Saturday, October 24, 2020

News Weakly - 10/24/2020

Proper Identification
The Portland Police Bureau will now assign every officer a 3-digit number to be prominently displayed on their helmets during a protest (I understand the mayor's number is 666.) so that protesters can note the number and report anything they don't like. Protesters, on the other hand, will continue to wear masks and remain anonymous in their assaults, vandalism, and rioting in recognition of their constitutional right to privacy. Just to be clear, that is the 37th Amendment. (Just to be clearer, the Constitution only has 27 Amendments.)

Poverty Rising
Researchers report that 8 million Americans have slipped into poverty because of the pandemic. Blacks, Latinos, and children were hardest hit. The CDC, WHO, and Dr. Vauci are promising to make it up to them out of their own pockets. The media will kick in on that, too.

The Right Kind of Woman
Women gathered to march in protest of Amy Barrett's confirmation hearings. Wait ... what? Last time I checked Amy was a woman, right? Ah, yes, but not the right kind of woman, you see. You're not black if you don't vote for Biden, and you're not a woman if you care about unborn children.

Another Opinion
Did Evangelicals that supported Trump (and will again) get a bad deal?

Emperor Newsom
When will California secede from the Union? They only seem to care about being part of it when they can get aid from it. This week Governor Newsom assured Californians that they would not receive any COVID-19 vaccine until California approved it. "A panel of experts will review vaccines approved by the US Food and Drug Administration before they're distributed to Californians," he announced. Thank you, your highness. We bow to your greater wisdom.

COVID-Related Deaths
The coronavirus has exacerbated a succession of locust swarms that have plagued East Africa and the Red Sea region since 2019, annihilating crops and threatening food supplies and the livelihoods of millions. As people starve to death, we add up more COVID-related deaths. (Right?)

Got To Go
When the hearings for the confirmation of Amy Barrett ended, Sen. Dianne Feinstein did the unthinkable, the inexcusable. She hugged Lindsey Graham and said, "This has been one of the best set of hearings that I've participated in." Seriously? That kind of cordial interchange from a Democrat? Well, they just won't stand for it. They want her out. They want her out of her judiciary role. They want her out of her senator role. I guess if they're not assaulting the nearest Republican, they can't be in office. This is America! We'll have no common courtesy here, if you please.

Speaking of "got to go," there is another category. Actor Chris Pratt is in trouble. Why? Well, he belongs to a church that is "anti-LGBT" because they take a biblical view of it. And he doesn't hate Trump. He's openly Christian. "Chris Pratt," Twitter shouted, "has got to go." I find it interesting that people you wouldn't expect, like Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo, neither Christian nor "Christian-sympathizers," have come to his defense. Downey Jr. referred to Pratt as "a real Christian who lives by principle." Mark Ruffalo said, "Look at how he lives his life."

Ex Cathedral
In Roman Catholicism, the pope can make statements ex cathedra meaning that his statement is with the full authority of the office and, therefore, infallible. Or, he might make a statement "ex cathedral". Of course, that's made up, but you get the idea -- a statement completely outside of Christian theology. Like Pope Francis did when he declared, "Homosexuals have a right to be part of the family." If he meant, "You might have family members who are homosexual and you should love them," I'm right there with him. If he meant, "Homosexuals are in the family of Christ," he's making a claim in direct contradiction to Scripture (1 Cor 6:9-10). Of course, in Roman Catholicism, Scripture isn't the authority it used to be, so ...

American Wimpy
Pat Chambers, the Penn State Men's basketball coach, has resigned his position because of "allegations of inappropriate conduct." "What conduct?" you ask. In a conversation with a former player who was leaving Penn State, he used the phrase, "I want to loosen the noose that's around your neck." Never, ever use the terms "noose" and "neck" in a conversation with a black person because it is "inappropriate conduct" worthy of center stage in the "cancel culture." In other news, lawmakers have finished their first draft of the 38th Amendment which guarantees a select group of Americans their right not to have their feelings hurt.

An Open Letter to Californians
Dear Californians,
We don't much care about your needs, your expenses, or your freedom. We will do our best to remove your cheaper Uber and Lyft access so we can protect their drivers even though neither the company nor the drivers want it. Oh, and all the rest, too. Your day workers, your stage hands, all the gig workers from Costco installation workers to tax professionals. And rest assured, if there is any way we can further cripple our economy or upset your lives, we'll hunt it down and incorporate it. You're welcome. --Governor Newsom

I Think the Babylon Bee is Following Me
First, noting my piece above about Chris Pratt, the Babylon Bee posted their own headline: "Hollywood Actor Outed as Conservative After Being a Decent Human Being." Then, in response to my story above about the pope, the Bee posted this headline: "Embarrassed Pope Suddenly Realizes He's Been Reading the Bible Upside Down the Whole Time." Kinda creepy the way they seem to be following me around, isn't it?


