Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Just wondering out loud here.

Why is it that we find it easier to complain than to compliment? Why is it easier to see what's wrong with something or someone than what's right? Why is it that, even among friends, much of the banter is insults rather than edification?

I know a lot of people who are "sourpusses." You know the kind. People whom my former pastor would describe as having Limburger cheese in their mustaches. I also know the "pollyanna" types. Everything is just wonderful. But I know far more of the former than of the latter. Why is that? Is it nature or nurture ... or both? Is it something we've learned or something we demonstrate for others? Which are you?

I don't want to be that way myself. I don't want to be dour or negative. I don't want to use unkindness as humor among friends. I suppose I do sometimes. And I want to say, "But they started it!" No excuse. I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for explanations. Why are people like this?

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