Friday, December 20, 2019

They All Look Alike

There seems to be a lot of diet plans on the market. You can pay a lot or pay a little. You can get help or you can do it yourself. You can take pills or not. But, when it comes down to it, it turns out that they all look alike. At least, the ones that work. Eat right and exercise. That's it. That's the grand secret. Not much else to it. Oh, sure, there are variations and suggestions. Like "Just what does 'eat right' look like?" Maybe it's no carbs or maybe it's high protein or maybe it's a "balanced diet" or ... lots of ideas. But it's all the same at the core.

There seems to be a lot of religions on the market. You can go with Buddhism or Sikhism or Islam, Judaism, or Christianity. You can do the Zen way or the Hindu path or all sorts of others. Each is individual. Each is unique. But, when it comes down to it, it turns out that they all look alike. Be good and you'll make it fine. That's about it. Not much else to it. Oh, sure, there are variations. What is "good" in one religion might be "slightly" different than in another. In Buddhism, for instance, they tend toward radical passivity and in Islam they tend toward killing infidels; that sort of thing. But it's all the same at the core. Be good and you'll make it fine.

As it turns out, of course, this isn't exactly true. It's true for all ... but one. All roads lead to Rome ... but one. Christianity is not just like every other religion. Christianity alone offers justification by faith alone. "But," some will protest, "you Christians are so concerned about morality like all the other religions. Same thing, right?" All religions are concerned about morality, true enough, but Christianity alone views morality as a result of justification by faith and not a means. Christianity sees good works as the outcome of "saved by grace through faith" rather than a cause. Christianity alone offers a new life (read "born again") for people dead in sin; every other religion offers dead people a more moral life. Not the same thing.

"But you said all roads lead to Rome." Yes, I did, but Rome isn't heaven. Rome isn't righteousness before God. All roads lead to a Rome that has the appearance of godliness, but they deny its power (2 Tim 3:5). Its power is God alone obtained by faith in Christ alone. They may look alike, but there is certainly one religion that is not like the others. Hey, maybe Sesame Street should have tried that one out, eh?

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