Saturday, January 23, 2021

News Weakly - 1/23/2021

The Story Under the Story
The story on the face of it is that Biden has named his science advisor. Fine. Whatever. Behind the story, however, is Biden's claim that "Science will always be at the forefront of my administration." That will be amazing. So he'll seek to stop killing what science terms human beings even if they're in the womb and he'll stop pandering to "gender fluidity" since science says no such thing actually exists in science ... right? Oh ... no? Of course not. It's a lying claim. That's the story under the story.

Guilty and Can't Be Proven Innocent
As expected, we're not done in this country with tearing down people at whim over our favorite hate points. GOP Congresswoman Lauren Boebert was seen conducting "reconnaissance" tours for rioters days before the Capitol riots. Actually, the story says the accuser "could not name the exact date and said he did not know if anyone in the crowd was involved in the attack on the building," but rest assured, she's GOP and pro-gun and she'll go down for this insurrection because they said so. (She claims she was giving her family a tour just before her swearing in. Yeah, right, likely story. What white GOP member has family that would support them? Get real.)

Bungling Unity
Biden's appeal for unity ought to hearten the worst losers. He has big plans to "heal America." Trump withdrew from WHO due to their bowing to pressure from China, but Biden prefers China as well, so we're going back in with WHO. Trump exited the Paris Climate Accord because of the overwhelming burden placed on the U.S. alone, but Biden isn't concerned about overburdening the U.S., so we're going back into the Paris Accord. Trump placed travel bans on places that were known sanctuaries for terrorists, but Joe isn't worried about a few radical bombs as long as it looks like he's pro-Muslim, so he's eliminating the ban on traveling from terrorist countries. (Note: Despite media claims, not all the places banned were Muslim nor were all Muslim countries banned. That is, it wasn't a Muslim travel ban.) Trump worked hard to bring back a strong economy; Biden plans to put an end to that immediately with another $2 trillion deficit piled on last year's fiascos and pushing a $15/hr minimum wage requirement on the federal government. Biden said in his speech, "The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer." Right. Unity. "We don't care about the babies you'd like us to stop killing. We aren't concerned about your 1st, 2nd, or most any other Amendment rights. We don't care about businesses or taxpayers who will bear the brunt of a mandatory, arbitrary wage hike. We don't care abour your concerns at all. We care only about ours. If you didn't vote for us (and that's almost half of America), we just don't care. Be united in that, why don't you?" Unity. You keep using that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

The Lightbulb Goes On
As a side note, I just figured out why the Left hates the Bill of Rights so much. (Note: It's biblical; look it up - Eccl 10:2)

One More Thing
In his sweeping efforts to legislate from the Executive Branch, Biden has brought us one more thing -- a new definition. Okay, not new. The Supreme Court threw it out there last year. Yes, that Supreme Court -- the "conservative" one brought to us by Trump. So while the laws are supposed to be made by the Legislative Branch, approved by the Executive Branch, and confirmed or denied by the Judicial Branch, in this case we have the Judicial Branch making the law, the Executive Branch activating it, and the Legislative Branch sitting on their hands (because, frankly, they're no longer needed, are they?). Biden issued an executive order redefining the word "sex" (which meant "male" or "female" when the law in question was made) in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to mean "gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation." The HRC calls it "the most substantive, wide-ranging executive order concerning sexual orientation and gender identity ever issued by a United States president." The amendment Congress has been debating for years is now law without Congress and you can expect that any objection (such as your stupid 1st Amendment religious rights) will be brushed aside ... in the name of "unity."

As Expected
The headline reads, "Kamala Harris Stays Up Late Working Ahead On Biden’s 25th Amendment Proceedings." Probably doesn't surprise anyone. But Joe might want to take note that the presidential restroom was just replaced with a women's restroom. Just sayin'. Meantime, I wanted to ask the same thing the Bee did. Why was America's most popular president ever inaugurated behind unscalable walls and protected by a large armed force? Strange.

On an unrelated note, apparently theologians have found that going to church via Zoom will only get you access to heaven via Zoom. That does not bode well for some.


  1. The Story Under the Story

    At least he doesn't tweet.

    Guilty and Can't Be Proven Innocent

    She's GOP, so clearly she's guilt of...whatever. Probably tweets, too.

    Bungling Unity

    At least he doesn't tweet.

    The Lightbulb Goes On

    I've seen this verse highlighted before to the same purpose. The left hates it. So it's fun to keep referring to it.

    One More Thing

    So long as there's no more tweeting.

    As Expected

    The Bee once again nails it.

  2. Hi Stan,

    I was sure you would report on “Rachel” today! When I first heard of Dr. Levine’s appointment (in 2015) as Pennsylvania’s Physician General, I was struck by the great irony: the person appointed to a high-level health-related position for our entire state was himself suffering from a serious, untreated mental disorder! And our governor was OK with it--didn't even spot it, in fact! Alas, for months now, we residents of PA have received our COVID-19 updates from a man in a dress; now he’s been advanced to the national level by our new "science-loving" president. That’s two transitions by Dr. Levine that I find unbelievable.


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