  1. Proper ID
    I’m sick of the whole lie of the need to advance “racial justice.” Nothing like making the police more of a target in the town which keeps releasing the rioters the police risk their lives to arrest.

    Fauci has been a fraud from the beginning. Too bad Trump couldn’t see that and still can’t.

    Another opinion
Can’t read the article without paying. But I say, no, we didn’t get a bad deal. I don’t vote for the person, I vote for the platform. If we don’t vote Republican this country will be totally destroyed.

    Emperor Newsom
    He’s a fascist tyrant and I don’t know why there isn’t an insurrection in that state.

    Ex Cathedral
    By sanctioning fake marriage the pope just added more proof against him being a speaker for God. The excuses from the Vatican that he was expressing an opinion which doesn’t have to be obeyed doesn’t fly— if the man’s opinions are against God, then he needs to be gotten rid of; otherwise the claim is moot.

    American Wimpy
    It’s 1984.

    Open letter to Californians
    Really, really reject the tyrant’s Thanksgiving rules.

    It’s really an upside-down world out there!

  2. RE Open Letter

    You left out the fact that the music industry in CA is likely to be decimated by these sorts of laws. I posted a really good piece about this a couple of months ago.

    What’ll be interesting is how long my professional musician cousin, who’s vehemently against this, will stay in CA. He’s a fairly extreme leftist, and supports virtually all the things CA does. Yet, I suspect he’ll head for Austin, Nashville, or MPLS, when it starts to cost him enough $$$.

  3. The other opinion essentially said that Trump hates Christians while behind closed doors, and that Christians supporting him erode the credibility of Christianity. It points out (as I did in an earlier post) that Christians argued that a President should have a moral character during the Bill Clinton era, but now say character doesn't matter. We are being hypocrites by condemning Bill but applauding Donald. And if you're someone that believes Trump is a baby Christian or (or anywhere close to faith in anything besides himself), I have some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona. He will not be getting this Christian's vote despite his platform, because he is bad for Christianity and I wouldn't believe him if he told me he was a human. As for the country, I'm not worried about how "bad it can get". Without an act of God amongst the people, this country is toast no matter who we elect. All you Trumpers out there that keep telling me it's my Christian duty to vote for him because that's how we fight the decline, you're too late. The President is merely an example of how far gone our country is.

  4. Craig, when I wrote that one about the gig workers in California, I was thinking specifically about the music industry as well. I just didn't have a quick job title for that.

    Okay, David, but do you have an opinion? :) (On the side, Glenn said he couldn't read the article. You were able to? Interesting.)

  5. David
    So are you going to vote at all? If you vote Demokrat then you vote for a platform which calls for same-sex fake marriage and the rest of the homosexual agenda (as well as the “transgender agenda), unlimited abortion, sexual immorality in general, promoting atheism, sanctioning theft (redistribution of the wealth) and violation of all personal rights, etc. This means that every Democrat candidate supports this party platform and therefore any vote for them is furthering an ungodly and anti-God ideology (remember when God was mentioned at a Democrat convention and the audience booed?).

    All these things supported, fostered, and promoted by the Democrat party are rebellion against God. Real Christians cannot serve God and the Democrat party at the same time; they are totally divergent ideologies.

    Remember, we aren't voting for a pastor -- we are voting for someone who represents the party platform. I don't give a rats about his past immorality (every hear of forgiveness?) Oh, and by the way, Clinton's immorality was while in office!

    If you think you're better off not voting for Trump and letting Biden be elected, then you need to watch the 1962 movie "The Manchurian Candidate" because that is EXACTLY what Biden is. He will be nothing but a puppet.

  6. Glenn, are those our only choices? 1) Vote for Trump (good), 2) Don't vote for Trump (bad), or 3) Vote Democratic (ultimate evil)? Not much of a choice, is it, when believers cannot follow the conservative mandate ("Vote for Trump") without being classified as evil nor can they vote for Trump without violating their conscience. I'm going with Rom 14:4 myself. (By the way, they told me that same thing last election cycle. "If you don't vote for Trump, you're voting for Hillary." I didn't and, for reasons I can't really figure out, Hillary didn't get elected.)

