Saturday, November 28, 2020

News Weakly - 11/28/20

It's Not a Conspiracy
For months some have been saying, "You watch. If Biden gets elected, the Covid vaccine will be ready almost immediately." Well, of course, we normal folks all said, "Are you paying attention? Fauci says April of 2021 maybe." Of course, NPR is reporting that Americans could see a vaccine by mid-December. It's not a conspiracy! It's not a conspiracy! Let's keep telling ourselves that.

Another Trump Death
The politicians and the media assured us that the 200,000+ deaths in the U.S. from Covid were all Trump's fault. Now we have another. A 55-year-old man was pulled from the water in Western Australia after being attacked by a shark. He died from his injuries. Australia has seen the highest fatalities from shark attacks since 1929. Clearly Trump's fault.

No Change
In September, 2019, our national debt was almost $23 trillion. In September, 2020, it was almost $27 trillion. What happened? Well, of course, Covid. Or, more precisely, our national debt increased by $1 trillion from normal debt growth and $3 trillion from Covid relief. Now, Trump hasn't let Congress pull out another $3 trillion for a second investment (although he would have allowed $2 trillion), but the good news is that Biden will back Pelosi on the next multi-trillion-dollar coronavirus relief bill. There was outcry over excessive government debt, so the plan is to double down on it. So, no, expect no change ... in your pockets or your coin jar. It will all be gone because we know where the government will get it from. And, look, with nothing left in your pockets, why not just switch over to socialism? That ought to work better anyway, right?

What Could Go Wrong?
So Seattle has seen the light. They raised the city's minimum wage for the lowest paid workers to $15/hr and cut safety of their citizens by cutting police funding by 18%. What could go wrong? (Considered the higher cost and lower police presence, I would recommend avoiding Seattle for some time ... you know, just to be safe.)

Proof of Climate Change
Take that you anti-climate-change naysayers. Australia is bracing for a major heat wave in November, perhaps getting to 104°F. Proof of climate change. Of course, Australia is in the southern hemisphere which means Australia is beginning their summer, but, still, climates change, see?

Mostly Peaceful
All around the country protesters vandalized or destroyed statues and damaged and vandalized buildings in the name of the Native American LANDBACK campaign to ask peacefully for their land back. Because clearly the best way to get what you want is by being "mostly peaceful" -- or not.

Finally ...
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

In an effort to supplant God for the next Thanksgiving, Democrats are hoping to bring you Medicare for all, more masks, more national debt (~ $2 trillion) for climate change, more gun control, and more immigration. So in the next few years we can gather at Thanksgiving to thank the Democrats for our new utopian overlords.

In the meantime, Democrats warn against excessive thankfulness, concerned that it could lead to conservatism. And Oregon's governor emptied the prisons of now-legal drug offenders in order to make room for Thanksgiving gathering violators. Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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