Thursday, December 03, 2020

Who Ya Gonna Call?

No, not Ghostbusters. We're in crisis. Maybe it's Covid or maybe it's cancer. Maybe it's job problems or health problems or money problems or ... the list goes on and on. It's not merely a 2020 pandemic thing; it's forever and always. Difficulties arise and we have to deal with them. Who do you call? Maybe it's big like deadly illness or maybe it's small like "I'm not satisfied with my circumstances," but we all have a range of problems to deal with. Who do you call?

I don't need the answer. You do. Where you go for your rescue, for your comfort, for your satisfaction, for your joy is a clear indication of who you trust. Of course, it's not likely that all of those are the same places, so it is likely that you trust multiple sources for multiple things. Maybe it's your spouse or your friends for emotional support and your job for financial support and your local pub for your entertainment and ... well, you get the idea. Lots of sources for lots of things. Maybe even you. You know, "I rely on my own initiative and good looks" or whatever.

Here's the thing. Human beings are idol factories. We crank them out right and left. We're very industrious idolaters. Starting with ourselves as #1 idol, we can find them or make them just about anywhere for any reason. I think the easiest way to find yours is to ask, "Who ya gonna call?" Where do you look for your support and comfort, your joy, your pleasure? Because God demands that He be that first place item, and if He's not, you've got yourself an idol. And not in a good way.


  1. Interesting question. The obvious answer is Jesus, and occasionally He's who I think of first. For years it was probably my parents, because they were both great at giving me wise council, and at pointing me back to Jesus.

  2. I would think that "Someone who will point me back to Jesus" would be a great choice.

  3. I would agree. I would also suggest that calling those in our lives who will respond in Godly wisdom is a good idea.

  4. Truth be told, I believe that asking for input from godly people is wise, but I do with the express idea that God can use godly people to give me wise input and, therefore, I'm still counting on God, not making people my idols.

  5. Completely agree. God does use some people to speak to us in some situations. I know I appreciate it when it works that way.


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