freedom. Who doesn't want to be strong and free?

  2. David,

    There's a verse in, I believe, the third stanza to which activists like to point as if they actually understand what it meant when it was written. It's a cheap justification for their cheap anti-Americanism.

  3. Read an article about it and it seemed they were more offended but the source of the song. Most of the article spoke of the oppressive history of Key, and dedicated part of one paragraph to the verse you mentioned, which is apparently a rarely sung verse anyway. I think the only option available is to overturn the US government, start fresh with a completely minority led government, where whites don't get to vote. That's the only way to make reparations. Of course, that would only prove that it's a humanity problem, not white supremacy. I once saw an article that even in predominantly black countries, skin color matters on how people are treated.


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