Saturday, August 15, 2020

News Weakly - 8/15/20

Slippery Slope Fallacy, Meet Reality
"Don't let those college players get paid for this," they cried. "The next thing you know they'll want a players' union and minimum wage and ..." "Slippery slope fallacy," was the reply. So the report is out that college players are calling for ... you guessed it ... a players' union. It's not a fallacy if it actually happens.

Government Sucks
This is amazing. After that nightmarish explosion in Beirut, the entire government resigned. Gone. It's what's called a "vacuum," and, as we all know, vacuums suck. (That's a pun, in case you weren't sure.) Some might wonder if the same sort of thing would be good or bad for America.

Changed Hearts, Changed Minds
They released the full body cam video of the police encounter with George Floyd. It shows a man resisting arrest. It does not exonerate the officer that killed him by kneeling on his neck. It does call into question 1) the level of murder this rises to and 2) the allegation that it was racism -- a hate crime. Does it change anyone's mind? I'd bet that's a largely "no" answer, because regardless of your view on this, it was predetermined by your heart before it ever was examined by your mind.

The Real Story
First, there was a riot in Chicago because police, responding to a call about someone with a gun, were shot at and returned fire. In the riot, officers were injured and more than 100 rioters were arrested. Then there was a rally for the police arrested because the argument is that looting is right and reasonable. "Our futures have been looted from us," one sign read. "Loot back." "'I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy's or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,' Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. 'That makes sure that person has clothes.'" "'That is reparations,' Atkins said." The real story is many in the movement want to fight offense with crime; the ends justify the means.

Only the Name is News
I think we all knew Biden would select a black woman for his running mate. In that sense, his selection of Kamala Harris is not news. If Biden's camp had drawn up a list of potential running mates using an intersectionality chart, I don't think he could have found a candidate with much more intersection. She's black and Asian, female and Californian. Lots of intersectional oppression there. And while Biden is largely center in his political stance, she's not. She favors single-payer healthcare and killing babies in the womb, favors federal legalization of marijuana and prostitution, and favors reparations for black people. Harris was part of the group of lawmakers that introduced a $10 trillion plan to address climate change and, more recently, favored an aid package that would have increased the $4 trillion coronavirus aid package, giving $2,000 a month to all adults and dependents. She favors a law that makes it a crime for parents to have children who are truant and, on the other hand, free college for all. Oh, and, of course, she has stated that entering the country illegally is not a crime. If Biden is center, Harris is left.

Peace that Passes Understanding
If Islam is the "religion of peace," it sure looks odd this week. Someone posted something in India on Facebook perceived as offensive to Muslims and the rioting began, including rocks, burned cars, and a torched police station. Christians aren't always what they ought to be, but I can't think of anything that would cause a violent riot among Christians because of an insult to the faith. We are promised a "peace that passes understanding," which is not this kind of unfathomable version of "peace."

Dear Mr. Trump,
Stop, please, just stop. I've been voting by mail for 15 years. If there was any surprises in that time, it was your election. Opposing mail-in voting appears to me to be sheer conspiracy-theory thinking on a grand scale. And then to request a mail-in ballot so you can vote? That's a deeply double standard, isn't it? I'd prefer to have a president that doesn't fall for those kinds of shenanigans. Terminating the mail service so you can have your way with mail-in voting is just as offensive to me as all those protesters that block roads and upset the general public for their personal causes. It's counterproductive and childish. Stop it, please. Be a man, just this once.

Do and Die
The coronavirus crisis is bad for our health. The CDC says so. No, not in the obvious way. It is the prevention that is hurting us. CDC researchers found that serious depression, mental health problems, thoughts of suicide, anxiety disorders, and drug and alcohol use are up significantly. Oh, and it's worst among the younger generation and Black Americans and Hispanics as well as those most likely to have adverse economic impact. Among health workers 21% are experiencing these effects. Coronavirus is killing us, and it's not all the disease; some is the panic required by leadership. When is the cure worse than the disease?

Scary Humor
I didn't want to, but I had to laugh at the headline: "Biden: 'A Black Woman Will Become President Over My Dead Body'." Funny and terrifying all at once.

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