  7. Stan,

    Yes there are other choices, but they never win. And the independent platforms aren't much better than that of the Demokrat.

    I don't say anyone is evil for not voting Trump, what I do say if a Christian votes Demokrat he is voting for the Demokrat platform which is totally anti-God.

    Also, any vote not for one of the two parties will always help the underdog (at this time it's Biden.)

  8. I cannot fathom a genuine believer that would vote Democratic without being seriously deceived. I'm with you there.

    I just wonder why no one ever tells Democrats, "If you don't vote Democratic, you're voting Republican." And if it is true that we are no longer given a choice to vote our consciences and state our opinion even if it is not "Republican," then I suppose I'd have to change my view and agree with those who say, "My vote doesn't count." I can't vote my conscience, there is no one who represents my values, and I can't not vote. My only option is to do what I'm told regardless of my views. We've arrived at a sorry state in this country.

  9. When I vote for not the two big elites, I don't do it expecting to win. I do it to both be obedient (though I'm not 100% convinced it's a biblical mandate) and vote my conscience. I believe both of the real candidates are equally bad. I believe Biden is bad for the country, I believe Trump is bad for Christianity and the world. During his time in office global tensions have risen.

    As an aside, your intentional misspelling of Democrat serves no purpose but to be offensive and derisive. I don't think it is a good thing for a Christian to be purposefully offensive when not speaking in regards to faith. It shows anger in a heart that should be free of it and it speaks poorly of Christianity. If we can't be any different than the world in our treatment of those we disagree with, what value is there in Christ?

  10. "I just wonder why no one ever tells Democrats, "If you don't vote Democratic, you're voting Republican.""

    I would imagine some Dems say that to other Dems who have suggested they might not vote for the Dem candidate. For Dems, that's absolutely true, just as it is when a conservative tells another conservative that not voting for the Republican is the same as voting for the Democrat. It's relative to who is speaking to whom, and it is a manifestation of the concept that every action has a reaction. The choice not to act...or an action that has consequences.

    "there is no one who represents my values"

    I find it hard to believe that in Trump you can find no values that align with yours. He's pro-life, pro-liberty, pro-rights of conscience, pro-peace, pro-law and order...just to name a few. None of these are values you hold? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that he represents a few characteristics that are opposite your values? If so, I would suggest that such is the case for the vast majority of candidates at any given time. Each of us knows when a given candidate has crossed some undefined line within us. Clearly Trump has crossed that line for you, and he did for me back in the primaries during the run up to the 2016 election. But he's proven to me that line hasn't been crossed while in office...his worst characteristics have NOT manifested and those that have, not to any great significance.

    "I believe Trump is bad for Christianity"

    In what way, David? Be specific. I was able to read the article and found it nonsensical. Those who think he makes hypocrites out of Evangelicals are those who dislike Evangelicals in the first place. The rest of us understand why Evangelicals supported him. The article, like most who run this angle, consistently ignore that consequence that compelled Christians to support him. The last time that consequence was Hillary Clinton. This time it's Joe Biden and a far more leftist and anti-Christian Democratic party. Christianity will survive Trump just fine. Will it survive Christians? That's far more important a consideration, for that's where the real threat lies.

    "During his time in office global tensions have risen."

    How so? I would say that to the extent this is true, it is because previous administrations were submissive to global adversaries to avoid those tensions. Doing what's right will always provoke bad actors. But doing what's right is what we expect (or what some of us expect) out of our elected. There's nothing Christian about doing nothing so as to avoid tensions.

    I would also point out that with regard to some parts of the world, peace is breaking out as a result of Trump's efforts. At what point do you NeverTrumpers set aside Trump's quirks and accept that he actually does far more good than not and as a result is worthy of another term? If conservatism (political OR religious) is important in choosing a president, this one has demonstrated far more of what a Christian wants than otherwise, and more so than any president we've had in quite some time.

    I continue to find it remarkable that talk of "one's conscience" disregards the consequences should he fail to be re-elected.

  11. "I continue to find it remarkable that talk of "one's conscience" disregards the consequences should he fail to be re-elected."

    As I indicated, the prevailing winds among so many Christians these days is "You must change your conscience to align with my concerns for this country." As if your concerns for this country are a biblical value that some of us are failing to embrace. Which is why I go with Romans 14:4 myself and suggest you don't trust in Trump to save America. (I have to say I'm baffled by the doomsday folk who suggest that horrible things will happen to America if Biden is elected. Like they did with any other Democrat who has been elected? Biden is bad, but Harris is worse and Bernie is even worse and Hillary would have been worse, but apparently any one of them are capable of derailing God's plans for the U.S. if we don't vote them out?)

