Thursday, March 05, 2020

Boys Will Be Boys

You've heard it, I'm sure. Hey, didn't they even say that about Trump? I don't know. But you get the idea. "Let kids be kids." "It's just the way I am." "I've gotta be me." We determine that "it" (whatever is in view) is just "it" because it's what we do and then figure, "If it's just what I do, it must be okay." Or, at least, "You need to excuse ... nay ... embrace me for it." Because, after all, boys will be boys.

You see the fundamental error here, right? This approach assumes "If I do it it must be good" because it assumes "People are basically good" and never proceeds to the next step, "Yeah, sure, boys will be boys, but is that okay?"

If you pull out "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jer 17:9) from Scripture and apply it to "It's what I do because I got to be me," the conclusion, "Therefore it must be good" is completely gone. In fact, the opposite conclusion rears its ugly head. If it is true, in fact, that "the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth" (Gen 8:21) and "What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander." (Matt 15:18-19), then it must be that in all likelihood doing what comes naturally is by definition wrong.

Sure, a generalization, but I suspect not an excessive one. A generalization in humans, perhaps, although we can be born anew and have a new heart and a new spirit. But I would be tempted when someone says, "Boys will be boys," to say, "Well, then, we might want to put a stop to that, wouldn't we?" And "I gotta be me" would require a prayer for their repentance and salvation.


  1. Interesting thought. In many ways I agree with you. Yet, I do think that there are differences between boys and girls and that those differences (how they learn, show emotion, etc) should be encouraged.

    But simply as an excuse to pardon bad behavior, you’re on target.

  2. Just as I am, though tossed about
    With many a conflict, many a doubt
    Fighting and fears within without
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come

    Just as I am, and waiting not
    to rid my soul of one dark blot
    to thee whose blood can cleanse each spot
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come

  3. Beautiful poetry, Bob. 😁

  4. There are absolutely differences that should be expected, but it is used exclusively to excuse bad behavior. (No one ever says, "Girls will be girls.")

  5. I agree that the most common use is to excuse bad behavior, but the other use struck me as I was reading.

  6. I've never heard someone try to use "boys will be boys" as a way to differentiate boys from girls.


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