Saturday, August 01, 2020

News Weakly - 8/1/20

SCOTUS v 1st Amendment?
It looks like the Supreme Court of the U.S. has opted to vote down the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. In Nevada, a casino or a restaurant is allowed to operate at 50% capacity, but churches can only allow 50 people. It looks a lot like inconsistent ruling against the church. Oh, and in case you were wondering, "Wonder Conservative Judge" John Roberts voted with the liberal judges to impose limits on religious groups over entertainment venues. In case you were thinking, "We need more conservative judges!!"

Welcome to D.C. Now go home.
Washington D.C. has imposed an additional restriction on travelers from "high-risk" areas. If you are from one of those and you intend to visit Washington, you will need to plan an additional 2 weeks for quarantine. Of course, if you're a lawmaker you're exempt because, after all, what self-respecting virus would want to be in that container? It is nonsense like that exception that makes you realize that "Science" is not the god they like to think it is. "Whatever we say is true" is.

Learning Disability
Time and again we've seen this concept repeated. Give people money, and they will not work. Over and over. If people are going to receive "free money" -- money they don't actually earn -- then getting them to go to work is nearly impossible. We're seeing it now with this "economic stimulus" package we've been under. People who suddenly got pay raises by getting laid off in this crisis are saying, "Me? Go back to work?? No way." Now the White House wants to cut the payment to "70% of prior wages" and Pelosi is outraged. In the Democrat mind, the way you stimulate the economy is you stop as many workers from desiring to work at all. That way they'll be completely on the government dole for life and you get all the power in government. That's not a good thing; that's a learning disability -- failing to learn from history.

Relief from COVID Worries
We're all worried that COVID-19 will be the end of America as we know it. Putin is saying not to worry. "Ending America as we know it is our job." They're arming first-strike naval vessels with unstoppable hypersonic nuclear weapons. For peaceful purposes, of course! Don't worry about viruses. Don't worry about election tampering. Putin clearly looks like he's planning for war.

Not News
It took a government study to figure out that if we wear masks, it ruins facial recognition algorithms. I wonder how much time and money was spent on a study that a moment's consideration could have figured out.

What's Fair is Fair
New York Police are on the defensive because of an "indefensible" and "abusive" act of arresting a woman wanted for damaging police cameras (5 times) and putting her in an unmarked vehicle and getting pelted with rocks and bottles for doing their job. Now, the arrest was made by uniformed officers and the van was surrounded by "NYPD bicycle cops in bright yellow and blue uniform shirts," but police should never be allowed to be unmarked. We need to insure that all police and police vehicles have bright lights and colorful markings -- preferably with clown noses -- because how else will criminals know they're coming? Sheesh! Simple logic.

Not News; Just Sharing
This is not a news item. I just wanted to share an article here that I wanted to say and he did it first: How to Respond to Social Media Enemies. Well done.

Maybe Just a Full-Head Plastic Bag?
Dr. Fauci now recommends wearing goggles or eye shields along with the masks to protect yourself from the virus. There is, oddly enough, not one single picture anywhere I could find of Dr. Fauci wearing goggles or eye shields. There are precious few of him even wearing a mask. I don't suppose this is because Dr. Fauci doesn't practice what he preaches, is it? When people don't act on what they say they believe, I question what they actually believe.

Bad Ol' President
Trump was at it again. He wanted to screen green card applicants to eliminate those who might become dependent on public benefits during the current emergency. The courts blocked him. You can't have a "wealth test" for entry. Of course, if you ever travel into Canada from the U.S. you will find they routinely ask at the border if you have enough money to get through your trip because they don't want you to come in if you might become dependent on public benefits in Canada, but that's okay for them, not us. Mind you, I don't think it's okay for us. I'm only pointing out the double standard. We complain about Trump; Canada is okay.

Jesus and MacArthur
You may have heard about John MacArthur and his declaration that he and his church plan to defy the California ban on meeting and singing in church. Turns out, he's not alone. Apparently, Jesus is still planning to assemble a great multitude from every tribe, tongue, and nation despite the ban on large gatherings.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet. (Oh, and in this case, the Bible.)

1 comment:

    I'm sure they will also have to answer truthfully that they are a cop if you ask them, specifically while under cover.


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