  12. I explained why Trump is bad for Christianity when I talked about "our" position on Bill Clinton. We said then that character matters in the President. Now we say it doesn't, simply because he's "our guy" this time. That is outright hypocrisy and reflects poorly on Christians, Christianity, and Christ.

    And apparently he never did cross any line for you since you still voted for him in 2016. Which leads me to believe you don't care what he says, does, believes, as long as he's a Republican, you'll vote for him. You vote for a party, not what's right. And you have no problem with his apparent hatred of Christianity or religion behind closed doors? The fact that he's using Christians for his own goals, whatever that may be. I don't believe for one second that Trump cares about Christians or even America. I fully believe he only cares about what being President can do for him, and if he has to put on a face to make us think he cares, he has no problem making bold faced lies. He has been making outright lies from day one of his Presidency.

    And as Stan said, I'll rely on God. I in fact believe that God has been an active restraining force on the sinfulness of mankind. Without His work, there is no way we shouldn't already be back to being as bad as mankind before the Flood. The President certainly has some power, but that power is regulated. And potential Presidents will say ANYTHING to get their people to vote for them. That doesn't mean they can or will accomplish what they say. I still haven't seen the "swamp drained". I don't believe Biden will be as bad for this country as people fear he will be, just like Trump wasn't as bad for this country as the Left feared. People seem to give the potential Presidents so much more power than they actually have.

  13. your intentional misspelling of Democrat serves no purpose but to be offensive and derisive

    Everything the LEFT doesn't like is "offensive and divisive." . It isn't misspelled - it is spell to show the ideology of the Demokrat party. I find the entire demokrat party to be offensive and divisive. It is that party which has initiated and supported the riots, it is that party which started the anti-police crusade which has caused the murders of so many law enforcement officers, it is THAT party which is trying to turn this country to socialism, it is THAT party which promotes the murder of children in the womb, it is that party which promotes every sexually immoral activity possible. Talk about offensive and divisive!!! There is nothing about the Demokrat party that isn't offensive and divisive.

    So pardon me if my spelling of that party's name offends you. Christ offended MANY with his teachings so why don't you criticize Him?

  14. Far be it for me to suggest that God is sovereign, but if He is, then He is more than capable of orchestrating a Trump win if that's what's necessary to secure the future of the country.

  15. I understand that I'm often a bit ... out there in my thinking, but...

    I don't know what God wants to do with America. It may be that He wants to protect her or it may be that He wants to judge her and whatever it is is okay with me. Further, whatever He intends, I don't know how He intends to accomplish it. Say, for instance, that He wants a revival in America and knows that a good crisis can bring that about, so He intends to bring about revival by destruction to some degree, then He can do that and I am still fine with it.

    In short, since I'm not smart enough to know the mind of God for America or what is best, but I do know that I should follow my conscience and that there is no biblical command to vote Republican, I am planning to stick with what I do know and -- gasp -- trust God for the rest.

  16. So, Glenn, the answer to offensive and divisive people is to be offensive and divisive? Christ wasn't offensive because He disagreed with them, He was offensive because hearing the Truth is offensive to people that want to live their lie. And I'm pretty sure He wasn't being offensive for the sake of offending. His offensiveness was merely result of our natural antagonism to Him.

    Being offensive for the sake of being offensive does nothing to progress the conversation. And I didn't say I was personally offended by it, but I am empathetic enough to recognize its intent. Being offensive on purpose does not reflect well on Christ and ruins whatever message you want to impart.

  17. Stan,

    I agree. Maybe God has decided that America needs some sort of correction and if that’s it, then nothing we can do about it.

  18. That sounded more fatalistic than I meant it to. We definitely need to continue to participate in politics and do so based on our own individual conscience and seeking God’s guidance. The fact that God might do something contrary to what we think doesn’t mean we give up.

  19. Yes, or that we failed.

  20. I can't let this go because of the problems inherent in the responses of both Stan and David. Thus, this will hit both.

    "As I indicated, the prevailing winds among so many Christians these days is "You must change your conscience to align with my concerns for this country."

