Saturday, February 15, 2020

News Weakly - 2/15/20

Unicorn Sighted
Robyn Peoples and Sharni Edwards made the news in Northern Ireland. They became the first couple to engage in gay mirage. No, I didn't misspell that. Oh, the news didn't say it. They called it the first same-sex marriage. But since "marriage" has an actual, traditional, even biblical definition, and "same-sex" doesn't fall within that definition, you can't really call it "marriage." "Same-sex marriage" doesn't exist any more than unicorns do. Pretty soon it will be a scant few who even realize this.

Correcting God
There were high hopes for a little while that Pope Francis might change the rules and allow married men to become priests. Well, at least in the Amazon ... where most men are married and there is a priest shortage. But, no. Francis declined to approve the ordination of married men. Scripture calls for elders/pastors/overseers/bishops to be "the husband of one wife" (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:6) and to manage their children/household well (1 Tim 3:3-4; Titus 1:6), but that's apparently irrelevant; the pope gets to countermand the Word in their religion.

Go With The Flow
In America all states have laws that criminalize polygamy. In view of the court's decision to redefine marriage in 2015 to include same-sex couples, these laws are not rational. Utah may be the first state to figure this out and go along with the current trends opposing marriage. Republican state Sen. Deidre Henderson has sponsored a bill that would make polygamy an infraction in order to ... you know ... make it safer for potential victims of abuse. Next up? Polyamory (explicit non-monogamy) ought to be recognized and approved next, right? And, look, if we're going to be "sex positive" ("embrace your sexuality"), surely pedophilia is not far behind. Come on, people, you've got to keep up with the natural flow of things.

Nudging Out the Constitution
I know. We don't really care anymore. Who cares what some old guys back at the beginning of our country -- you know, "founding fathers" -- think? They didn't want the capital of the United States to be a state because it would then have competing political interests. So concerned were they that they wrote it into the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17). But not to worry. Since the Democrats don't care about your 2nd Amendment rights or your 1st Amendment free exercise of religion rights (for example), they won't be deterred by the Constitution, either. They're trying to grant statehood to Washington D.C. Good to know they know better than anyone else.

Radicalized, sure, but in a good way
A driver in Florida ran his van into a GOP voter registration tent. According to police, it wasn't an accident. He told police he opposed Trump and showed them videos on his phone that he took of himself driving into the tent. The Left is outraged and are looking into who radicalized this young man against Trump. Oh, wait, no. This one will get swept under the rug. You know it.

Missing the Point
Matty Healy made the news. "Who's that?" you ask? I admit I've never heard of the band, The 1975, or their frontman, but there it is. He has agreed to only play at music festivals that are "gender balanced." The idea is 50%. If a festival books 50% males and 50% females, he'll be one of those. If not, he won't. Whether the festival tried to book more females is irrelevant. Whether the festival did not try because they believed they could satisfy more fans or make more money with the balance they chose is beside the point. As we all know, the whole reason that there are music festivals (and movies and movie awards and all that) is so that there will be at least as many women (and minorities and LGBT folk, I suppose) as not. That's the point. Right?

Getting On God's Bad Side
The U.N. human rights office doesn't much care what God thinks of Israel (Gen 12:1-3). They're blackmailing Israel along with more than 100 companies that they say are "complicit in violating Palestinian human rights" by operating in Israeli settlements on the West Bank. Now, I don't believe that Israel should get a pass on whatever they do. I'm just saying that the first response to curse Israel because they don't like what they're doing (occupying their ancient territory given to them by God) is a potentially dangerous one.

"Normal Sensibilities"
They buried over 2,000 dead babies this week in South Bend, IN. The remains were discovered last year in the home and one of the vehicles of the most prolific abortion doctor in the Midwest between 2000 and 2002. He died last September. They estimate he personally killed "tens of thousands" of babies. Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill said, "The shocking discovery ... was horrifying to anyone with normal sensibilities." Unfortunately, Mr. Hill, to a large number of Americans (and the world), "normal sensibilities" are not normal. Perhaps one of the most touching remarks came from a woman who had had an abortion at the hands of this abortion doctor after she was raped. "As post-abortive men and women, sometimes we think we shouldn’t be able to mourn the loss of our children, but it was a loss of life." Abortion is the loss of a child, and anyone with "normal sensibilities" would know that.

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