Saturday, February 01, 2020

News Weakly - 2/1/2020

The news was so full this week of either Trump's Senate impeachment hearings or China's coronavirus problems that there seemed to be little room for much else. What with all the pressing news about a host wearing a dress backward or the heartwarming one about Taylor Swift missing the Grammys to be with Mom or the cheery news about a class that replacing a teacher's stolen shoes, there just wasn't a lot to comment on. So here's all I got ...

Dogged Determination
It's less than a week until Iowans decide who they want to be their Democratic candidate for president and Senator Elizabeth Warren is stuck in Washington D.C. for Trump's impeachment trial. Fortunately, she found a suitable substitute, someone that can represent her to Iowa, someone that says, "Vote for me!" It's her dog. Because nothing says, "I'm serious about this campaign and I'd be better for the country than anyone else" than a golden retriever. At least now we know who let the dogs out.

Evil Judges Adhering to the Law
The Texas attorney general is declining to defend the state agency charged with disciplining judges who refused to marry same-sex couples. The media headlines say that he cited religion, but the attorney general actually cited, horror of horrors, the Constitution. Go figure. Yes, the constitutional free exercise of religion, but it is the Constitution. The commission warned that the judge's refusal to violate her constitutional protections was "casting doubt on her capacity to act impartially." Really? Does a judge's adherence to the Constitution constitute a lack of impartiality? Does religion constitute a lack of impartiality? Does adherence to the law constitute a lack of impartiality? I'd say so, and I'd say it was a good thing. You don't want judges who ignore the law in the name of impartiality. But, hey, that's just me, I guess.

That's Gonna Be a Problem
We all know that Trump is a racist. We all know that anyone that supports Trump is a racist. We all know that anything positive said about Trump is a racist lie. Just ask the public. Of course, you need to be careful what you ask. Because the Gallup group did a recent poll and found out that most Americans are satisfied with the country on the economy and national security, and -- this is the part that is gonna hurt -- average satisfaction across 27 issues is higher than when Trump took office. "Satisfaction is also up by between six and nine points on crime, the position of blacks and other racial minorities, the distribution of income and wealth, and the opportunity for a person to get ahead through hard work." Under Trump. That can't be right. Right? This is going to be a problem for the rabid Trump haters, a boon to the rabid Trump lovers, and of little consequence to those of us in between.

Shooting the Messenger
A publisher has cancelled a book tour for safety concerns. The book is about a Mexican woman who flees with her son for safety to the U.S. border. "Ah," you think, "I see. Safety concerns over racists." Turns out that since the author is not of Mexican descent and since some consider it stereotypical character portrayal, it's the hispanics who are up in arms, so to speak. Or ... quite literally. What a strange world we live in. "You have highlighted our concerns and spoken on our behalf, but you're not the right race and you didn't do it in the way we wanted ... so we might just kill you." And, as it turns out, if you thought it was the racists that would be the problem, you were right. Just not the racists you had in mind.

Sports and Politics
PETA is miffed. They are complaining that the NFL pressured FOX not to air their commercial inspired by Kaepernick's "take a knee." I suppose, however, that this isn't the only Super Bowl commercial that illustrates FOX's views. FOX also rejected a Faces of Choice ad, a brief message from a group of people who surived abortion attempts to say, "I am the face of choice."

Because drag queens in ads are great, but you don't want to call attention to the mass killing of babies, right?

Impeachment News
The one headline I thought was worth noting on the impeachment was Dems Who Ran Sham Impeachment Hearings Shocked As Republicans Run Sham Impeachment Trial. Well, at least, that's what the Babylon Bee said. Satire, I know, but it doesn't seem any less feasible than the suggestion that the Dems have engineered their own election interference by their timing of the impeachment hearings to be sure that Republicans couldn't get a suitable candidate from the GOP in time for the March primaries, right?

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