    It's not a matter of seeing you change your conscience. It's the hope that your conscience considers all the variables. Again, how can your conscience accept the consequences of a Biden win when your choice allows for the worst outcome? It makes no sense. The choice isn't simply one of choosing a moral or immoral man. The choice is the future of our nation and the impact upon its people, including grandchildren. You allow for the worst by refusing to support he who stands as an impediment to the worst and think your conscience is clear because you refused to vote for the impediment simply because it isn't morally perfect? Here's the scenario: A man is about to rob a victim. But you'll allow that person to be robbed because you won't support the only person with any chance of preventing it because that person is flawed. Makes no sense.

    "As if your concerns for this country are a biblical value that some of us are failing to embrace."

    In a very real sense, that's exactly the case. If your refusal to vote for a flawed candidate means more suffering for your fellow man, how does that square with Scripture, and how does one's conscience disregard that suffering?

    "Which is why I go with Romans 14:4 myself and suggest you don't trust in Trump to save America."

    First, you verse is a cheap shot. It's not a judgement of you, but of your decision and there's no Scriptural admonition against judgement behavior or the quality of the reasoning of another, especially as it impacts others.

    Secondly, there's always some degree of trust that one's candidate will produce results that benefit rather than harm. The more of the former, the more the nation will be saved from the negative effects of bad policy. I hope you're not referring to saving America in a religious sense, because it's not about that. If we were to somehow have only the most Christian of politicians running the nation and they were to only implement the most Biblically sound policies, we still wouldn't be saved in the way only Christ can save...and certainly we could all still be sinful scum regardless of such political leaders.

    "I have to say I'm baffled by the doomsday folk who suggest that horrible things will happen to America if Biden is elected. Like they did with any other Democrat who has been elected?"

    I'm equally baffled that you would insult as "doomsday folks" those who are cognizant of the consequences of allowing a Biden win simply because prior warnings did not manifest perfectly when the greater evil won election. Is just a little harm OK with you because it's just a little? You forget the "slippery slope" fallacy isn't a fallacy. Rick Santorum was derided in much the same way and look where we are now.

    Trump isn't a savior. He's a stopgap. And he's been a far better one than I expected he would be. So good, in fact, that he's just what we need now given how much more socialist the Dem party has become in the last four years. He will hopefully demonstrate that one can act boldly to further conservative principles that absolutely are a far better reflection of Biblical teaching, and thus more honorable in terms of what honors God, than the alternative.

    It seems to me you use "God's plans" as an if we play no part in being a means by which God brings His plans to fruition and thus it doesn't matter what we do in this life. We can just stand back and let the poop hit the fan, but we're good because we had nothing to do with how and why it did, when our inaction was complicity.


  21. I guess the sheer volume of what you have to say repeatedly should change my conscience.

  22. "I don't know what God wants to do with America."

    Doesn't matter. What matters is what we do with the choices put before us. There is always a cost/benefit attached to every choice, regardless of how soon we realize either. I live in Illinois and it's unlikely I could personally influence enough people to turn this state red. But I know I've influenced two people to vote for Trump. I praise God for that, but lament how insignificant it is in the here and now, unless each of them influences two, who influence two, who influence two...That's how it works.

    If one should influence enough, it won't be enough if God's plans are such that He indeed wants a crisis to compel a spiritual revival. But I can't concern myself with that. I can only concern myself with doing what I can to bring about the best outcome now that will benefit the most people now. That can't happen by choosing not to vote for a president because neither is morally perfect. That's abdication of responsibility and that does not honor God at all.

    "I do know that I should follow my conscience and that there is no biblical command to vote Republican"

    It's not about party, per se, except that one party is more beneficial than the other while still being imperfect and flawed itself. Despite your objections, you're absolutely expecting perfection, or some level approaching it, and should either choice fall short, you think your conscience is clean by choosing no one. I'm insisting that's absolutely and unequivocally not the case. I can't help but fear you forget that God judges the heart. Is that not Biblical? If it is, then MY conscience is clear in that my choice of Trump for president is not the same as my support for all or any of his unChristian characteristics. God knows this, I'm sure. He knows my purpose is in serving my fellow man in my own humble and insufficient way and my vote is a clear and unquestionable manifestation of that.

    I absolutely trust that God's gonna do what God's gonna do. That's a given. I don't even have to think about it. But my job remains one of doing His will, which includes making my voting choices based on all the ramifications and consequences I can gather. Those considerations compels a vote for Trump, not because Trump's a quality human being, but because he's been a quality president, which is what this nation needs right now. May the next one in 2024 be even better.

