Saturday, November 14, 2020

News Weakly - 11/14/2020

God is Wrong
Hebrews 12:5-11 talks about God as a loving Father who chastises His children, so we should, too. If God lived in Scotland, He could be in trouble with the law. They just outlawed corporal punishment in order "to protect the most vulnerable members of society." Oddly, abortion has been legal in Scotland since 1967, so apparently "the most vulnerable members of society" do not rate protection, and God is not to be trusted in Scotland.

President for All
By now, of course, it's old news, but Biden is now our de facto president elect. In his victory speech, he vowed, "I will work as hard for those who didn’t vote for me, as those who did." You understand, of course, that he does not mean the millions of unborn children who will die under his watch. And, of course, neither does he mean the people who agreed with or benefited from Trump's policies that Biden will eliminate on Day 1 via executive mandate -- because "Emporer" works much more efficiently than "President." He said, "The people of this nation have spoken. They delivered us a clear victory — a convincing victory, a victory for the people." So clear that they're still recounting because the margins are so thin. This is not a mandate from the people; it's a whisper. Nor is it a victory for the people, regardless of what this career politician promises. But, oh, that's what we expect from politicians, isn't it? "Are his lips moving? He's lying."

The Blind Leading the Blind
Since at least April the CDC has assured us that masks help protect us from COVID. Mind you, they don't help protect you from getting infected. The message has been, "My mask protects you, and your mask protects me." Now the blind god, Science, has changed his tune. Now they say a mask can give you up to 70% protection from getting infected. Because Science always knows what's best. Puny god.

Something Fishy
It's just odd. For months people have joked, "You know, this whole COVID thing will be over the day after the election." Yeah, yeah. So Biden ran on "Trump has killed 200,000 Americans and I will fix it" followed by this story a mere week after the election: Pfizer says they have a vaccine. And the eternal optimist, Dr. Fauci, now assures us that "The cavalry is coming" and we should have the vaccine widely available by April. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it seems strange how things "get better" as soon as the Democrats get what they want.

I am not a conspiracy theory guy. I am not yelling, "Fraud!" "But, there is a video out there where a guy fills out 11 ballots for Biden!" Oh? Really?? Fine. Those won't make a difference. Leave it alone. But I do think that in states like Arizona (Biden: 49.4%; Trump 49.1%) and Pennsylvania (Biden: 49.9%; Trump: 49.0%) and Georgia (Biden: 49.5%; Trump 49.2%) where differences are less than 1% should probably recount their ballots just to be sure of an accurate count. (Georgia is doing so.) You know what? North Carolina (Trump: 50.0%; Biden: 48.7%) might want to do the same, just to show due diligence. Just my opinion. Still, with margins like these, this cannot be viewed as a "mandate."

Dazed and Confused
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has shaken up the news cycle by having "political views" Well, okay, not for having them; for expressing them. He opposed sweeping COVID restrictions and the court's decision to legalize same-sex mirage among other things. Critics complain about his "extreme right bias" because, as we all know, the correct bias is extreme left. And, as we all know, you cannot have a view that, say, same-sex mirage is wrong without it being a "political view." One commentator wrote, "Alito's speech is actually making the best argument for Court reform. There's just no good justification for a system that gives an angry partisan like this a veto on legislation." (Read "People with these views should not be allowed on the court ... or, possibly, anywhere.") Of course, hard-left justices are justified in vetoing legislation based on their beliefs. Just to be clear, no one is without bias. You're confused if you think otherwise.

The Babylon Bee Gets Too Close
After hearing (I kid you not) a Christian associate suggest that a coup might be necessary come January, it appears that the Babylon Bee is trying to get in the way. First they offered, "Uh-Oh: Trump Seen Reading 'Military Coups For Dummies'." On the same day, there was the headline, "New Bible Features Removable Romans 13 For When You Don't Like The President." Ouch! Ok, now back off, Babylon Bee; a little too intrusive. Or not. What next, Bee? "I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings [or presidents] and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way"? Oh, wait, someone else already said that (1 Tim 2:1-2).

1 comment:

  1. God is Wrong

    And therein proves the disingenuous nature of the "progressive" "Christian", who speaks of "the least of these", but deigns to dictate who is or isn't among them based on superficial features, such as age, size and location. Corporal punishment has its place. It is the first lesson on consequences a small child can easily understand and from which can quickly learn. So blessed that my girl never deserved anything more than a simple swat on the butt every blue moon. I would've hated that she was more like me as a child.

    President for All

    Like the Scotts...and all on the left save a scant few...Biden will never take the time to deal with the debate over whether or not a human being is a human being from the moment of a human being's conception, entitled to the same right to life as any other. Far easier to pretend we don't know this obvious truth so as to pander those old enough to vote.

    Frankly, Democrats have never been good on the idea of doing what's best for all who haven't self-identified as a group which can be marketed as worthy of their attention. Self-identifying as a United States citizen ain't good enough.

    The Blind Leading the Blind

    What will the CDC or Fauci say tomorrow? Whatever it is, it will be different than what they said today...which was different than what they said yesterday. Good thing neither is a governing authority.

    Something Fishy

    The fishiest part was the timing of the announcement that the vaccine was ready. I just can't believe they didn't have verification of the vaccine's efficacy before election day.


    Fraud, either election or voter, is not a theory. It's a reality. It's almost an American tradition. The Democrat reputation for voter fraud is legendary. Even Republicans do it now and then, though Dems made it an art form. It's what they do.

    Dazed and Confused

    I continue to have comments deleted because they cite info from a biased source alone, with no mind paid to the info itself and whether or not its true. The usual suspect does it like its a hobby. "From a center-right source? DELETE !

    Bias doesn't matter. Truth and facts do. Provide them and I'll be convinced of what you say. Delete them and you prove truth and facts are just punchlines to the joke suggesting you're honest.

    The Babylon Bee Gets Too Close

    I have a problem with how Romans 13 is used to calm down those hacked at political leaders. It says, "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong." Right and wrong by who's standards? This verse seems to assume a standard that indicates a ruler who at least tries to abide Paul's (and thus God's) notion of right and wrong. Two notes in my study Bible are conflicting. Referring to verse one, it says, "Even the possibility of a persecuting state did not shake Paul's conviction that civil government is ordained by God." That may be so, but ordained by God and worthy of obedience regardless of how despotic are two different things. With regard to verse three it says, "When civil rulers overstep their proper function, the Christian is to obey God rather than man." A state which has ignored its constitution to count ballots that do not meet the constitutional rule regarding what is a valid ballot is an example of overstepping their proper function. OUR government, more than that in Paul's time, is supposed to serve us and when it doesn't it is proposed by Jefferson that removing them from power, even in the middle of their administration, is the duty of the people. Rather a conundrum any way you look at it.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?