Thursday, October 24, 2019

When I Am Afraid

Psalm 56 is a psalm by David, written when the Philistines seized him in Gath (1 Sam 21:10-11). As his friends and enemies trampled him, he wrote, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You" (Psa 56:3).

Why? Why would someone trust in God when they are afraid? I mean, it's not like God always prevents pain. It's not like trusting God guarantees our comfort, our health, our well-being. The Bible doesn't teach that if you trust God, everything will be peachy for you. So why should we trust in God when we are afraid?

It is not based on us -- our comfort, our health, our ease. It is based on a view of God. It is based on confidence in His character. We believe that God is good (Mark 10:18; James 1:17; Psa 145:9; Rom 8:28). Our word, "good," actually has its origins in the word "God." He defines good. We believe that God is love (1 John 4:7-8). That doesn't mean He's a hunk of gooey warm feelings. It means that He defines love. He is the source of love (1 John 4:7). We believe that God has all power (Gen 17:1; Rev 1:8; Rev 19:6). Nothing is too difficult for Him (Jer 32:17; Matt 19:26). We believe that God is sovereign (Eph 1:11; Acts 4:24; 1 Tim 6:15). He always accomplishes what He intends (Dan 4:35; Psa 115:3).

Starting first with God, then, we go back to us. We face dire circumstances, painful events, bad people, a host of difficulties. Scary things. God doesn't offer a promise that we won't. What we know is that God is in charge of everything, He is good, and He is accomplishing His will. That God loves us. On the basis of His nature and promises, then, we can be confident in pleasant and unpleasant, good and not so good, success and defeat, comfort and discomfort that He is still on the throne, He is still accomplishing His good will, and He loves us.

All of us can say with good cause, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You" (Psa 56:3).

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