  23. "I guess the sheer volume of what you have to say repeatedly should change my conscience."

    No, Stan. Just reject it all as if an actual justification for doing so isn't necessary or worth the time. After all, it's only our nation.

  24. First, electronic communication stinks. That comment about the sheer volume was intended as humor. I was going to say if you could have seen my face when I said it, you'd have caught that, but, then, we'd have been wearing masks, wouldn't we. :)

    You offer an impassioned argument to vote for Trump. Biden is evil; Trump isn't. We ought to be deeply concerned about bad things happening to America. Trump will be better for America than Biden. You did not offer a biblical basis for this because, after all, neither Biden nor Trump -- not even America -- are in the Bible. If God intended a firestorm for the U.S. à la Sodom and Gomorrah, we wouldn't know because it's not in there. So here is my biblical argument.

    "Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. ... Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind." (Rom 14:4-5)

    "Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, 'As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.' So then each of us will give an account of himself to God." (Rom 14:10-12)

    "Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin." (Rom 14:23)

    I'm sorry you don't understand. I'm sorry I have failed to properly explain my concerns. (I can tell because I have never decided to vote for a "morally perfect" candidate, for instance.) I'm not expecting perfection. I just believe that both of them carry significant risk to the nation in general and Christianity in particular. We have always voted for the lesser of two evils ever since the people running for office were human beings. I'm just not as convinced as you that either of them qualifies for "the lesser." Take, for instance, the effect that Trump has had on Christians who have decided that it is good and right to judge other Christians for not believing in Trump.

    I have not tried to dissuade you from voting your conscience. I've begged you to do so. I'm sorry you can't do the same with me. I've failed to see that you have the moral high ground and I don't. I've failed to see that Trump is more of God's man for America than any other option I might vote for. I've failed to care about the nation. I've failed to recognize that God judges the heart. I've hidden behind "God's plans" like they're significant. But, I know, it's no judgment on me; it's just my stupid ideas.

  25. David,

    My used of "Demokrat" isn't meant to be offensive so there goes your whole straw man. It's meant to make a point about their socialist/communist agenda.

    You are upset because it might offend someone but I don't care if the TRUTH offends, and neither did Jesus.

    However, my point about the Demokrat party being offensive is that you don't seem to worry about that issue, just that I spelled the word to show what their agenda really is. if you are offended, then you need to put your big boy pants on.

    Again you bring up the "character" issue comparing Trump with Clinton. That poor logic; again Clinton's immorality was while he was in office. Trump's immorality was many years prior to getting elected. If you don't see the difference I don't know how I can explain it any better.

  26. I simply don't know how to respond. You have not convinced me that Biden is worse than Trump. You may believe it, and that's your choice. I certainly don't see it. I've even looked up lists of positive things Trump has done, and they still don't outweigh the damage he's done to the world, to the nation, the Christianity. You speak of the potential harm Biden might do, not listing exactly what that harm might be.

    And I haven't said I'm not voting, just not for either of them. You haven't shown how a vote for Joe Citizen is actually a vote for Biden, since it can be argued the other way too. So, a vote for neither Trump nor Biden is a vote for neither, not either.

    Why can't we just agree that you see Trump differently than I do and you can't convince me otherwise with ambiguous, nebulous, repeated claims. You will vote for Trump because you believe he's the best choice. I will not because I believe he's no better than the alternative. Plus, I'm not really looking forward to another 4 years on inane, stupid, or harmful tweets. Let's just agree that this isn't a biblical or salvation matter and move along.

  27. Oh, and I guarantee there won't be a better choice next time.

  28. Because you think Democrats like being compared to Communist Russia? Jesus told the Truth, but He wasn't coy with it, or "clever". He told it like it is. You play word games. Also, someone's political beliefs aren't something Jesus would insult someone about. Socialism (or any other political -ism) isn't something Jesus was talking about when He was being offensive. He was offensive with the Truth of God, not His political leanings.

    And there you go again, being blatantly offensive just to be offensive (telling me to put on my "big boy pants"). Being rude isn't the way Christ portrayed. I'm not saying I'm offended, because I can see the lame attack as it is, just calling it out.

    It's not like Trump said those things years ago when he was a younger man and we should give him the benefit of the doubt. He wasn't even remorseful for the things he said when they came out, in fact he defended it. Which tells me, he'd be more than willing to continue those actions during his Presidency. And who knows, he most likely has and just hasn't been caught yet.

