Saturday, August 22, 2020

News Weakly - 8/22/20

In Case You Were Still Wondering
Some people are saying that Disney is no longer about "family values," but is that true? Variety is reporting that Disney is making history with a cartoon whose lead character is bisexual. Because everyone knows what we want to get across to children is sexual information in their entertainment, right? This way you can manipulate the upcoming generation. Oh, and in case you were unclear on my point, the answer is "Yes, Disney is no longer interested in family values. At least, not for many families." In this case, Disney is saying the customer is not always right.

Proud Export
It is abundantly clear that Americans are on this razor's edge of offense all the time these days. We have "microaggression" and find practically everything offensive in some way because ... well, I'm not sure why. Good to know, then, that we've managed to export our national hurt feelings. In Germany a company is changing the offensive name of a paprika sauce product from "gypsy sauce" because apparently gypsies are concerned that they're making it from grinding up gypsies or, perhaps, that others my try it at home. Why do I say we've exported it? The story says, "The death in police custody of African-American George Floyd has prompted a groundswell of concern about racism around the world." Good job, America. Export your over-sensitized misery. You know, now that I think about it, there was a color in that news item that I found offensive. Why does gypsy sauce have to be red, hmm?

The Plan
The news continues to be "It's getting worse!" Dr. Fauci believes there is "no end in sight." Meanwhile CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield told the House subcommittee that suicides among the high school ages account for more deaths than the coronavirus. "There has been another cost that we've seen, particularly in high schools. We're seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We're seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID." So, here's the plan. Nothing we're doing appears to be working, so let's keep that up and just see which kills us first -- the disease or the cure.

Ban Women's Suffrage!
There has been a video floating around for years where a guy visits a women's studies campus and asks women to sign a petition to ban women's suffrage. They do, willingly. Funny, I guess, but only because they don't know what the word means. On the other hand, on the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment the story came out that, as it turned out, the Women's Suffrage movement was, in fact, specifically white women only. They "specifically excluded women of color from their movement." I would think in today's cancel culture that should put an end to women's suffrage, shouldn't it?

Media Bias
Lots of people think it is possible for media outlets to be unbiased. It's not. It's just not possible. The question isn't if they're biased, but how. As in this this story out of Maine. The story is that "more than two dozen Maine residents have tested positive for the coronavirus after a wedding reception in Millinocket." The headline gives the bias: "Large coronavirus outbreak linked to wedding reception in Maine." Now, with big stories about breaking daily records and how there is no end in sight and all, doesn't it seem a bit over the top to call "more than two dozen" a "large outbreak"? I mean, if we had 2 dozen cases today, that would represent a significant drop in cases. But the bias of the media is to continue to sensationalize this problem to keep us scared. Make no mistake; it's working.

Values Clarification
We're clear now ... at least about German values. Dogs are important. The country's agriculture minister is introducing a new law that will require that dog owners walk their dog twice a day. An hour minimum each time. And dogs can't be left alone at home all day. Nor can they be chained out for long periods. Oddly enough, there are no rules about making sure their children get enough exercise, are not left without adult supervision too long, or tied to a TV or computer screen for long periods. Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

Now that we're all perfectly clear about masks and all that, it turns out that consensus on the topic isn't entirely accurate. Do masks actually make a difference or don't they? The world may never know.

Pray for the president. At least, that's what was intended when Paul wrote, "I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." (1 Tim 2:1-2) And we need to do it because the president wants to allow more wasting of water in the shower. Why? "Because my hair — I don't know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect." He has urged Americans to boycott Goodyear because they didn't allow MAGA hats. Well, they don't allow any political attire, but it's obviously just about Trump, right? Please pray for the president so we can lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

And Finally ...
I normally try to put something from Babylon Bee or the like in this spot. Something amusing. Nothing struck me this week. The DNC wasn't that interesting or funny. It's hard to laugh when the message is "We want you to elect our people because we don't like their people." (And that's the primary theme of the other side, too, so don't get your knickers in a twist.) Jabs at Biden or Harris or AOC proliferated, but maybe I'm just tired of them because nothing struck me as worthy of your attention. Maybe that's newsworthy? Naw.

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