Saturday, March 07, 2020

News Weakly - 3/7/20

No Surprise
It isn't really a surprise, is it, that Bernie Sanders, the possibly most socialist candidate for president, won in the most socialist state in the Union -- California? Probably not. But I still think that America is not ready for a socialist president any more than we're happy with a socialist state overall.

And it really isn't a surprise that another bastion of liberal politics banned "conversion therapy." Virginia became the 20th state to do so. Mind you, I'm not a fan of "conversion therapy." I don't think therapy is the answer. Governor Northam said, "Conversion therapy sends the harmful message that there is something wrong with who you are." "Conversion therapy" doesn't change who you are, but if you believe that there is nothing wrong with who you are, you definitely need Christ.

Doesn't Sound Like Microaggression to Me
Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is facing stiff complaints over threats he made in favor of baby-killing at a rally outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday. "I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Schumer says he did not threaten Supreme Court justices on the steps of the Supreme Court. No, no. He was misunderstood. He said later, "I should not have used the words I used yesterday. They didn't come out the way I intended to. My point was that there would be political consequences ..." Because threatening with political consequences is not the same as threatening. Oh, wait ... isn't it? In a world of "microagression" and "trigger words" and bullying and hair-trigger offenses, surely this falls way beyond "Oops! You misunderstood."

So Many Layers of "Confusing"
Amanda Nunes and Nina Ansaroff are UFC fighters and are now expecting a bouncing baby tissue mass that they plan to name Raegan Ann Nunes. I mean, it's not a baby, right? So why are they naming a tissue mass in the womb? And since gender is fluid, why are they calling this tissue mass a "her"? They "got engaged" in 2018 and "have stated publicly for a long time that they intended to have a child together." Well, not together together. That doesn't happen naturally, of course. Females do not impregnate females. But it's all natural, you know, except that ... it's not. Oh, it's all so confusing.

Breaking News
If you've been watching gas prices rising for the last few months, you'll appreciate this good news. On Friday oil prices dropped more than 3% on news that Russia will not agree to steeper oil output cuts. Expect lower prices at the pump any day now.

Ha, ha, ha ... sorry, couldn't keep a straight face. Thought I could, but couldn't. When something bad happens, gas prices skyrocket, sometimes just in anticipation, but when they drop, we won't likely see that for months. Too bad.

Doing the Impossible
Virginia made the news a second time this week. They sent an "historic energy bill" to the governor. "Today," said Michael Town, executive director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters, "the Virginia Senate finalized what would have been impossible just a year ago: comprehensive legislation that gets us to 100 percent clean electricity and zero carbon emissions." In fact, 100% clean electricity and actual zero emissions is not scientifically possible. No current method of electricity production is "clean" and "zero carbon emissions" has never been possible. But, hey, they'll be sure the Virginian population pays for this "new and improved" lie.

Some good news in the coronavirus panic
Despite all the furor and fear, it appears there is a safety measure for escaping the virus. "It seems the best way to avoid getting infected is supernatural: many have found that if you paint Chick-fil-A sauce on your doorposts, the virus will pass right over you and your household."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. No Surprise

    What's called "conversion therapy" is an answer, but not the only one. Of course, Christ first, but not all believe in Him and still prefer not to be plagued with homo-erotic desires. When the enablers refer to "conversion therapy", they are of course making sure no one thinks of anything but the most torturous and ineffective measures attempted to "correct" someone's "orientation". (Lots of scare quotes necessary for this discussion). But it would seem to me that legitimate therapies hope for a conversion, but likely, as with many therapies, being with dealing with the paradigm until such time as the mind beings to reprogram the brain. That is to say, helping people cope with the attractions they don't want, strengthening their resolve to resist the temptations of it. Christ indeed can help for Christians. But the concept, I believe, is not remarkable with issues unrelated to homosexuality. I totally favor such therapies and to legally ban them as if no one seeks to correct their disordered thinking is not only unfair, but damned unAmerican.

    Doesn't Sound Like Microaggression to Me

    I'll never get over how given over to their corruption are those who would threaten those who seek to save the innocent.

    So Many Layers of "Confusing"

    Reality is what the left says it is as they need it to be at any given moment.

    Breaking News

    Where I'm at, prices fluctuate anywhere between $.30-.50 on a weekly basis. I filled up yesterday at $2.30/gal (after my rewards club discount) and I won't be surprised to see it jump to $2.60 or more by Thursday. The price at which I filled up is a bit lower than recent months, but the range I just described has been pretty constant for some time. The place I use is on my way home from work. I'm done chasing a few cents per tankful anymore, unless I see some outrageously reduced price somewhere. I don't expect to see it anytime soon.

    Doing the Impossible

    Impossible is getting a rational explanation for why anyone would support those who promote such idiocy.

    Some good news in the coronavirus panic

    Seen on FB:

    Man with coronavirus seeking woman with Lyme disease.

  2. The "conversion therapy" bans came about largely because parents were putting kids in these things against their will. Most weren't going voluntarily. From that perspective, such therapies are just as ineffective as alcohol and drug therapies. If you don't want help, help won't help.


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