  29. David,

    So now it is offensive to state the TRUTH about the Demokrat Party? The party of racism, BLM violence, Antifa violence, abortions, promotion of every sexual deviancy, stealing from hard workers to support loafers, etc, etc -- all anti-God stuff and you think Jesus wouldn't rebuke them for those beliefs?!?!?! The party that booed God at their convention and Jesus wouldn't rebuke them?!?! THIS is the political leanings of the Demokrat party and you think Jesus wouldn't rebuke them and point out the TRUTH about them?!?!?

    Trumps mouth about what he COULD do because of his status, something he said long before being a president, has absolutely nothing to do with his performance in office, and to compare that with Clinton's ACTUAL actions WHILE president is absurd on its face. And you can't see how Biden is worse than Trump regardless of all the things Trump has done to improve this nation while Biden tells about all the things he will do to destroy this nation!?!?!?

    You certainly demonstrate you are a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. And yes, that is mocking you, so you can call it not what Christ would do and I really don't care. You need to have your foolishness pointed out to you.

  30. No, Glenn, it's not offensive to state the truth, and nothing that David said would suggest it. The biblical command is to speak the truth in love, so speaking the truth in a knowingly offensive way that could be avoided doesn't qualify. Paul said, "As much as it depends on you, be at peace with all men." (Rom 12:18) That's just not a priority with you.

  31. Stan,

    My term, Demokrat, was never done to offend, only to point out factual ideology. So to state it was intended to offend is claiming to know my thought process. But it all started as a joke with conservative friends. However, on the other hand I just don't care if it offends anyone, because in this culture everyone seems to be offended by everything except by what they should be offended.

  32. "My term, Demokrat, was never done to offend."

    I don't think I claimed you did. I claimed that it is offensive to some. It is "knowingly offensive" is what I said.

    "I just don't care if it offends anyone"

    And I think I was agreeing with you there. You don't care if it offends. I don't think I was making a judgmental call there. "You should." Just an observation.

  33. If you and Marshall wish to ignore Scripture on how we should interact with people, then so be it. You both wish to act like the world and not care how your words affect people, then so be it. I pray that God speaks to both of you about the condition of your hard hearts. Anger and hostility is not the Biblical way.

  34. David

    I think any Christian who does NOT have hostility towards the Demokrat party is violating their professed beliefs.

    Your judging Art and me as having "hard" hearts is an unbiblical judgment. Hostility and anger are not always synonymous, by the way. But I love how you virtue signal.

  35. I think less time should be spent worrying about hostility and tone of interaction between we who are otherwise in agreement and more toward the reality of the situation. To suggest there is little difference between Trump and Biden demonstrates far less attention to that reality that should be given. Of course there's a great difference when considering policy proposals and their impact and that's where my focus has been the whole time.

    I'm also still waiting for some explanation for just how support for Trump is in any way running afoul of Scripture...or for some examples of "the damage he's done to the world, to the nation, the Christianity"...particularly to Christianity, which frankly, I find absurd...which outweigh the many...MANY...good things he's done as president.

    " Plus, I'm not really looking forward to another 4 years on inane, stupid, or harmful tweets."

    Helpful tip: Don't read 'em. I don't. They're insignificant to the point.

    "Let's just agree that this isn't a biblical or salvation matter and move along."

    Frankly, it's been you and Stan who've made it biblical. It's the reason you claim your conscience can't abide voting for Trump, who is clearly the better choice for America given the choices we have at present. That somehow God will be displeased by support for the guy who has done so much for us, for people of faith, for the unborn, for our allies in Israel, Ukraine and others, for the black community, for the unemployed (until Covid and the Dem response to it), for those who cross our borders legally...don't say you see no difference between Trump and Biden. The difference is vast even if we pretend their characters are otherwise identical.

    More coming now...

  36. "You offer an impassioned argument to vote for Trump. Biden is evil; Trump isn't."

    That's not my argument at all.

    "We ought to be deeply concerned about bad things happening to America. Trump will be better for America than Biden."

    This is, generally speaking, my argument, but not with regard to what you've been saying here.

    "You did not offer a biblical basis for this because, after all, neither Biden nor Trump -- not even America -- are in the Bible."

    They don't have to be. But any biblical basis would revolve around passages that suggest we love one another, that we do unto others as we'd have done to us, that we care for the poor and needy, etc. These are all far more aligned with the conservative policies Trump has been putting into place or trying to. Your three verses that follow do not address the point at all, nor does it reflect anything I've been doing. I've no doubt that you feel you're position is sound, therefore I have not judged you (or David). I'm saying what you think you're doing is not as sound as you think, and that there really is no biblical problem with voting for Trump if the purpose is to support the provision of the most good possible. Believe me, I wish there were a better candidate, but again his track record is, in the aggregate, very good and his sins don't enter into it when compared to the alternative.

