Saturday, December 28, 2019

News Weakly - 12/28/19

Doin' What Comes Natur'ly
In Eagle Rock, California, a church raised enough money to pay off $5 million in medical debt for 5,555 families. In Virginia three pastors paid off more than $17,000 in school meal debt in two local school systems. To the Left, anything Trump does is wrong. Similarly, anything Christianity does is viewed as wrong by many. Like the notion that all police are evil killers ... like in Boise, Idaho where police gave out candy rather than tickets for minor infractions. This sounds like a vast right-wing conspiracy to me.

Not Christianity Today
After Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, published his "late hit" piece ("late hit" because he waited to say anything until the play was finished) on Christians and Trump (I don't recall "The Bible says to pray for leaders" in that "Christian" piece.), people responded ... by subscribing at three times the rate as those who unsubscribed. It is fashionable and vogue in America today to pass judgment on those we don't like without all the evidence at hand, but it gets subscribers, apparently. (Clearly Christianity Today is not a 501c3 organization or they'd never have been allowed to comment on politics ... or would they?)

Not Just Cats and Dogs
No snark or sarcasm here. Just a funny story. A woman in North Carolina reported that a catfish fell out of the sky and shattered her windshield. It wasn't raining cats and dogs. It was raining catfish? Actually, she said a bird dropped it. Yeah, try that one out on your insurance company.

More Double Standards
The story was that Sen. Lisa Murkowski said she was "disturbed" by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's statement that he would work in "total coordination" with the White House during the Senate impeachment trial. It disturbed more than Murkowski. Chuck Schumer released a statement reminding colleagues about the oath they must take before the trial to "render impartial justice," much like the one-sided, completely political, thoroughly partial justice the House offered in their impeachment hearing. Got it. I think the Senate can do that ... except, of course, they don't offer the same side in their "one-sided" hearing, so ...

The Truth Will Out
The rector of Notre Dame Cathedral says that even after the work being done the cathedral might not be saved. Well, a lot of Protestants wondered that about Catholics, but ... oh ... wait ... not that kind of "saved." Sorry. Moving on.

Another Inconvenient Truth
Homelessness in America is down ... in 29 states and Washington DC. As it turns out, though, the increase in homelessness in California was so sharp that overall it "caused a nationwide rise in overall homeless." The Right would like to point to California's policies of embracing illegal immigrants and a generally "socialist" agenda, but I'm not one of those. Clearly California is one of those "go to" states for people in crisis. California's climate, wealth, big cities, social programs, transportation options and the like simply attract more people. Still, it doesn't seem to be a glowing commendation of a state that prides itself on being the most socially aware and progressive.

From the Bee
The Babylon Bee headline reads, "Magazine Takes Bold Stance that Trump is Bad." Speaking, of course, about Christianity Today, they do make a point. Christianity is controversial, even offensive, according Scripture. When a "Christian" magazine embraces popular politics as its theme, you have to wonder.

1 comment:

  1. Doin' What Comes Natur'ly

    Let no good deed go unpunished.

    Not Christianity Today

    I wonder how much that lame editorial actually had on the subscription rate. I wonder how many of those new subscribers are actually Christian, and not "progressives" who just like to be able to cite CT to support their "progressive" notions.

    The Truth Will Out

    It would be sad if they couldn't save that historic edifice.

    Another Inconvenient Truth

    Cali only attracts those who abide their leftist policies. All others are fleeing and/or avoiding the place.


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