Saturday, March 14, 2020

News Weakly - 3/14/20

What Part of "No" Don't You Understand?
Brigham Young University is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such, its students have to agree to adhere to a strict honor code including not drinking alcohol and not engaging in sex before marriage. They removed a prohibition of homosexual behavior recently, but clarified that such behavior was not compatible with the rules of the school. Self-identified homosexuals are aghast. "Students had spoken out against the clause because they argued it unfairly banned behavior granted to straight couples, such as holding hands or kissing." The school, they were saying, was singling out gays. Well, yes. If you have rules against murder, you single out murderers. If you have rules against smiling in public, you single out people who smile. Listen, if you are considering going to a school that has rules against X and you want X, don't go there. Stop trying to force everyone to conform to your preferences. I'm not a Mormon fan, but, look, I don't want to engage in homosexual behavior, so I won't be going to any gay bars. This kind of thinking would require that I go to gay bars and try to force them to stop because they're singling me out for discrimination and it makes me uncomfortable. Makes no sense.

Gender Identity Development?
In the UK Keira Bell, 23, is suing the NHS for prematurely transitioning her from female to male as a child. She has since begun the transition back to female and believed they shouldn't have allowed her to transition based solely on her gender dysphoria as a teen. The damage, she says, is physical and mental and irreversible. Would we expect anything else from the "Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS)"?

Political Climate Change
According to the USDA Forest Service, Oregon has the most trees per acreage in the U.S. with some of the lowest greenhouse gas emissions in the nation. For a couple of years, now, the Republicans have been evading a vote on decreasing carbon emissions, so you can see why it is important that the governor would issue an executive order to lower carbon emissions to 80% less than 1990 levels by 2050. I guess if they can't do it by trees and decreased emissions, you will do it by executive fiat.

An Abundance of Caution
COVID-19 is all the news these days. Given the current virulent infection rate in the U.S. (0.0004%) and the horrendous mortality rate worldwide (96% of those infected survive), at least 6 states are closing schools, while individual schools are closing themselves. France is closing schools nationwide. The world is panic-buying toilet paper into a shortage. (Seriously? Toilet paper?? Why??!!) (There are reports of armed robberies in Hong Kong for toilet paper.)

And we deeply value life, don't we? Take, for instance, the latest from Italy. With a surge in COVID-19 cases, doctors are warning medics to stop treating the elderly. Because human life is valuable.

In related news, the Democrats in the House have produced a coronavirus relief package. The multibillion dollar bill includes economic measures to assist working people, paid sick leave, expanded unemployment benefits, and free testing. Oh, yeah, and a provision to bypass the Hyde Amendment that prevents federal funding for abortions. The last stalled negotiations and got removed, but you can see how important it is to save lives ... by killing little people. (I cannot grasp how paying for abortions will provide coronavirus relief in anyone's mind.)

You read "Pregnant teen falls from Texas border wall and dies as migrants take more risks to cross" and think "Dirty, rotten Trump and his evil border wall. He's getting people killed who are just seeking a better life." It is a tragic loss. And you read, "Her fetus did not survive" and realize, once again, that the media has an agenda other than simply reporting the news. What you will not read is "a 19-year-old woman tried to enter the country illegally and she and her baby died in the attempt" because 1) it makes it seem as if there is a legal and an illegal way to enter the country and 2) the unborn are babies. Neither is acceptable to the media and, therefore, the sheeple that follow them.

The Other Satirical Site
Genesius Times came up with the satirical headline that says what I feel about the current COVID-19 panic: BREAKING: COVID-19 skyrockets to 1,543,299th highest cause of death in US; just behind butterflies. Obviously the truth is hardly a protection against overblown fear tactics.


  1. My wife used to work at a church that had all volunteers in certain ministry areas agree to a conduct statement that stipulated that they wouldn’t engage in certain behaviors. What surprised me was the number of people who ignored the agreement they signed, and got upset when they were confronted about it. What bothers me about this is the people who think it’s ok to agree to something you have no intention of keeping. They’re basically just lying when they sign it.

    Or. Don’t want Mormon restrictions on your lifestyle, don’t go to BYU.

    By all means let’s use the virus situation to advance unrelated political agendas.

    I saw something this morning that kind of makes sense. It seems like there is a lot of overreacting to the virus, but if these measures work to minimize exposure, then it really wasn’t overreacting.

  2. Kind of makes sense. Like "If you kill everyone, no one will get sick!" It isn't overreacting if it works, right? Of course, no one is saying it and no one would and it's just an over-the-top illustration. I have heard people say, "I'm not going to _____ because being in closed places with a group of people is a higher risk." That included church, dinner with friends, a Christian concert, coffee at Starbucks ... a HOST of things that 1) won't make a difference and 2) can be detrimental (like skipping church).

    I just came home from the store and it was at least half empty because a run on toilet paper has become a run on dried goods has become a run on canned goods has become a run on cleaning supplies has become ... ridiculous. This is not going to keep people from getting the virus.

    I'm not sure -- for Christians -- when panic about the coronavirus becomes the sin of excess worry.

  3. What Part of "No" Don't You Understand?

    I've never understood this whine. But as I think about it, there's another form of it that is just as frustrating to me when I witness it. It has to do with jobs for which people enter into that basic agreement that "I'll take the job, if you pay me what you promised." Everyone knows that as employees, there side of the contract is to do what they're told. But I continue to see people skirt all sorts of tasks they find "not worth it" but are indeed part of their job. I think we all have our moments, so I don't suggest I'm beyond taking liberties now and then. But like the story you referenced, and others like it, there's more of it going on in differing variations elsewhere. The rules just don't matter when one wants to indulge an urge. Very sad.

    Gender Identity Development?

    I'd love to see this case go to trial. No one below the legal age should be permitted these surgeries. They can be coddled if their parents are morally bankrupt enough to be behind the child's disordered desires. But the kid MUST be legally old enough to choose and be solely responsible for doing so. There's really no turning back once the butchery is least not these days. A trial properly fought might bring that obvious truth to it's rightful place in the perception of all.

    Political Climate Change

    Evidently the governor hasn't much to do.

    An Abundance of Caution

    I wondered on Facebook if given the run on toilet paper, if those who self-quarantine poop more than those who don't. Maybe that's why they hoard the stuff.

    The way the article about Italy tells it, it appears their situation is so overburdened it is similar to a war situation where those likely to die are set aside to assist those who have a real chance to live. The question is "is it really that bad there yet?" If it is, is it because of the health care system, or is it so bad that it wouldn't matter what health care system they have. If it's the latter, then this virus is really worse than we thought. Still, I think things will calm down before most people have used up half their toilet paper.

    Can the Dems be any more reprehensible than to add a pro-abortion aspect to a bill meant to provide relief for this health care problem? May God have mercy on them!


    No negative news will be reported if it doesn't in some way implicate Trump. I think that's a rule now.

    The Other Satirical Site


  4. Stan, as with anything real overreaction isn’t going to help.

    But contrast Trump’s relatively quick moves to minimize contact with other countries, with the Italian president’s “Hug a Chinese” day, or the current Canadian policy.

    Obviously the run on supplies has been stupid, but if it’s possible to mitigate this by a few weeks of inconvenience it’s probably worth it.


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