Saturday, August 08, 2020

News Weakly - 8/8/20

Has It Come to This?
Miami Heat center Meyers Patrick made news Saturday because he stood for the national anthem. Radical. Bigger news, to me, is that "the NBAPA negotiated that the games will be used as platforms to promote social justice activism with phrases on jerseys, 'Black Lives Matter' t-shirts, and the same slogan written on the court." The agreement was a prerequisite to agreeing to play. Because, as we all know, if you were to pick the best platform to showcase the mistreatment and abuse of African Americans, it would be the NBA, and if the NBA is about anything, it's about "social justice activism."

The headline reads, "Trump appointee Merritt Corrigan fired from USAID amid anti-LGBTQ tweets." According to the story, Corrigan was fired because she tweeted "anti-LGBT" statements like "Gay marriage isn’t marriage" and "Men aren't women." Corrigan believes she was fired "for my Christian beliefs." This "anti-LGBT" tag is misleading, intentionally so. The media spin uses it all the time when someone disagrees with this behavior or that position -- well, anything regarding LGBT politics or principles. But to oppose politics or principles is not necessarily to oppose people. First, not all LGBT agree with those politics or principles. Second, if it is opposition to LGBT people, then the media's constant reporting of "anti-LGBT" statements like these is "anti-Christian," and they won't admit to that, will they? So it's a spin, not a fact. Just like the anti-Trump shading in the headline.

Beyond Reproach
There is a famous verse in the King James Bible that says, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (1 Thess 5:22) I have long contended it's not possible. It is not possible because someone somewhere will think that anything you do is evil somehow. Our current society seems to be proving my point. When Audi released an ad for their Audi RS 4, they used a picture of a little girl eating a banana in front of their care with the line, "Lets your heart beat faster - in every aspect." No appearance of evil. Except the Twittersphere erupted with outrage that the girl is likely to get run over, that she's being sexualized holding a phallic symbol, that Audi doesn't care about children ... no end of nonsense. If you live in today's world and Twitter hears about it, you will have the appearance of evil to someone. Enough that Audi pulled the ad and apologized. No such thing as "beyond reproach."

Racists Encounter Justice
Two obvious racists ran headlong into justice this week when the husband of Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey was charged with pointing a gun at pre-dawn BLM protesters banging on their door. He counters that he feared for her life because she had received death threats because she had failed to prosecute some police brutality cases. DA Lacey will face her own justice as the arrest of her husband will surely affect her race for District Attorney. Clearly racist. Oh, did I fail to mention? Mr. and Mrs. Lacey are black.

Just the Facts, Ma'am
According to the story on BBC, in an interview reposted to Twitter, Trump said, "If you look at children, children are almost - and I would almost say definitely - almost immune from this disease." This is "harmful Covid misinformation" for which both Facebook and Twitter restricted his account. The BBC (rightly) points out that children are not immune, but then goes on to say that studies show that they make up "only 0.8%" of the cases ... or that they're not immune, but they're almost immune. (The story also points out that an earlier "tweet by entrepreneur Elon Musk suggesting children are 'essentially immune'" did not break the rules ... showing the complete consistency and fairness of Twitter and Facebook.) Since the story makes the claim that Trump did, the BBC has now censured themselves and will delete themselves from their news coverage.

Pardon Me; Your Bias is Showing
Here's the news item. Vice President Mike Pence commented on an interview with CBN that "Chief Justice John Roberts has been a disappointment to conservatives." He referenced several cases in which the "conservative" justice had ruled with the liberals. Okay, fine. But what I thought was interesting was the array of depictions from various outlets. Business Insider said, "Pence slams Supreme Court Chief Justice ..." Politico said, "Pence blasts Chief Justice ..." CBS news said, "Pence knocks Chief Justice ..." At Intelligencer he "goes after" Roberts and the Bipartisn Report said he "snaps" at him. Then there was Townhall who simply said he "says something about" him and lastly, USA Today who reported, "Vice President Mike Pence calls Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts 'a disappointment to conservatives'." That's an interesting array of spin, isn't it?

"No cops. No prisons. Total abolition"
That isn't opinion. That's the stated aim of the protesters in Portland. They want "total liberation." (Read "anarchy") Of course, all anarchy movements have leaders and, in the end, it's a different sort of tyranny. In this case, it will be the Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front that runs your life in Portland. Because, as we all know, youth leadership is the wisest and most benevolent leadership ... after, of course, they burn things to the ground.

COVID Marketing?
This is a little creepy. Yale University apparently has been doing a study for the NIH to determine the best approach to convince people to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Approaches vary, including personal freedom, self-interest, guilt, embarrassment, and "Trust in science." Apparently they believe they'll have to manipulate people to do it instead of just require it like masks and social distancing. Who would have thought America was that free anymore?

Headline News
The Babylon Bee is at it again ... or still. For Christians, you might like, "Outraged Governor Newsom Orders Furnace To Be Heated Seven Times If John MacArthur Will Not Bow Down And Worship Him" or "Bible Briefly Consulted To See If It Supports Already-Formed Opinion." On politics we have, "Veteran Mailman Phil R.E. Quinton Volunteers To Collect All The Mail-In Votes." Oh, and a subtler-but-funny zinger, "Biden Campaign Says He Is So Close To A VP Pick He Can Smell Her."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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