Saturday, October 05, 2019

News Weakly - 10/5/19

Directed Discrimination
New York City has issued new rules about hate speech. You cannot threaten to call ICE or refer to someone as an "illegal alien" (because "illegal alien" is a thoroughly accurate but "derogatory" term). There will be no discrimination in New York City (except, of course, for those who think that ICE might serve a good purpose or that people who come into the country illegally are "illegal" -- those can be discriminated against). Each offense is punishable with up to a $250,000 fine. We'll see if that passes a "free speech" challenge.

Follow the Money
According to CNN's story, Bernie Sanders has a new tax plan ... targeting income inequality. The stated goal is to "penalize companies who have large disparities in compensation between their highest paid officials and median workers." Because the function of government today is to literally take from the rich and give to ... well, the government, I guess. Note that this is on top of his plan to tax the wealthy to pay for "Medicare for All." Now, it's interesting to me that folks like Bernie are wealthy by my standards, but they're careful not to include themselves in these "income inequality" issues. And I would imagine that those (like Bernie) pushing a new America (read "socialist") wouldn't much care about trifles like the Constitution. Mind you, I'm not defending the greed of the wealthy. I just don't have any reason to trust the greed of the government either.

Former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has urged Republicans not to support Trump's reelection. "My fellow Republicans, it is time to risk your careers in favor of your principles," he wrote. Now I have a dilemma. (Okay, I had it before and it hasn't gone away.) I am a registered Republican who could not support Trump for president in 2016. I'm facing a second presidential election with Trump as the Republican offering again. I actually agree with Flake that we shouldn't be supporting Trump for reelection. I am not being listened to. (Surprise, surprise!) So what's a Christian to do? People tell me that to not vote for Trump is to vote for the Democrats' candidate (which, from what I can see, is a vote for Socialism). Christians tell me that to fail to support Trump for president is to fail to support the party of the faith, so to speak. "If you're not for Republicans, you're for baby-killing, God-hating, sin-loving Democrats." (That line of reasoning, by the way, is one of the reasons I so seriously opposed Trump in 2016. I believed supporting a man of his moral character and childish behavior would redefine what "Republican" and "conservative" and even "Christian" meant in this country. I believe I am being proved correct.) So I have a choice of being called a traitor to the party, a traitor to the nation, a traitor to the faith, and a supporter of everything I abhor from the Left or I can toss all my principles and vote for a man I consider to be the worst thing to happen to the party, the country, and the church in my lifetime. Nice dilemma, eh? It's a shame that Christians in America today have begun to associate a political party with Christianity when Scripture itself won't do it.

As expected, a federal judge blocked Georgia from putting their child protection bill into effect. "This is a victory for Georgia and the people," Planned Parenthood spokesperson, Barbara Luttrell said, ignoring the millions of dead babies for whom it is not a victory. Nancy Pelosi argued that saving the lives of the most vulnerable Americans is ignoring basic morality despite the fact that she classifies herself as a "devout practicing Catholic." I will never understand the pro-abortion version of morality. Apparently it's "whatever I want to do ... Oh, no, not you." We've had the #MeToo thing going on; it should be #MeFirst as the definition of American morality.

This week Amber Guyer was found guilty of murdering a young black man named Botham Jean. She was an off-duty police officer who claimed to have walked into the wrong apartment by mistake, mistook him for a burglar, and shot him to death. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison. One particular aspect of the story was Brandt Jean's victim-impact statement. Brandt is Botham's brother. Quite a message. When the judge hugged the convicted killer after the sentencing and gave her one of her own Bibles, people objected. "This judge choosing to hug this woman is unacceptable," wrote former ESPN anchor Jemele Hill. The private gift of a Bible from judge to convicted felon will not go unchallenged, of course. And there is apparently no forgiveness for some ... and not in a good way (Matt 6:14-15).

Politics as Usual
In California (of course) a charity event to honor a fallen officer was indefinitely postponed because the Thousand Oaks chief of police objected that Republicans were invited. Thousands of dollars had already been raised for families of fallen officers, but they're returning the money to the donors because Chief Tim Hagel argued, "This is not Trump country ... We don't want Republicans here." "We're not bringing the honor guard. We're not coming. We're not going to be there, not supporting it." I'm not clear about what level of hate for Trump and Republicans is needed to produce this kind of assault on fallen officers and their families, but it isn't coming from the Right here. It is often the Left complaining "Those on the Right are doing nothing but politics." It's clearly not the Right this time.

Truth in Reporting
Last week a 12-year-old girl from the same Christian achool where Karen Pence (Mike Pence's wife) works reported that three white boys cornered her on the playground, held her down, insulted her, and cut off sections of her dreadlocks. People were (rightly) outraged. The school was (rightly) appalled. An investigation was (rightly) begun. This week the girl admitted she made the story up. The event didn't happen. The story was false. Her grandparents (who are her legal guardians) apologized to the school, the families, and the boys involved.

