Saturday, September 19, 2020

News Weakly - 9/19/20*

Because We All Know It
The story reads, "Brazilian surfer Maya Gabeira is officially the Guinness World Record holder for the largest wave surfed – unlimited, for a female." Congratulations, Maya. But, of course, the modifier, "for a female," is meaningless, right? I mean, we all know that gender is a social construct. We all know that there is no difference, for instance, between the top male contender in a sport and the top female contender, right? We all know that transgender is real because, at its core, there is no difference between male and female ... right? So why do we keep separate records for men and women?

And Why Not?
People were castigated, censured, and even fired for expressing "Blue lives matter." So why would we not expect that when two Los Angeles County sheriff officers are ambushed and shot that protesters would show up at the hospital shouting, "We hope they die"? Interestingly, the claim is "When black lives don't matter, no lives matter." I guess that only applies to black lives? They don't realize that "Blue lives don't matter" will logically result in "Neither does yours."

Land of the Free
Some of us -- generally the more traditional Americans, I suspect -- complain about the COVID restrictions in a supposedly "free country." I say, "Relax, folks. It could be worse." Like in Indonesia where 8 men who opposed wearing masks were forced to dig graves for COVID-19 victims. Like in the UK with a new COVID restriction they call "the rule of six." Home Secretary Priti Patel explained that if two families of 4 stopped to chat on the way to the park, they would be in violation of the rule, she would report them to the police, and they could face fines up to £3,200 ($4,100). Oh, yeah. That's why we cut ourselves loose from Great Britain. Of course, to be fair, Connecticut will be fining folks who don't wear masks, folks who organize large gatherings, and folks who attend them. Maybe "Land of the free" isn't a thing anymore.

Scientific Evidence
For the first time in 175 years Scientific American has endorsed a presidential candidate, proving scientifically that modern science is less about facts and more about politics.

Trigger Point
J.K. Rowling is in trouble … again. She has written a fictional book about a private investigator looking into the case of a serial killer who disguises himself as a woman. "Transphobia!" they cry. "She's a hater." Now, as it happens, I just watched an old episode of Murder She Wrote where the killer disguised herself as a man to throw off suspicions and no one complained about that one. The key phrase being "disguised" as opposed to "became" or "believed herself to be" (or "himself"). Which, by the way, is precisely the phrase used in the linked story: "... the murderer disguises himself as a woman in order to abduct his victim." Are we supposed to understand that "transgender" and "cross-dresser" are synonymous? Am I supposed to conclude that cross-dressing is actually a disguise -- an "attempt to conceal one's identity"? Or should I just understand that people are way too sensitive, assuming up front "transphobia" without proof?

Intentionally Obtuse or Just Ignorant?
The media is keen to report that "A pastor in Idaho who called himself a 'no-masker' during a service and repeatedly questioned the veracity of coronavirus case reporting is in the ICU after contracting Covid-19." I'm not sure if this is just stupidity or ignorance on the part of the media or simply being inflammatory. For the record, according to the CDC, "The mask is meant to protect other people in case you are infected." So maybe the media folk are the folks you see alone in cars wearing masks? This pastor didn't get COVID because he didn't wear a mask. He didn't get COVID because he doubted the accuracy of reporting. Pardon me, mass media, but your bias is showing.

Don't Follow Me
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the Catholic archbishop of San Francisco to stop criticizing the COVID-related restrictions. He should "follow science" instead of his faith. Of course, Pelosi herself ignores science in, say, the murder of the unborn or the fact that people are born male or female and not "however I feel." That's science. So, I take her to mean, "Don't follow me. I only follow science when it agrees with me. And in this case, science says you can't have your First Amendment rights." Except, of course, Pelosi herself violated the rules when she got her hair done and even attended an in-person service to receive communion. "So, do as I say, not as I do."

And now for some real fake news
With what appears to be a mass exodus from the leftist state of California, this headline was humorous: "D'oh! Last Guy Left In California Gets Stuck Paying The $140 Billion Tax Bill." This one was a little appalling: "State That Just Voted To Reduce Penalties For Pedophiles Not Sure Why God Keeps Lighting Them On Fire." And this one was funny as long as you've read George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and remember the mind-controlling "two minutes hate," especially the scene from the movie version (from which the picture is taken): "DNC replaces 2020 convention with 5 minutes of loud, sustained yelling at images of Trump."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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