Saturday, October 03, 2020

News Weakly - 10/3/29

Filed Under "What could possibly go wrong?"
California has decided that the right thing to do is to "house transgender inmates in prisons based on their gender identity." So the biological female that identifies as a male will be rooming with other males who, I'm sure, will be kind and friendly as we know all prisoners are. And why would we have any concerns about that biological male amongst all the biological females? I mean, what could go wrong, right?

Strange story. Villagers in Romania have re-elected their mayor by a landslide. Not much of a story until they tell us that he died two weeks before from COVID. Good job, guys. Wait! Is that an option? Because in this upcoming election I can think of a lot of dead guys I'd rather vote into office …

A 19-year-old American cyclist, Quinn Simmons, was suspended by his cycling team after responding with a "divisive, incendiary, and detrimental" tweet to a Dutch journalist who wrote, "My dear American friends, I hope this horrible presidency ends for you" followed by "If you follow me and support Trump, you can go. There is zero excuse to follow or vote for the vile, horrible man." Simmons's "divisive, incendiary, and detrimental" response was "Bye." As I understand it, the fact that it included an emoji of a waving hand that was not yellow, but dark, was the offense that terminated his career. Or perhaps it was his response to another who asked if he was a "Trumper." "That's right," he said and included an American flag. We have a totally bizarre version of "divisive, incendiary, and detrimental" sufficient to suspend someone these days. "If someone from this company supports Trump and uses a dark colored waving hand, we will no longer buy their product!!!" Sigh. We can tolerate a lot of things. We can tolerate a guy who believes he's a girl. We can tolerate a "husband and wife" where one of the two isn't actually "husband" or "wife" material (depending on the gender of the couple). We can tolerate rioting and burning in the name of racial equality. But if you support Trump or wave a hand that isn't the right color, you are out!

Seeking to soothe the fires around this Supreme Court Justice replacement thing, the media spilled the story that Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett signed a letter in 2006 that included a call for the end of Roe v. Wade. Suddenly, I like this candidate more. But the story said that the letter came from "the anti-choice group St Joseph County Right to Life." Now, you may think that choice is essential and I don't think anyone would disagree that choice is good, except if you thought that choice should be unrestricted you'd be both mistaken and silly. In human society all sorts of choices are restricted. You aren't supposed to choose to drive the wrong way on a freeway or take certain drugs or kill your next door neighbor. Choice is not unrestricted. On the other hand, the "anti-choice" language folks -- the people that hang that tag on "right to life" folks -- are also preaching anti-choice. Specifically, they are demanding that, currently, about 3,000 children a day not be allowed the option to live. No choice at all. All rights, including "right to life," limit someone else's choices. Clearly the aim here is not to present the truth, but to distort it.

People of Praise
On the heels of that last story, there is this. Some are apparently outraged over Amy Barrett's connections to "an obscure Christian sect" which "opposes abortion and teaches God has willed men to assume authority over their wives and family." Shock of shocks. This group, "People of Praise," believes stuff right out of the Bible -- actually believes it. They're not a church; they're a community. According to their website, they are multi-denominational where they remain "faithful members of our own churches." They are crazy people, seeking to " live our daily lives in our families, workplaces and cities in harmony with God and with all people" and doing crazy things like moving into poor neighborhoods and seeking to "help meet pressing neighborhood needs." They are "grounded in a lifelong promise of love and service to fellow community members" while following their own consciences. These things should not be! As soon as we eliminate Amy as a Justice option, we'll have to see if we can root out this "love everyone" cult and put an end to it. Biblical living? Get real. We will not tolerate that, not here in "tolerant and inclusive" America.

Reality Satire
The Babylon Bee is at it again. It's headlines like these that might make you wonder, "Wait, is this real or is it satire?" The day before the Presidential Debate they offered, "CNN Pre-Debate Poll Shows Biden Clearly Won Debate" because 1) most of the media is so very biased against Trump and 2) most of America isn't waiting for these debates to choose. Tied to the "Amy favors not killing babies" story above, the headline from the Bee reads, "Bombshell Report Reveals Christian Believes Christian Things." (The story was extra fun because it envisioned people getting saved while digging through the Scriptures to find out how Christians are so very, very wrong.)

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Will CA be budgeting for more OB/GYN doctors in their women’s prisons? I’m guessing that a woman with the ability to impregnate other women will be popular.


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