Saturday, June 06, 2020

News Weakly - 6/6/20

The nation now faces two pandemics: COVID-19 and violent protest. And in many cases the solution to the second is the same as the first: isolate. Many locales have limited access to public places and instituted curfews to try to stem the violence. Some have called up the National Guard. Property is being destroyed and people killed or injured. So it seems a bit ironic that officials are concerned that the masses of protesters without masks gathering and shouting could produce a major flare up of the virus. One pandemic feeding the other. And isn't it ironic that in the COVID "quarantine" solution the government opted to affect everyone instead of the sick people and in the "injustice" solution the protesters have opted to punish everyone instead of just the people they are protesting against? Truly ironic.

Racist COVID-19
In this racially-charged moment the complaints have been loud and clear. America is systemically racist. (At least, the white people are. Oh, and all police.) Included in the list of grievances is the outrage over the higher rate of infection and death from COVID-19 among minorities -- especially African-Americans. So it is sheer irony that the violent protests coast to coast against systemic racism in America has caused the closure of testing sites for COVID-19. To assault this pandemic, especially among minorities, testing is required. Testing is being severely curtailed because large crowds of unmasked people are gathering to protest the mistreatment of minorities, causing more infections. And the insanity just goes on.

What Do We Want?
The news is all about Black Lives Matter. The protests are everywhere. The violent, unconscionable, unnecessary deaths of black Americans have gone on too long. So, what does the organization suggest? Eliminate the police. "We call for a national defunding of police." If we can just eliminate law enforcement, "Black people not only survive, but thrive." What do we want? Anarchy. Frankly I don't see how this is a means to justice or even survival. It certainly isn't a tribute to those unjustly killed.

But, to be fair, I'd have to say that U.S. Representative Justin Amash is angling toward the same outcome.

Message Received
Long time announcer for the Sacramento Kings, Grant Napear, lost his job when he declared "all lives matter." No, they don't. Especially police lives. At least, not at the moment. To suggest that everyone is important and everyone is valued is racism to the extreme and people who actually believe that need to be out, fired (Ask Lea Michele.), excluded from society, and maybe worse. Shall we let the rioters decide? Thanks, America. Message received.

It seems as if our current position is that free speech is guaranteed. "You're free to make a statement ... well, as long as it's a statement we allow. Oh, and not you. Or you. But most of you."

In the Midst of it All
We have a pandemic, murder, nationwide protests, rioting in the streets, the National Guard forming up ... lots and lots of stuff. So it seems absolutely ludicrous that a federal judge would have to dismiss a lawsuit from two University of Maryland guys who accused a video game company of misappropriating dance moves on their game. Seriously? This is your big concern? Dance moves on a video game?? We can divide over a lot, but I think it's pretty clear that video game lives don't matter. Move along. Nothing to see here.

And Now for Something Completely Different
Enough on that. I ran across this interesting news item and since I'm one constantly harping on "We need to be making disciples," I thought it was appropriate. Apparently archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Galilean coffee shop where Jesus used to hold small groups.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Seems all of your posts are basically comments on the same situation. At least for the most part. I feel my typical individual responses would then be repetitive. Thus, I just say this: They don't really want to have the conversation they say we need in this country. They want us to "listen" to whatever they say is what we need to be hearing and believing, never mind what the truth is...never mind what the data shows...never mind that not everyone from their own community even agrees with it. Just accept it, damn it, and don't interfere with our narrative!

    Sorry. Ain't gonna comply.


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