Saturday, November 09, 2019

News Weakly - 11/9/19

Hard to Follow
I don't know if it's me or just the insane world in which we live, but I didn't get this story at all. Advice columnist E. Jean Caroll is suing President Trump not for sexual assault, but for denying it. Now, that seems odd. And a bit unfair. If "she" (whoever "she" is) accuses "him" (pick one, anyone) of sexual assault and he admits it, she's exonerated. If he denies it, she sues him for damaging her reputation and she's exonerated. Either way he loses and she wins. What's up with that? But she wisely brought her suit in New York, a state that seems to hate the president, so I don't think it will go well for him, fair or not.

Who's Paying for This?
Okay, so it is a human right to be given a "living wage." Fine. We don't exactly know what that is and I can guarantee you that their will be large unintended consequences, but, okay. So now Bank of America has decided to boost the company's minimum by early 2020. How generous. Of course you know where banks make their money, right? I mean, it's you, the customer, the investor, the depositor, those getting loans. So ... who's going to pay for this increase? It won't be "super-rich bankers." Do the math.

Art Imitates Life
Emma Watson is a well-known actress and activist, and now she has "come out." No, she's not gay; she's "self-partnered." She doesn't like the term "single," so she's calling herself "self-partnered" as if "partnered" can be done by one. Like the equally nonsensical "I am my own best friend," the concept illustrates how disconnected we've become with reality and with society (which also requires more than one).

Filed Under "California ... Again"
Back in 2014 California passed Prop 47, a measure intended to reduce penalties for some crimes. Like, shoplifting. If you don't shoplift more than $950 worth of goods, you won't be arrested or prosecuted. Who would have guessed? Turns out when you remove the law about shoplifting, shoplifting increases. Go figure! I mean, surely, if people are basically good, this wouldn't happen, would it?

Remind You of Another Story?
This is weird. God annihilated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone for "grave sins" (Gen 18:20) which included "sexual immorality" and "pursuing unnatural desires" (Jude 1:7), pride and abominations (Ezek 16:50), and refusing to aid the poor and needy amidst their great wealth (Ezek 16:49). Las Vegas calls itself "Sin City," is famous for its sexual immorality, and has outlawed homeless from sleeping in public areas. I'm starting to see parallels here. You might want to rethink your next visit to Vegas.

Make Up Your Mind
The news item's opening line is, "A woman in California has been arrested and charged with murder after she delivered a stillborn baby with toxic levels of methamphetamine in his system." Now, I'm willing to forego further comment on the "his system" in that line even though we all know it's child abuse to determine a baby's gender from its biology, but what's up with the rest of it? She was charged with murder? How is that possible?? It was stillborn. It was never a person. It was never a baby. It was mere tissue until the moment of its birth ... right? Come on, folks. Make up your mind. An unborn child is a human life or it is not. You can't have it both ways.

(The Babylon Bee agrees with me. No kidding.)

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