Saturday, January 16, 2021

News Weakly - 1/16/21

True Colors
I have long complained about the double standard approach of the Left. Inclusivity by exclusivity, tolerance by intolerance, stop the hate by hating, and on and on. So it's sad to see it this clearly on the Right. The FBI is warning of armed invasions in every capitol in the country if Trump is removed by the 25th Amendment or impeachment. Because, as we know, the best defense of democracy is to override all its rules and use force to set up your own government -- democracy by force. And any sense of Trump's "WE are the Party of Law & Order" is right out the window. Just shows that the Left is not the only lunatic in the asylum. Sadly, it appears as if there is no party of law and order in America today.

Hate Crime
The president has been impeached ... again. According to the articles, they impeached Trump for "making repeated false claims about widespread fraud in the US election, inciting his supporters to interrupt a vote on President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory in Congress last week, and pressuring Georgia’s secretary of state to overturn Biden’s win in the Peach State." I will point out again that Trump called for peaceful protest. I will also point to the transcript of the Georgia call in which Trump asked the secretary of state to look at the ballots and not overturn the vote or manufacture votes. He believed there was fraud -- people voting in place of other people -- and he wanted the fraud investigated. It is only a seething hatred of Trump that allows these allegations to go unquestioned and, baby, America has it. A loss of the collective mind to the hate. I hold high hopes for the future of America. (That last was sarcasm if you missed it.)

Oh, the tragedy of it all!
Some horrendous criminal "harmed" a manatee in Florida by writing "Trump" on it. The story says, "'It's heartbreaking that this manatee was subjected to this vile, criminal act,' said Jaclyn Lopez, the Florida director at the center in a statement. 'It's clear that whoever harmed this defenseless, gentle giant is capable of doing grave violence and needs to be apprehended immediately.'" Of course, the very next paragraph points out, "The manatee does not appear to be seriously injured, officials said. It appears that the word was written in algae that had grown on the animal's back, not scratched into its skin." So wiping off some algae is "vile", "harmful," and an indicator of "grave violence." Arrest the buffoon, by all means, but let's avoid incendiary rhetoric, okay?

Of all the "controversial" things Kamala Harris might be accused of, this seems absolutely ludicrous. She is pictured on the cover of Vogue for February "in a more casual black Donald Deal jacket, wearing matching Converse Chuck Taylors, pearls around her neck, and standing against a pink and green backdrop." I know! How could she?? Wait ... what? Apparently the lighting was less than blackening. The image "was deliberately washed out to lighten her skin." "Disrespectful," is the accusation, although what or who, exactly, is being disrespected I'm not clear. We are a lunatic society when this is the stuff that upsets us.

No News Would Be Good
A stunning no-brainer headline tells us "President Trump’s job approval rating plummets after mob attack at the Capitol." Given we are a nation that assumes guilt before innocence and try our enemies via public media -- instantaneously -- this is a silly story. Now, something like, "The nation calmly mulls the facts and waits for reason to prevail" would be news. Or even, "Science discovers unicorns." Equally fantastic.

In case the $3 trillion instant deficit boost (on top of its existing $23.5 trillion from March, 2020) from last Spring and the additional $1 trillion boost just recently wasn't enough, President-elect Joe Biden is offering an additional $2 trillion "economic relief plan" that will include, among other things, another $1400 check in your account. Because, as everyone knows, it's the government's job to pay your bills and you couldn't have possibly lost more than, what, $3200 during this crisis, so, there ya go. (I think it's hilarious that it was Trump who asked for the additional $1400 just last month, but Biden is calling it a good idea and taking the credit.) All fixed. (Seriously, how does bankrupting the country for the longterm foreseeable future constitute "economic relief"?) (As a sidenote, do you know how the nation tolerated crises like these before big government ruled in America? It was the churches.)

I, For One, Embrace Our New Overlords
Genesius Times is reporting that Biden has finished reading the classic governing manual, 1984, and plans to put it to use during his administration. He has already tapped Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) and Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO) to head up the Ministry of Truth Deparment. Better fasten your seatbelts. (I suppose you would have had to know about 1984 to get this.)

And From the Bee
It's obviously a flashback, but I wanted to remind Christians. The headline reads, "God Unsure How He's Going To Accomplish His Eternal Purposes If Republicans Lose Congress." Of course, they have. So ... who are you gonna rely on?


  1. True Colors

    Would that be the same FBI which has been working in a somewhat biased manner against Trump? Why would I buy such a report? I've no doubt "extremists" exist on the right as well as so obviously on the left. Pretty darned rare, so far, despite extremist behavior constantly said to be right-wing...until facts prove otherwise. The GOP is still the party of law and order, and as we've always seen since the Tea Partiers of recent times, clearly non-violent party supporters. And that includes Trump supporters as well. They don't lose the tag because of few morons.

    Hate Crime

    Tensions certainly have ramped up these days, hasn't it? Do you regard any of it as justified, or at least understandable? Not moral. Not Christian. Justified and/or understandable? I certainly do. The riots throughout the summer were not justified at all. A thug dying while in police custody is not justification for hate and rioting. For those indoctrinated strongly enough to believe the lie of racist police brutality, there's tiny degree of understanding for the rioting...if anyone truly believes such a thing.

    Still not sure who is behind the Capitol situation. Hearing conflicting stuff. But given all the nonsense thrown at Trump supporters and the GOP for so long, at some point it is understandable that some will snap. I'd prefer people to maintain composure, but false charges and allegations naturally provokes a rise in emotion.

    Oh, the tragedy of it all!

    Far less reason for arrest if wiping off algae was the extent of the war crime of writing Trump's name. Oh...wait...I forgot. Anything pro-Trump is now criminal behavior.


    I'm going to have to post that link to FB where I can mock it openly and laugh at the insane stupidity.

    No News Would Be Good

    This is especially disturbing. It is the same as voting against Trump because he tweets. Four years of positive accomplishments is all which should be the basis of his job approval rating. Even if people actually stormed the castle because of his speech, how does that have anything to do with his accomplishments as president? His words didn't provide the impetus. The character of the rioters did.


    There is sufficient evidence lock downs are worthless in combating the spread of Covid. End them and no stimulus is required because everyone would be working again. Even those who lost their businesses for good would find something else in time, as would those who worked for them. (As a side note, we've never had a crisis like this, where the government shut down the nation for no good reason. Just sayin'.)

    I, For One, Embrace Our New Overlords

    Are things more like 1984 or Animal Farm? Between the two, Orwell really nailed it, didn't he?

    And From the Bee

    I know of no Christian who relies upon any political party to accomplish God's Eternal Purposes. Typically, they only rely upon their favored party to do America's business.

  2. "I know of no Christian who relies upon any political party to accomplish God's Eternal Purposes. Typically, they only rely upon their favored party to do America's business."

    Two observations. 1st, you aren't talking to the same ones I am. There is an entire segment that believed God promised that Trump would be president for another 4 years and are actually having a crisis of faith. Others are sure that God can only use their side and the other side is of the devil and we're all in deep, deep trouble. 2nd, I'm not entirely sure there is a difference between "God's Eternal Purposes" and "America's business." When I read that God works all things after the counsel of His will, I'd assume that includes "America's business."


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?