Monday, September 14, 2020

A New Normal

In 2008 Californians voted a second time to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The first time they merely voted it as a law. The court struck it down and mandated "gay marriage." So Californians took the next step and made it part of the state constitution. The court struck it down again afterwards, but, right or wrong, in less than 10 years California and the nation went from a clear understanding of marriage in the longstanding, traditional sense (specifically what the court said) to considering that view as "hate." What happened? Well, some determined people worked really hard to normalize "gay marriage." Put it out there. Talk about it in large, loud forums. Take it to courts. Dress it up to look pretty. Make it a matter of "rights" and "identity" and "equality." Why shouldn't we be allowed to marry the one we love?" (Hint: No one has that right and we all know it. In fact, they know it. To this day they still oppose incest and polygamy, for instance. "Oh, no, you can't marry more than one just because you love them.") It's what I call selective normal. And in an incredibly short time it became "normal" and opposition to it became "hate."

Of course, that kind of sea change cannot pass quietly. That size of a change has to bring other stuff with it. So, for instance, while the right complains that the left is trying to "normalize pedophilia" (as an example) and the left vehemently denies it, it only stands to reason that this change would be part of that change. The argument from the LGBT is that it is a "sexual orientation" and this is precisely the language from the pedophile side. The argument from the LGBT is that "we love each other" and the pedophile side argues the same. The LGBT moved from "outside" to "normal" by altering the language -- "gay," "sexual orientation," identity, etc. -- and the pedophile side is going with "minor-attracted person" and "man-boy love" kind of language. In a TEDx talk the speaker described pedophilia as a condition that you're born with. What can you do? The LGBT moved their sexual bent from a crime to a disorder to normal. Pedophiles are attempting the same maneuver.

Deny it all they want; the news appears to say that, yes, there is a move to normalize pedophilia. And why wouldn't there be? It's the same language, the same thinking, the same arguments as we've swallowed from others. In this age of COVID coupled with BLM, many are starting to wonder about the "new normal." Expect this. It doesn't yet have the ground-swell that LGBT does, but the sheer logic of it, given what we bought from them, is unavoidable. At some point the LGBT "alphabet soup" will need to include a P because it is riding on their arguments and we'll consider it "normal," taking clear perversion to a new level. Of course, pedophilia won't be the only one.


  1. "Love knows no age." Is the new slogan, I believe.

  2. We see defenders of one perversion attempt to distance themselves from another as if their preferred had nothing to do with the emergence of the other. As you rightly point out, all that went into "normalizing" homosexual behavior is now being used by all other defenders of other abnormal, immoral sexual behaviors. There is no advocacy for polygamy, transsexualism or pedophilia without there first having been advocacy for homosexuality. They paved the way. Now their supporters wish to distance themselves from other forms of sexual immorality in an effort to suppress the reality that it was they who brought about all else.


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