Sunday, February 23, 2020

Be Exalted

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth! (Psa 108:5)
This particular sentence appears 3 times in Scripture (Psa 57:5, 11; Psa 108:5). In Psa 97:9 it says that He is most high over all the earth, that He is exalted "far above all gods." This begins to look like a theme. Even God says, "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" (Psa 46:10) Apparently "exalted" is the biblical position for God.

That's good. We like that. We even sing (or, at least, sang) that song, "Be Exalted, O God." Lift God up! Let God be over all!

How is it then that church is so hard on Sundays for so many? How is it that listening to God via His Word is so hard to do on a daily basis? Why do we push back, then, when God seeks to "intrude" in our daily lives? "What do you mean, 'Love your neighbor'? Have you met my neighbor?" We are commanded to love God with our whole being. Do we? Really? Our whole being? If God is most high -- if God is lifted above everyone and everything else -- I would suggest that we have a hard time demonstrating that in our daily lives. I would think that our habits, our choices, our routines, our way of life would look a lot different.

It's Sunday, a great day to join other believers at church wherever you are to focus on God and His glory. It's a great day to remind ourselves to lift Him up above all else. It's a great day to confess our failure to do so, too.

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