    Perhaps it would help with understanding to know just how you think voting for Trump truly dishonors God. Again, how does four more years of Trump "carry significant risk to the nation in general and Christianity in particular." exactly? Shower heads?

    "Take, for instance, the effect that Trump has had on Christians who have decided that it is good and right to judge other Christians for not believing in Trump."

    To the extent that such a thing exists, I would insist that's more the result of those who insist that Christians have somehow tarnished the faith by supporting him...not the result of anything Trump has done. Seems to me there's some nasty judgement there.

    "I have not tried to dissuade you from voting your conscience. I've begged you to do so. I'm sorry you can't do the same with me."

    What follows the above demonstrates I'm no better at explaining my point than you feel you are, because it's not a matter of insisting you're not voting your conscience nor that you shouldn't. It continues to be that you're not correct in your insistence that there is little difference between the two, or not enough to choose one over the other to prevent the other and that which the other seeks to do. This is just false and provably so. I'm far more sorry you and David refuse to see it.

  37. What follows is a Ben Shapiro Show presentation wherein he describes in fairly great detail the perils of voting for Joe Biden. If you can listen to this and still pretend your conscience is clear in allowing him to win election, then I truly have absolutely no idea what you mean when you guys speak of voting your conscience. In what way is four more years of Trump as threatening as this guy? How are the few tweets you've actually seen worse than what Biden's done, failed to do and intends to do if elected? While the two of you speak of voting your conscience, Trump has fought to protect your ability to live by your conscience. Biden's support for LGBT "rights" will necessarily subordinate your religious rights and rights of conscience to those fictitious "gay rights". After sitting through Shapiro's dissertation, I felt it was incomplete, but alone enough evidence to insist that blocking him to whatever extent one's sole vote can do must be done by all who care about liberty, security and the American ideals that are sadly fading into a big freakin' joke. How can one's conscience be clear should any of Biden's nonsense come to pass without having done the one thing that would prevent it?

    God will do with us what God will do with us. This isn't about that. It's about doing that which will provide the most benefit for our fellow Americans. This is a Good Samaritan situation. Not voting for Trump is to pass by the injured victim on the side of the road...namely, the people of the United States...when when voting for Trump whould be doing something to help.

  38. I believe I forgot to submit the Shapiro piece. Apologies:

  39. You see, Marshal, you're making "You must vote for Trump" a moral imperative. The only way to not vote for Trump is to "pretend" my conscience is clear and failing to vote for Trump is failing to be the Good Samaritan.

    Of course I'll vote for Trump now. Oh, wait, can I get my vote back? I already voted. Well, I'm sure if I play that Shapiro video for them, they'll see what I mean and give it back. I'm joking, of course. Well, not entirely. I have already voted. And you are making it a moral imperative. "No good Christian could see it any other way and if you pretend to see it another way you're simply ignoring the good you know God has given you to do. I won't say you've lost your salvation, but ..."

  40. Of COURSE it's a moral imperative! YOU'VE clearly made it one with your "voting my conscience" argument! You simply have failed to consider all the implications. I feared you had voted already. Sad to find you have. That your conscience can be clear given the far worse potential of a Biden win is beyond my understanding. You shouldn't have needed Shapiro's video, but apparently you did. Yet, it sounds clearly enough that that less that complete argument against Biden wouldn't have been enough to trouble your conscience anyway, and THAT I find extremely troubling. That cursed TDS!

  41. My moral imperative is "vote your conscience." Your moral imperative is "stop lying about your conscience, change yours, and agree with mine."

    Oh, and I voted already, true, but I haven't said how.

  42. According to Urban Dictionary, TDS is in reference to absolute loyalty to Trump simply because one voted for him in 2016.

  43. How am I virtue signalling? Did I point to myself as some beacon of good responses? Do you accuse your pastor of virtue signalling when he preaches every Sunday? What is you mean when you accuse me of virtue signalling? Does calling out the sin of a brother constitute virtue signalling in your mind? As Christians, we should have a different response to those that hate us. If our response to hostile words is hostile words, how is that a good representation of Christ? We are told to love our enemies, and calling them names or mocking them is not demonstrating love. Our response should not look like theirs.


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