Saturday, July 25, 2020

News Weakly - 7/25/20

How to Win Friends and Influence Voters
According to Business Insider, "Joe Biden has said four Black women are among those being vetted to be his vice president." I would think that would be a no-brainer after his mind-numbing, "You ain't black if you don't vote for me" comment. On the other hand, the Democratic party has been the anti-black party since the 19th century and that hasn't stopped black people from being on board, so ...

Mean Ol' Israelis
Israel reportedly launched a missile strike at Syria and killed 5 "Iran-backed fighters." Mean ol' Israel. Killing people for no good reason. Just because Syria and Iran favor the total annihilation of Israel is no reason to be shooting at ... what was the term ... oh, yeah, "Iran-backed fighters." Why is mean ol' Israel shooting at peace-loving Syria and their "Iran-backed" pals? (And it's interesting that while the reports say Damascus was targeted, there were no reports of civilian injuries.)

Because We Say So
Whole Foods has been sued by workers who wanted to wear BLM face masks at work and were told they couldn't. Silly store managers pointed to some useless "company dress code" that doesn't allow "any visible slogans, messages, logos or advertising that are not company-related, on any article of clothing." The company is clearly led by narrow-minded racists. Even if some of them are black. Now, if they had tried a pro-Trump face mask and been disciplined, no one would take the case because that would be the right thing to do. In fact, some of the same folk might have sued Whole Foods for allowing a MAGA mask. But we only follow the rules we approve and the only rules we approve are the ones that let us do what we want and not the ones that benefit our opponents. "Because we say so."

Fight Fire with ...?
I don't know the facts. All I know is what is reported by the media. So I won't make a judgment call here. According to the news, the St. Louis couple who waved their guns at trespassers will be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon. As I said, I don't know all the circumstances. What I find odd in this story is St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner's words. "It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner -- that is unlawful in the city of St. Louis." Really? So if, say, Bob over there is having his home invaded and pulls out a shotgun and waves it in a threatening manner, he has a felony weapons charge coming? I kind of thought that waving a weapon for, say, home defense was hopefully the point -- to stop people from harming you. Apparently not. You can own a weapon, but you better not threaten to use it.

Trump is a Jerk -- Neener-Neener
I am not a Trump fan, but even I can see the level of hate-Trump syndrome the media has. For awhile now they've been telling how stupid he is for not wearing masks. Of course, when the CDC told us masks weren't of much use, the White House put out a recommendation to wear them and the CDC reluctantly went along. Now Trump tweets that wearing a mask is patriotic and they're upset with him again. Do you suppose if he tweeted "I love CNN" they'd go out of business ... voluntarily?

Truth in Advertising
We have rules in this country. Like "truth in advertising." It's the law. If a company presents false information in an advertisement, they can be in trouble for "false advertising." On the other hand, the law specifically does not apply to political ads. So I don't know what all the furor is about over a Trump ad on Facebook. Apparently there is an ad showing Trump in a peaceful America contrasted with a photo of riots ... which actually came from a pro-democracy protest in the Ukraine in 2014. Worse, it references "Evangelicals" who are ready to help re-elect this guy. To be clear, I don't like Trump ads. Can't stand them. To be fair, I don't like any political ads. Primarily for the simple reason that they have no need to be truthful. And, they're not. Given the status quo of false advertising among politicians and the biblical reference to one called "the father of lies," what do you suppose I should conclude about most politicians?

The report says that the mayor of Portland was tear-gassed by federal law enforcement during a protest Wednesday. Remember, this mayor has sued the government to get federal law enforcement out of his city. Mind you, the story says it was "a chaotic display of violence and mayhem" that included protesters throwing flaming bags of garbage at the federal courthouse -- precisely the kind of event where you might need some law enforcement not using lethal force. But the protesters believe that they need no enforcement. Get rid of the police. To which I ask, "Who you gonna call?" when rioters show up at your house?

A Silver Lining
We've been watching the "cancel culture" at work for months now, tearing down history, heroes, and anything else they can get their hands on. It's crazy. But now we get a silver lining. Planned Parenthood of Greater New York is removing the founder's name because of Margaret Sanger's "racist legacy" -- her well-known connection to eugenics and her aim of eliminating the black race. At least they've admitted it. So ... do you think anyone is listening? Naw. Facts haven't bothered that crowd in the past.

Is It Wrong That I Laughed?
I am in the habit of putting up something here at the end for comic relief from the Babylon Bee. Was it wrong that I laughed at this headline?
Froot Loops Finally Changes Offensive Name To LGBTQ Loops

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