Saturday, April 11, 2020

News Weakly - 4/11/20

Getting Serious
I guess Paris is getting serious about this whole "social isolation" thing. They've banned outdoor exercise. Tell me there won't be some unintended consequences from that edict. I suppose it might get more serious. Already See's Candies has suspended candy-making for only the 2nd time in their 99 year history, and Waffle House has broken its record for the most stores closed. It's the end of the world as we know it.

Democracy at Work
Once again the DNC has successfully maneuvered presidential contestant Bernie Sanders out of the race in order to assure their choice of candidates would get the nod. Like the rest of the pack of more than 20 contenders, including all the front runners above Joe Biden, he has determined that there is no path forward for successful Democratic nomination, leaving the Democrats with just crazy Joe as their candidate. Hey, maybe that's why a conservative Republican group endorsed Biden for president? (Interestingly, Obama is still holding off endorsing Biden just to see if anyone else will run. Must be true; I read it on the internet.)

Under the same heading, Georgia has postponed their primaries ... again. More than 15 other states have, too. Because, after all, these things are really necessary when the Republicans have one candidate and the Dems have one candidate and your vote, unless you vote for one of those in the primaries, doesn't count.

More COVID-19 Good News
For the first time in 30 years the Himalayas are visible in India as far as 125 miles away thanks to the drop in pollution levels brought to you by the coronavirus. It appears that the Wuhan Virus is a real boon for Greta's cause.

Can She Do That?
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds proclaimed a "Day of Prayer" for the state of Iowa saying, "The power of prayer and faith in God is something that has guided so many of us in good times and bad." Can she do that? Is that even legal? Is it legal these days to say the word "God" in public, especially in office, without intending it to be a swear word? And why would anyone appeal to the only One who can really make a difference in this whole thing? We live in strange times.

Peace, Peace
We are told to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psa 122:6). These times, in particular, it requires prayer because humans aren't going to do it. Did you know that it is illegal for Palestinians to attempt "normalization activity with the Israeli occupation"? Peace activists in the Gaza Strip were arrested for talking to Israelis. According to Hamas, "Holding any activity or contact with the Israeli occupation under any cover is a crime punishable by law and a betrayal for the people and their sacrifices." But our media is pretty clear that it is Israel that is the warmongering haters there.

A little comic relief from the Babylon Bee:

Bernie Tests Negative for President. Almost not satire at all.

Episcopal Church Reports No Change in Attendance in Recent Weeks. Ouch!

New Zoom Filter Makes it Look Like You're Wearing Clothes. Very helpful to those working from home, right?


  1. With respect to the implication in paragraph two of "Democracy at Work," I would like to note there are many contested races in Georgia's various primaries aside from the Presidential race.

  2. Fair enough. In the push to be brief, I abbreviated. Should have specified "presidential primaries."


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