Friday, October 16, 2020


That's a fun word, isn't it? No? Okay, fine. So, what is it? Well, you take "totalitarianism" and "tolerance" and mush them together and get "totalitolerance." And what is that? It is the absolute demand that "Thou shalt be tolerant ... or else." Now, I'm not sure if you're paying attention, but that demand in itself is intolerant. Further, "tolerant" isn't an act so much as a thought process, so the command for tolerance is a thought command. And we are so close to a totalitolerant society.

Take the current gender climate. In 2018 a Virginia teacher says he was fired for refusing to use male pronouns for a biological girl that identified as a guy. In 2015 New York City decided that you can be fined up to $250,000 for refusing to use the pronoun of choice on the basis of gender identity or expression. Not to be outdone, in 2017 the governor of California outlawed it for the state. The only difference is that in California it is aimed at "hospitals, retirement homes, and assisted living facilities" and it could result in a fine of up to $1000 or a year in jail. These stories speak not of a passionate, "Can't we all just get along?" plea, but a thought control government.

How about the multiple stories of "haters" who have sought to appropriate their First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion and run afoul of the law? We have all heard of the Colorado baker who asked the same-sex couple to use another baker for their wedding cake. House Democrats stood against him before the Supreme Court. Kim Davis is the fairly well-known name of the woman who refused to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples in Kentucky and was sued. The ACLU got her jailed and fined. We all know about Arlene's Flowers that was forced out of business because the owner opted not to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding. We are all aware of a flood of these cases. These stories speak not of a passionate, "Can't we all just get along?" plea, but a thought control government.

Then there was the Obergefell ruling. In 2015 the Supreme Court manufactured, out of thin air, a new right for some Americans -- to marry someone of the same sex. It wasn't found in the Constitution or its Amendments. It did collide with the First Amendment right of religious liberty. But by judicial fiat SCOTUS ordered a new law of the land, and the principle of precedent demands that, right or wrong, those with their newly invented sexual liberty must be allowed to keep it and those who thought they had religious liberty can't. That's not tolerance. That's totalitolerance. If you're thinking wrong -- like "I am protected by the First Amendment" or "I believe what the Bible says" -- you're in for a rude and perhaps costly awakening.

Just a few examples of totalitolerance in America in our time. "Alarmist!" I can hear it. "You're just exaggerating!" I'm sure some think so. But we are currently in a climate that embraces both "tolerance" and the antilogical, "You have no place here if you don't agree" intolerance. Totalitolerance is a thing. Where our culture cries out for "tolerance" while denying the definition -- the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with -- it is not tolerance they cry for; it is totalitolerance. Our culture will tolerate anything except for those who believe in absolute moral values. It may or may not be governmental. It is certainly cultural right now. (Think "cancel culture.") It is aiming at thought control, and it is not tolerant.


  1. One can't actually believe in Scripture and be a Justice of the SCOTUS. The totalitolerant won't allow it.

    (As an aside, I love the "precedent" argument, as if precedent is binding by law. It is not.)

  2. OOPS!!! I was going to say, the definition of "marriage" was a precedent if ever there was one. Obergefell through that precedent right out the window!


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