I am glad that everyone took it so seriously and glad that the grandparents made no effort to deflect and glad that the truth came out. Unfortunately, much of the media has gone out of its way to avoid "the rest of the story" and many who have pointed to this story as proof of Christian racism have failed to admit that the story was false. The story includes liars and people with integrity. Most of the media outlets don't suffer from excessive integrity.

More White Supremacists Revealed
After the Anti-Defamation League last week declared the "OK" hand symbol a hate symbol for white supremacists, new images have surfaced revealing Obama and the Clintons as white supremacists.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Directed Discrimination

    This is what comes from voting Democrat. In this case, intolerance from the "party of tolerance". Yeah. This will end up in court sooner or later, I'd wager.

    "Follow the Money"

    This "income inequality" meme is one of the biggest scams of the leftists to date. Despite the fact that wages have been rising, apparently it's not good enough of the wages of some grow higher at a faster rate. Socialism is covetousness. As I explained to a lefty on Facebook:

    An increase in company profits has no relation to the amount paid to employees hired to do any given task. The employee agreed to take and do the job based on the compensation promised in exchange for the labor. That's the extent of the company's obligation to the hired worker absent any promises made by contractual agreement. If no such agreement exists by which employee compensation increases are tied to an increase in corporate profits, there is no legitimate complaint by employees that they're being treated unfairly by not receiving compensation increases when corporate profits increase. It's unlikely those same employees who insist they are so entitled would conversely accept a cut in compensation if corporate profits fell.


    No dilemma. Like last time, among the choices available, he's the best man for the job. Unlike the last time, he's proven it. He's not brought his personal sexual immorality into play in any way while in office. I'm unaware that he's engaged in any unethical business behavior while in office. While you focus on the worst aspects of his character (none of which have manifested while in office), you ignore some significant good ones, primarily his extraordinary promise keeping. This one trait right there had redefined what a Republican president is about far more than his boorishness has. I'd say one can make an argument he's kept campaign promises better than any president in my lifetime. That is, while he hasn't been good keeping his promises to his wives, he's done OK by the American people. How many more he'll keep by the time he's out of office (2020 or beyond) we'll just have to see.

    In any case, he does NOT "redefine" what "Republican" and "conservative" and even "Christian" mean for me. He's just one guy who happened to win the last time and I expect will win again in has proven he deserves another term despite his character flaws. At least he didn't send a woman's husband to the front lines where his death would be assured just so he could have a crack at her. We don't vote for the perfect guy, because Jesus doesn't run for office. We vote for the best available because the worst available we have the duty and obligation to deny.




    This story has been a gift to the race-hustlers. If the victim's survivor has compassion for the defendant, why can't the judge? She still passed sentence, didn't she? Then for the Freedom From Religion buffooons chiming in and doing their petulant's too much!

    Politics as Usual

    This is what comes from voting Democrat. I can't imagine something like this even crossing a right-wingers mind in such a circumstance.

    Truth in Reporting

    How long before "innocent until proven guilty" isn't even respected in the courts? These hoaxes seem to be more prevalent these days.

    More White Supremacists Revealed

    Now this has to be one of the best hoaxes of all time. Some dudes decide to pretend the "OK" gesture is a racist gesture in order to see who gets triggered, and it not only triggers the usual suspects, but the racists, I understand that they've actually adopted it for their racist use!

  2. "He does NOT 'redefine' what 'Republican' and 'conservative' and even 'Christian' mean for me."

    Just for clarification, by "redefining" these I mean he has redefined them in the perception of the public at large, not necessarily you or conservatives or Christians. We are, in the public eye, guilty by association. The public figures that if (and I do mean "if") 80% of conservative Christians support him, then 80% of conservative Christians support his mean spirit, his crude sexual content, etc. It's the public perception I was talking about.

  3. The problem is that Trump has never been particularly conservative nor identified as a republican. Having said that he’s done some things that conservatives should like, but that doesn’t make him conservative.

  4. I would parse it a bit further. It's not public perception so much as the perception his detractors would promote. I don't think that too many really believe THEY support every character flaw of any candidate for whom they vote, and I think everyone would certainly reject the suggestion in no uncertain terms. Thus, I don't care what his detractors seek to promote among the foolish, but will continue to refute that lie like all the others.

    Also, how many conservative moves must Trump make to be considered conservative? I also didn't take him for a conservative, but many would argue that he's been far more conservative in his presidential policies than any would have believed possible. It's almost a moot question at this point, despite misgivings about the man and how he may act in the future should those misgivings prove true. But until then, are we justified to believe they are? Hard to make that case, I'd say.


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