Saturday, June 27, 2020

News Weakly - 6/27/20

Lots of news this week, and not all COVID or BLM.

Hate Crime
Nooses were found hanging from trees around Oakland's Lake Merritt; the mayor is investigating it as a hate crime. Mind you, the people that put them there, including a black man, told the police they put them there as exercise equipment, and no one who had seen them for the past several months thought they resembled nooses at all. But if a black man wants to call it "exercise equipment" in a white racist world, we certainly will pin it on hate, that's for sure.

The Hate Crime Du Jour
It has been going on for weeks now, but it's spreading. In San Francisco's Golden Gate Park protesters toppled statues to Ulysses S. Grant and Francis Scott Key. Mind you, Grant was the general that won the war to free the slaves. In fact, Grant was an abolitionist who freed slaves before the war. But the hate is palpable and the aim is clear. Tear it all down without consideration of fact or history or criminality. Don't worry, America. You're next.

Another Senseless Shooting
The spin: "A sheriff deputy killed an armed security guard in Gardena. It was another example of a sweet kid just minding his own business and getting killed for being a person of color." The actual story: Police encountered a young man wearing normal clothing (no uniform or anything) who produced a gun and ran. One officer shot him. The man wasn't a licensed security guard, wore no markings to suggest he was, and his handgun was not registered.

I abhor bad cops who use their position to perpetrate evil of any kind. I believe that such cops are rare. Unlike the loud voices today, I do not assume every shooting is racially motivated, every cop (regardless of skin color) is an anti-minority racist, or that there are no criminals among the people of color. I don't know why the officer shot the young man or why (or even if) the young man ran and produced a weapon. The public voices are ready to lynch the officer without any real evidence, information, or justice system. I'm not. There is another puzzle for me. I don't know why any police officer is still on the job in the current cop-hating climate. I guess I have to admire those who remain on to protect and serve a nation that largely wishes them harm.

More on Moron SCOTUS
Last week the Supreme Court legislated from the bench what the Congress has not. They required by their ruling that the Equality Act be put in force. They redefined "sex" in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to mean "sexual orientation, gender identity, or transgender status." On its heels, 48 senators issued a demand that Senate majority leader McConnell bring the Equality Act up on a vote.

The Equality Act, already passed by the House, is an act intended to silence the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. From the text of the Equality Act itself,
The bill prohibits the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 from providing a claim, defense, or basis for challenging such protections.
That is, there will by law be no religious exemption allowed in matters of sexual orientation or gender identity in regards to "discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation." You have an idea that the Bible teaches same-sex behavior is sin? Too bad. You can't allow that to affect your choices in hiring or firing. You're a Christian school who doesn't want an open homosexual teaching your students their moral views? Too late. Your religious views can no longer be taken into account. You believe that God made male and female? Tough. You can't use your biblical views to determine what is right or wrong.

Brothers and sisters, pray for America. Scripture doesn't promise us religious freedom, but the First Amendment does. Clearly the direction is to negate that amendment. Clearly the slippery slope is headed away from Christian faith and values. And the founding fathers assured us that this nation cannot stand without strong faith and values.

Alert! Alert!
Danger! As states are opening up more, "The rising number of COVID-19 cases in states across the country is due in large part to more young people contracting the virus, raising alarms among public health officials." Oh, no! Except ... it appears that they are almost exclusively asymptomatic cases. And the only reason they're catching them now is because of increased testing ... which Trump and Pence claimed and were laughed at for such nonsense.

My only point is, again, this is not a "once size fits all" virus. It affects most people very little if at all. There is an at-risk group and the rest have mild to no symptoms. So we need to treat this problem, but not in this wild "shut 'em all down" fashion when the majority wouldn't even know if they had it at all. And speaking of "one size fits all" approaches, if Biden was king president, he'd mandate that every last one of you wore masks outside, because if there's one thing Biden values it's freedom.

Trouble in Paradise
That's two shootings and counting now in the gun-free, police-free paradise of "CHOP," formerly known as CHAZ (read "6 square blocks of anarchy and disruption in Seattle"). But, hey, anarchists know best how to make a peaceful life, right? (Note: Since I wrote this, I think the total is now up to 4 shooting incidents in the "gun-free zone" this week.)

I Don't Even ...
In Lincoln County, Oregon, they have issued a mandatory face covering edict like so many others around the country with the exception that people of color don't need to comply. The ACLU said that wearing a face covering in public results in racial profiling for black people, so they are free to choose to spread the virus where everyone else is supposed to try to prevent it. Never mind that the complaint has continued that people of color are harder hit by the virus than others. We are now butting up against crises -- COVID vs BLM -- and BLM is winning.

And now Rhode Island wants to change its name because of "slavery connotations." "Slavery connotations?" you ask? Well, yes. You see, the official name of state is "the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." Ah, now, see? "Plantations." Now you get it, right? Except that when it was named that (1643) "plantations" was the term for "colony," not "a large farm where black people were enslaved." But, hey, facts are not important today, right? Only sensitivities. In other news, all rope is being removed from shelves because it is too reminiscent of lynchings and all cotton products are being banned because they serve as reminders that slaves picked cotton in the 19th century. I'm guessing that the cotton crops owned by local Native Americans near me will have to be burned, too. More corrections to come as we uncover more obscure triggers from an increasingly sensitive society.

Election Tampering
Showtime has made a two-part series based on former FBI Director James Comey's book, A Higher Loyalty. They moved the premiere date to prior to the presidential election in order to influence voters against Trump based on the obviously biased views of Comey and, clearly, Showtime and the cast. Some of it will include allegations of election tampering from Russia because tampering with elections is wrong for Russia but the moral high ground for Showtime.

Cancel Culture Overdone
The Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously to dismantle the police department. They plan to put it to the voters in November, but their basic idea is to throw away law enforcement in favor of a "Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention." Public safety will no longer include justice, but would have a nice impact on public health. The mayor isn't on board, but he doesn't have a say as demonstrated first by the demonstrators that booed him off the street as well as the council that voted. Of course, the protesters aren't happy either. That there is anything at all approximating licensed peace officers "would give current and former police way too much power to shape public safety in Minneapolis." So, "lose-lose-lose" it looks like. Minneapolis loses justice and law enforcement, constituents hoping for police protection lose safety, and protesters looking for anarchy over police presence don't get their wish either. But canceling the police is an example of exactly what the cancel culture is all about, isn't it?

Inciting to Riot
You know I like the Babylon Bee for their satire and all, but this story, presented as a headline and image alone, is too close to inciting a riot. Here's the headline: "'I Think We've Found All The Institutions Founded By Racists And We Can Just Stop Looking For Them Now,' Says Planned Parenthood Spokesperson Nervously." It's a shame to have to explain a joke, but you may not know that Planned Parenthood was founded by racists who sought to decrease the black population by means of eugenics. To this day, Planned Parenthood facilitates more abortions (read "kills more babies") from the black communities than any other. But, don't worry, PP. The double standard will hold. You will be safe because facts and logic are not at work in this current anti-racism climate.

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