Thursday, September 10, 2020

Make Up My Mind

Look for yourself. Go to an online dictionary and look up "themself." Mind you, the word is irrational on its own. "Them" is a plural pronoun, so while "himself" and "herself" are reasonable ("him" and "her" are singular pronouns), the "self" version of "them" would need to be "themselves" to be coherent. But there it is, right in your dictionary, boldly stating that "themself" is a pronoun referring to a "person of unspecified sex." And why "them" instead of some of the other new pronouns ("it" or "ze" come to mind)? Well, clearly "it" is depersonalizing and "ze" is ... wait, what's wrong with "ze"? In truth, it is because "them" captures the essence. We're talking about gender fluidity. It is "them" because it can be more than one. Now, if we were to talk about "mental fluidity" in that sense, we'd call it a "personality disorder." "No, there are not more than one of you. You will need treatment and medication and ..." But we buy this "gender fluidity" thing without batting an eye because, well, they said so.

Of course, I'm not telling you anything new. By that I mean you've heard the argument and you've either accepted it or discarded it. So the point here is not to try to convince someone one way or the other. The point here is that this world is at work trying to convince you one way or another. This is how it works: control the language. If you have to use their version of pronouns (and in some places you have to) and accept only their position and use only their language, well, then, you'll come to accept it as normal. You'll stop thinking for yourself and think the way they want. If you substitute "gay" ("cheerful, happy, festive") for "homosexual" (as the dictionary is doing now), it sounds much better. Make "lust" a matter of "love" and it sounds so much better. That sort of thing. Then you flood the media. Put it on the news and in the movies and on the television. Insist that they show transgender and same-sex relationships as normal and acceptable and perfectly suitable. You know, I hope, that in 2008 California (yes, the hard "left coast") voted not once, but twice to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Today it's unthinkable in California. That was barely over a decade ago. How? Flood the market, control the language, manipulate the media, and, above all else, make sure no one thinks different from what you want them to.

But we're primarily sheeple, we humans. In the Middle Ages we took serfdom in stride. In China the billion inhabitants aren't too upset by their Communist overlords or their own poverty. And we Americans exhibit the same thinking. We claim to be "freethinkers" while carefully and intentionally being shepherded into the thinking they allow and not the thinking they don't. Sheeple.

Let me give you a little hint. If the total LGBT population in the U.S. is 3.8% (Wikipedia) with the total transgender population at 0.58%, there are a lot of things you can say about it, but you cannot say it is "normal." "Normal" is center spectrum, the middle of the bell curve, the highest numbers. Setting aside religious views or moral questions, you can call it what you want, but it's not "normal" and no amount of "normalization" will make it so. But, of course, give them some time and they'll redefine "normal" for us ... and probably "normalization" for good measure. Philip K. Dick wrote, "The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them." Have no doubt; we are being manipulated. They're trying to make up your mind.

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