Monday, December 28, 2020

Life's a Buffet

We seem to live in a buffet world in our society. You know how buffets work, right? "I like this. I don't like that. I'll take some of this and will completely ignore that." And in terms of food that can be fine. What about everything else?

You see the same thing in radical feminism these days. "We demand equality with men!!" Well, okay, that seems fair. So, we won't be opening the door for you anymore, right? "Um, well, sure! That's right!" And you'll be paying for our dates as often as we did, right? "Um, well, I guess so. I don't know." And when the ship is sinking you'll stay behind, right? No more of that "women and children first" stuff? "Oh, no. I don't think so. I think we'll keep that 'inequality'." And when it comes to checking that noise in the night, you'll do it? "No way. That's your job." Buffet feminism.

It's not just feminism, though. Take the LGBT stuff. "We demand that everyone be embraced for how they identify themselves!" Well, okay, let's give that a whirl. So if a biological male identifies as a female, you're all in. "Yes!" And if that same "female" later decides he was mistaken and wants to change back, you're still good with that? "Oh, no, that won't do." And if a white woman identifies as a black woman, you're going along with it? "Nope! That's stupid." And you think everyone should marry whoever they love? "Sure thing!" Even if it's two or three people? "Well, no." Or their pillow? "Absolutely not!" Buffet LGBT stuff.

It comes out everywhere, doesn't it? Racism is bad, but hatred for whites is good. Sexism is bad, but sexism against males is good. Inclusivity is good, and we'll exclude anyone that doesn't agree. The worst place, though, is in Christianity. "We are followers of the Word of God!" Oh, really? So what if it says that we're supposed to confront fellow believers with their sin? "Oh, well, no, that's probably not the right thing." What if it says that wives are supposed to submit to their husbands? "That's right out." What if it says that women aren't supposed to lead men in church? "What kind of a crazy are you?" Buffet Christianity. Take the stuff we like; ignore the stuff we don't. It's not a good look on anyone.

1 comment:

  1. I heard a good one yesterday I think qualifies. Portland cops had a woman in custody and as they were frisking her, an onlooker asked, "Don't you need a woman cop present when frisking a woman?" One of the cops replied, "How do you know he doesn't identify as a woman?" The onlookers weren't amused. I certainly was when I saw the story!


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