Saturday, September 05, 2020

News Weakly - 9/5/20

It actually made international news when Nancy Pelosi, constantly outraged at the president without a mask and the faulty response to COVID and all, was photographed violating the COVID rules in her home town by getting her hair done indoors without a mask. "I didn't know," she countered. "I was set up." Because, as we all know, ignorance is an excuse. Except that it isn't, especially for a congressperson at home. It looks like another case of hypocrisy unmasked.

Making Hay While the Sun Don't Shine
The media is making hay with stories about Republicans who are abandoning Trump to side with Biden. They were strangely quiet about Democrats who sided with Trump against Hillary or the current Dems who fear the new Democrats more than they fear Trump which makes me think that the media isn't really as unbiased as you'd like to think. The story also reminds me that Republicans, like Democrats, can lose their moral compass and think that "Donald Trump is a bully who lacks a moral compass. Joe Biden would bring back civility." It is true, I suppose, if "civility" includes things like encouraging the continued legality of the the #1 cause of death in this country -- murdering babies in the womb -- by pushing to have you and I pay for it. That seems pretty civil, right? "That's not murder!" some will cry. Tell that to the Tennessee man who is charged with reckless homicide for assaulting a pregnant woman "which led to the death of her unborn baby." (Not my choice of words; that's the District Attorney's office.) (Also the language of the federal "Laci and Conner's Law.")

The Congressional Budget Office is reporting that the federal budget deficit will hit "a record $3.3 trillion" due primarily to the >$2 trillion federal COVID relief. If that's a surprise to anyone, I don't know what to say. You can't give out money without, you know, giving out money. Although that appears to be the idea of many in the Democratic party, seemingly unclear on basic concepts of economics. "Don't worry; it's not our problem. Our kids can deal with it when they get in office."

Jessica vs Rachel
Perhaps you remember Rachel Dolezal. She was an NAACP official in Spokane when someone "outed" her as being white -- descended from white parents. She denied it. She assured everyone -- as far as I know, still assures everyone -- that she was born white, but she identified as black. Well, if she had identified as male, they would have shaken his hand and bid him well, but you cannot identify as a different ethnic group because, well, because we say so. Now we have George Washington University Professor of Colonialism Jessica Krug coming out as white. She has been "black" for a long, long time, identifying as all sorts of different versions -- North African black, U.S. black, Caribbean black, even Afro-Latina -- teaching and writing books on the subject. She now considers it a mental health issue. Because, you see, you can never, never identify as a different ethnicity -- that's crazy -- but feel free to pick a gender ... any of a large number of genders. That's science.

Had to Laugh
In the shadow of looming debates (Will they happen or won't they?), this made me laugh. The headline read, "So Close: Biden Gives Speech Denouncing Violins." Which, of course, ran counterpoint to "Cutting Out The Middleman: Dems Will Just Have Trump Debate Biden's Teleprompter Directly."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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