Monday, January 11, 2021

Cool Guys


The meme says,

Guess that makes me cool?
(Hey, it is an explosion of color.)

(Taken last year in Sierra Vista, AZ, while hiking in the Ramsey Canyon Preserve.)


  1. So THAT'S Stan! It's like one of Dan's "On Walden Pond" shots. I was gonna post one myself and still may, but mine'll look pretentious, like Dan's.

    Nice to finally see the face behind the blog! Greetings!

  2. Well,I always thought you were cool. This just confirms it.

  3. As an admirer of autumn's explosive foliage (and of cool guys, too, naturally ;) I found this post of yours to be quite clever. It's also cool that you have posted a photo or yourself that is not 50+ years old! Now, do you have one of yourself eating quiche? ("real men eat quiche")


  4. Hi Stan! I remember you! Excellent picture of you. :)

  5. There was a rumor that Shakespeare had to be a dozen people, because nobody could be that prolific with his writing.

    Just sayin'.

  6. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is your random "fact" for the day. What, Anon? A, what does that have to do with this. B, there are plenty of authors just as prolific today, so that just sounds like utter nonsense.

  7. I concur with the randomness, but I felt like Anon was complimenting me for being a prolific writer. Don't steal my moment of fun, David. :)

  8. Just having some fun over how Stan is able to come up with a topic 365 days of the year. ;-}

  9. You tell him Stan! meaning David. As for you Anon, that is exactly what I thought you meant :) cause I totally agree. How does he do it!

  10. My bad. There's another Anon that likes to drop in from time to time and spout something random with no connection to the post.

    I agree, it is crazy how much Stan writes. I hope he never stops, even when he thinks he's getting repetitive.

  11. I’m always amazed when people act shocked when we interact with people who are gay/trans/etc and do so in a “normal” manner. The bizarre assumption that belief that certain behaviors are sinful means that we are incapable of interacting without being hated simply isn’t grounded in reality.

  12. Is it because they can't interact with kindness and civility with people with whom they disagree?


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