Saturday, November 07, 2020

News Weakly - 11/7/2020

Kelly Kean Sharp had been an assistant professor at Furman University in South Carolina. Last week she resigned when it was learned that she was not Chicana -- an American woman of Mexican descent -- as she had claimed. Cancel Culture strikes again. If you can identify as a girl when you were born a guy, why can't you identify as a Chicana just because you aren't of Mexican descent. Where's the justice? In a world driven by intersectionality and relative truth, who gets to define what you can and cannot identify as? Apparently the current ruling class -- the oppressed.

It's Getting Better
Five states legalized recreational marijuana this week, but Oregon went farther. Having previously legalized marijuana, they decided to go to the next logical step and legalized possession of drugs like cocaine, heroin, and meth. Oh, and the use of psychedelic mushrooms as therapy. Woo hoo! Now you know where to go to get high. Probably better not drive.

Triggered Again
Words mean something ... until they don't. Rhode Island voted to strip off the official state name, "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations," not because it was too long or cumbersome, but because the word "plantation" has a loose connection with 18th century slavery in the South. It is about racial injustice. Now, the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations banned slavery of both blacks and whites in the 1600's, but that doesn't matter. And very, very few outside of the state even knew the full name, but that doesn't matter. And the word referenced large farms established in the New World as a colonial base, not a slave camp, but that doesn't matter. They had the "P" word in their name, so they had to remedy their racist injustice ... which apparently wasn't there ... because someone was triggered by the word.

Kill 'em all
While Louisiana voters approved an amendment to the state constitution that declared that there is no right to an abortion in their state, Colorado voters went the other way. "Oh, you think that just because they're viable at 22 weeks they ought to be protected? Oh, no! We will give no protection to unborn babies whatsoever. We're a liberal people." By which they do not mean "generous" or "caring."

Gender Reveal
National Geographic is excited about a find in Peru that demonstrated that there were female hunters 9,000 years ago. They weren't just gatherers. I thought it was ironic that they determined her gender by examining her bones. I would have thought that the hunting gear found with her body would have clearly demonstrated that she identified as a male. But, fine, we'll go with science instead.

Election Madness
Too much election news, so I'll just keep it short. Nevada declared same-sex mirage a contitutionally protected fiction. Arizona -- the state previously known for Goldwater conservatism -- voted for Biden (the 2nd Democratic president ever), legalized marijuana for fun and profit (but not schools), raised taxes, and elected its 2nd Democratic senator, all the kinds of things that Blue State Democrats are leaving blue states to escape and, oh, look, they bring it with them. Americans elected a guy who decided he was a girl and a girl who can't figure out what she is. ("All she has to do is look.") Kind of makes "the first openly gay Afro-Latino person to serve in Congress" almost sound tame. This should dispel once and for all any notion that America is a Christian nation. It was a command to Judah in captivity, but probably a good one for us, too, considering. "Seek the welfare of the [city/state/nation] where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare." (Jer 29:7)

Laugh or Cry
Just to stoke the fires, the Babylon Bee ran a story about how Wisconsin boasted about their 3000% voter turnout. Not to be outdone, Genesius Times ran a piece on Fox News calling Arizona for Biden in 2024. Elections are always ripe for humor ... if you can stomach it.

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