Saturday, November 21, 2020

News Weakly - 11/21/20

Like We Didn't Know?
The race was called already, but the results are still coming in. Georgia's Secretary of State is certifying Joe Biden as winner. In the category of "bad loser," Trump continues to lock out Biden from getting any necessary information to move forward. Did you expect anything better from him? And in the "bad winner" category, the media keeps touting this feat. In 2012 Barack Obama got 65,915,795 votes in his successful bid for president. Joe Biden broke that record with more than 70 million. What no one is reporting is that President Trump also broke that record with more than 70 million votes. The last time I checked, it was 79 million to 74 million. But, hey, your guy won, so go ahead and beat this horse to death. It is a record, but it is not a landslide like the media is trying to make it.

Because ... Science
Once again there is a run on toilet paper as COVID numbers rise again. Because, as we all know, the best masks are the ones made out of TP. No, that can't be it. Because TP makes you immune? Nope, that isn't it, either. Because ... Science! Nope, not that, either. Because people are sheep and will pursue whatever the others do with or without reason or evidence. Science remains a puny god. The scientists and the media keep saying, "Facts, not Fear" while they continue to provide us with terrifying claims and terrifying consequences. Their mantra is a false dichotomy and they're really good at being terrorists without admitting it.

Sure, It's Hopeless, But I Feel A Lot Better
The latest model says it's too late. We're past the tipping point. We cannot recover from global climate change anymore without simply removing humans entirely. (Okay, I added that last part.) And, still, Canada plans to be "net-zero emissions" by 2050. Of course, "net-zero" is not zero and simply shifts the cause to another source to make people feel better.

Make Me Laugh
I was just wondering. Is that run on toilet paper because of a fear of COVID or a fear of the next administration? I can't tell.

In the meantime, Democrats are pushing to keep nonessential things like schools closed so that the kids will be dumb enough to swallow socialism.

And was it just me, or did that CDC scientist that announced that we must cancel Thanksgiving look suspiciously like a turkey in a lab coat?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Like We Didn't Know?

    A problem with your "bad loser" angle. A "bad loser" (AKA "sore" loser) is one who does not accept legitimate defeat...who complains the contest was unfair. But this election is rife with reasons to believe it was NOT legitimate, and thus for Trump to deny he lost is based upon those reasons. If he is correct, then he isn't merely not a "bad" loser, he's not the loser at all and to withhold aid to the illegitimate winner is his duty and obligation. Should you expect anything less from him given the reality?

    Because ... Science

    Toilet paper as's just that valuable!

  2. This election was "rife" with reasons? You mean all the reasons the courts can't find any evidence of? Even if, by some miracle, they're able to flip 2 states, Trump lost. And yes, he's being a sore loser, and we shouldn't expect anything else from our man-child of a President.

  3. The courts don't look for evidence David. They simply rule as to whether the evidence is sufficient to rule one way or another. That they don't doesn't mean they ruled in good faith. (BTW, all the evidence has not been revealed yet as not every case has had its time in court.)

    I've come to believe you and Stan are rank TDS sufferers who have no real reason for opposing his reelection. You'll ignore the many problems obvious to so many regarding the integrity of this election, just so as to rid yourselves of the guy who doesn't measure up to your standards, ignoring your own preaching about things working according to God's plan (I would hate to think I shouldn't have expected anything else). His record as president clearly makes him worthy of reelection, but because he talks funny, you guys do your sanctimony thing. It's shameful and the nation will suffer as a result.

  4. What do you suppose the corollary to TDS is? Apparently it's "If you don't love Trump as I do, you can only be a Trump hater." I just came across this verse - James 4:11.

  5. TDS. You keep using that word to describe me, but everything I can find says you have TDS. It is standing behind Trump, not against, do far as I can see.

  6. Stan,

    I see no relevance this situation by citing James 4:11. Also, I don't "love" Trump, but only support his presidency due to the bulk of his work being so good for the nation and its people. At the same time, to ignore his many good works as president over the insignificant does suggest some level of hatred.


    Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term for criticism or negative reactions to United States President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration. (Wiki)

    The above Wiki definition is adequate if not accurate in describing the disdain for those who don't care how much good Trump's done as president and worse, won't even acknowledge any of it, and prefer to regard him as the worst thing since venereal disease.

    I do indeed stand with Trump despite his character flaws, because he's done a great, if not perfect, job as president, and as such is more than a little deserving of a second term.

  7. Yes, dropping references without explanation is probably not the best thing to do. Here:
    "Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge." Since you continue to make a practice of speaking against your fellow believers in this, I thought it might benefit from the verse. I intended no reference to Trump.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?