Saturday, October 19, 2019

News Weakly - 10/19/19

Ban Hand Guns!
A Kansas 13-year-old female middle school student has been charged with felony criminal threat when she answered a classmate's question in a discussion, "If you could kill five people in the room, who would they be?" with a "finger gun" pointing at four students and herself. Another student "felt threatened" and reported the "criminal threat" on the school's online anti-bullying app. In other news, a 6-year-old was held for psychiatric evaluation of possible suicide when a fellow classmate saw him picking his nose and believed the finger configuration felt like a "gun in the face" image, suggesting possible suicidal tendencies. And a 14-year-old boy reported the girl he tried to ask to the homecoming dance and turned him down because it made him uncomfortable and he felt threatened. Okay, the last two were made up ... but why not?

The New Violence
During that lovely CNN LGBT town hall with the Democratic presidential candidates recently, CNN's Nia-Malika Henderson got herself in trouble. She was handed a card that said something like "Shea Diamond would like to ask a question," and she introduced Shea ... as "Shay," like 99% of us would if all we had was that written name. Of course, "Shia" was offended. "It's violence to misgender or to alter a name of a trans person ..." Now, I'm not entirely clear at this point. Obviously the person introducing her didn't do this intentionally, so "alter a name" doesn't have to be on purpose to be violence. Beyond that, is it only violence if it is a "trans person," or does that apply to everyone? We are reaching new depths when "I'm sorry; I didn't know how you wanted that apparently ordinary name pronounced in a totally unusual fashion" is "violence." I would guess that the "violence" of "misgendering" (using the "wrong" pronoun, essentially) is also in view over at Air Canada because they will no longer address passengers with "ladies and gentlemen" since there are clearly people crazy enough to think that there is something else out there.

The Other New Violence
Maybe not so new, but, according to economists at UC, Berkeley, the effective tax rate for billionaires under Bernie Sander's plan would be 97.5%. Seems reasonable ... you know, if theft is "reasonable."

Turning Nasty
Of course, they always do. These campaigns always turn nasty, even between "allies." So it's no surprise that Sanders thoroughly insulted Elizabeth Warren by declaring that she is a capitalist. The scum.

Like We Said
Dr. Steve Jacobs has reported that 96% of the 5,577 biologists he asked affirm that a human life begins at fertilization. Like we've been saying. And, of course, the notion is not well received. Like we've seen so far. It was interesting that 96% of biologists said life begins at fertilization and 80% of the public said they trust biologists most to determine when human life begins, but this kind of thing won't significantly change minds ... because it has never been about "life" or facts.

Makes Sense to Me
So, last July the UN Human Rights Council presented a report that blamed the government of Venezuela for allowing disease and using public food aid for political purposes. The report gave evidence of human rights violations including torture and killings. So, as you might expect, Venezuela won a seat on the UN Human Rights Council. Wait ... what? Oh, that's okay. The council also has Libya and Sudan on it, two other nations accused of human rights violations. I suppose it's not as pithy, but I think we can think about this as a replacement of the old "having the fox guard the hen house" idiom. Hey, I think we could save money if we hired violent prisoners to guard the prisons, too. Makes sense to me.

I Knew It
"Research suggests the ingredients in a chocolate chip cookie triggers the same addictive response in the brain as cocaine and marijuana." I knew it! Who can resist those delicious chocolate chip cookies? Turns out grandmas around the country were pushers. "How about a nice chocolate chip cookie, little boy?" A sample and you're hooked. Insidious.

Why K-Mart Is Declining
A recent study suggested that being exposed to artificial light -- specifically blue light -- can reduce longevity and cause damage to eyes, brains, and mobility. Says so right here. Take that K-Mart.

Further Down the Rabbit Hole
Wait ... what?? So, the story is that a black security guard at a Wisconsin high school was fired for using the N-word. "Wait," you might be asking yourself, "a black guy was fired for using the word?" Sorry, not that simple. He was fired for using the word because he asked a student to stop calling him that. "West High Principal Karen Boran informed parents by email that 'regardless of context or circumstance, racial slurs are not acceptable in our schools.'" Unless, of course, you're the student using the word. Apparently the student faced no consequences. (The cartoon accompanying the story has the school district firing him saying, "Because we are a welcoming school district which celebrates diversity and tolerance, you're fired!)

Breaking News
Congress passed an emergency measure to protect Syria's border, but works hard to eliminate protections at the U.S. border.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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