Friday, December 18, 2020

Just Another Christmas

We're used to Christmas. We have our traditions, our "norm," our expectations. Recently my wife tried to find one of those online music providers that would have a "Christian Christmas" option. You know, just Christian Christmas songs. She found one that advertized itself as such, but what it had was a blend of songs done by Christian musicians. So we have a Christian singer singing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, that warm and cheery song that prays, "Someday soon we all will be together If the fates allow." "If the fates allow"?? What do "the fates" have to do with Christ and Christmas? You have Christian group playing Jingle Bell Rock because nothing says, "Christ has come" like Jingle Bell Rock. And so it goes. We have our traditions. We have our expectations. We have "Christmas as usual" including snow and bells and Santa Claus, none of which have any connection in the least to Christ.

I don't want just another Christmas. I don't want another "Christmas like always" that generally masks Christmas. I admit that Christmas can be a season of joy and kindness and all that, and I certainly don't want less than that. I want a different Christmas; something more.

I want a Christmas that commemorates "God become Man" -- Emmanuel -- God with us. I want a Christmas that exalts a Savior "who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men." (Php 2:6-7) Your shiny tree and flashing lights and blow-up Santa are all cool and all that, but they don't hold a candle (pun intended) to the coming of the God-man, Jesus, sent here to live a perfect life, die for sins He never committed, and rise again to save us. Those twinkling penguins on the front lawn are cute and all (Seriously, what do they have to do with Christmas at all?), but I want a Christmas that takes me to my knees to worship the Servant King, the Messiah, Emmanuel. I want a Christmas that is not about me and all about Him.

I know. Too much to expect. You can't get away from the decorations and the gatherings and the gift exchanges. Well, okay, some of those Christmas cookies would be okay, but ... no! I need to be strong. More of Jesus; less of me. Not just another Christmas. I want to celebrate anew the birth of the King of kings. I want to return again to that first love.


  1. Then that's the Christmas your house should project and celebrate. The world won't do it for you.

    Personally, I've never had much problem remembering the Reason for the season while enjoying reindeer, elves and colored lights at the same time. I cherish Christmas hymns but also enjoy "Blue Christmas". I can't do without celebrating His birth, but would miss the fat guy in the red suit despite having no trouble choosing the former over the latter if forced to choose between them. Clearly one matters and the other doesn't.

  2. If you’re on Spotify, it’s pretty easy to put together your own playlist, to accomplish your goal.


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