Sunday, September 27, 2020

Just One of Those Things

I love birds. I really do. I mean, they fly. How cool is that? But, seriously, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Bottom line, the intricacy and wonder of birds are indeed the iceberg that seem to sink the Titanic of Evolution. It is "irreducible complexity."

So recently I came across this article from No, not a Creationist site. Quite the opposite. The article examines the question of how birds can navigate long distances. Darwin thought they memorized their twists and turns in one direction and simply reversed them to go the other way. Darwin was wrong. According to the article, about "50 animal species, ranging from birds and mammals to reptiles and insects, use Earth's magnetic field for navigation." Earth's magnetic field is so weak that scientists can't figure out how they can possibly do it. Apparently something in the birds' eyes produces a photochemical molecule that acts as a magnetic compass. Birds can "see" north or south. Now how cool is that? (Science still isn't clear on how they use it to navigate.) For me it's just one of those things; one of those "irreducible complexity" things that makes me a theist rather than not.

Now, look, there is a lot of stuff about birds. There is their unique hollow bone structure, their unusual feather coverings, their fascinating "velcro" feather structures, their built-in practices, their unique compositions … their obvious design features. All of this and more combines to scream "Maker!" and not "Chance!" And we know Who that Maker is.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, materialists need to borrow from Theists to express themselves. It's almost like they really don't live out what they say they believe.


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