Saturday, October 12, 2019

News Weakly - 10/12/19

You Will Know Them By Their Fruit
So, here's the primary story. "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is asking the U.S. district court in Arizona — a border state where many of the migrants were initially detained and separated — to award damages to thousands of migrant families who have been separated by the U.S. government since 2017."

I find it odd. I find it odd that the American Civil Liberties Union is suing on behalf of non-Americans. I find it odd that they're suing for those "since 2017" when it has been the practice of the U.S. government to separate families since long before Trump took office. I find it odd that no one would think, "What does this have to do with American civil liberties and why is it only the current administration in the crosshairs?" But, then, I guess it's not that odd. The motivation is clear; it is neither "American civil liberties" nor "family separations."

(That we would even have such a word seems bizarre.) Detransitioning refers to the process of changing back from transitioning from gender A to gender B so they can be gender A again. A woman who did it says there are "hundreds" of young trans people seeking help to detransition. You won't likely hear that news in many places because it goes against the current societal narrative and if you hear about it it will be outrage, not support for the same reason. There have been those who have sued their parents for having them circumcised at birth. I'm just wondering if we'll be seeing lawsuits from young adults whose parents helped them transition at a young age and then decided they didn't want to be that way.

You've Come a Long Way, Baby
Times, they are a'changin'. Bob Dylan was right about that. We have generations (plural) now who have been raised on television and technology and the Internet and it's really making a difference. says that 50 years ago (1969) 3 of 4 26-year-olds were married and living with their spouse. That number has dropped to 1 in 4. In 2018 there were 300,000 more 26-year-olds living with their parents than with their spouses. Oh, yeah, that's progress.

Ruling on the Bible
Dr. David Mackereth was a disability assessor for the UK's Department for Work and Pensions until last year when he was fired. Why? He wouldn't use the "preferred pronouns." If a woman is a woman, Mackereth would use "she" or "her" even if the poor woman believed she was a he. Mackereth took it to an employment tribunal where they tossed his case out like yesterday's trash. Citing his belief in the truth of the Bible -- specifically the truth of Genesis 1:27 -- and his lack of belief in transgenderism, they ruled that his views are "incompatible with human dignity and conflicts with the fundamental rights of others." Oddly, they all agreed that "Christianity is a protected characteristic." Where he went wrong was thinking that Christian beliefs are a protected characteristic. (Seriously, that's what they said.) When the Bible dares to disagree with the current morality, it becomes "incompatible with human dignity" and no longer deserves to be held or allowed. Yeah ... you go with that.

Doesn't Have Your Back
Trump goes toe to toe with Democratic foes, stands his ground against China, and gives no quarter to North Korea, but pulls out troops protecting Kurds because ... what ... Turkey asked him to? Barely has it been accomplished when Turkey moves to cut off Kurdish forces. Meantime Trump promises to "totally destroy" Turkey's economy if they don't play nice. It's not very often you see this many GOP members outraged with their own president.

For you Trump supporters, remember this when you are tempted to think that Trump has your back. Trump has his own back and don't count on anything more.

As Expected
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke declared in a CNN town hall event that he "would strip churches and other organizations of their tax-exempt status if they refused to support the LGBT cause by opposing same-sex marriage." As expected (John 15:18-21). (Mind you, I'm not a big fan of "tax exemption" for churches as a means of controlling what they say, nor has, historically, the government had to secure the rights of churches to not be taxed. But, hey, it's the world we live in.)

Breaking News
Have you read about this one? Apparently Russia is launching an investigation to determine if any Democrats have ties to the United States. "'We feel very good about our agents that have secured all leadership positions in the Democratic Party,' Kremlin Director Boris Yeltsin said."

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Personally, I'm glad Trump pulled out. If hey are our allies, they have a funny way of showing it.

    And I'm tired of the USA being the world's policeman. Why aren't the Europeans there instead?

    We need to bring ALL of our troops out of every combat situation. Afghanistan, especially, is just another Vietnam -- unwindable and taking too many American lives. Learn from history -- The British left there in the 19th century and the Russians left there in the 20th century.

  2. While it’s absurd to spend time speculating on what the Hispanic Irishman will do when elected, do you seriously think he’s going to enforce this on mosques?

    Excellent questions regarding the ACLU.

    Given given the new information about detransitioning, the existing numbers we have about mental health issues in people who claim trans-hood, and the idiocy of thinking that a 9 year old is competent to make decisions about some of this magnitude, you have to wonder if the DFL has made a mistake in hitching their wagon to this issue without adequate information about the long term issues.

  3. Glenn, spoken like a true isolationist ... which actually isn't necessarily an insult.

    Craig, I don't believe any politician's promises. O'Rourke is no exception.

    Recently the Dilbert cartoon did a series on the notion that real life is becoming so ridiculous that we won't be able to tell it from satire. I think, like in the trans example, we've arrived. "Wait ... because you feel like you're a girl you actually are? But the fellow that believes he's Napoleon is nuts? Sure! We'll go with that."

  4. As Glenn indicated...or intimated...the Kurdish issue is more nuanced than most people think, as one analysis I read points out (I'll find and post if need be). The Kurds the Turks would like to rid themselves of they consider to be terrorists. Those are Kurds in Syria. It turns out that the Kurds in Iraq feel exactly the same way. Yet, Trump is concerned about Turkish behavior after a pullout, and has warned against them going medieval on them.

    As to "the world's policeman", it's unfortunate that the world needs one, and more so that there seems no one willing to be one but us. One would like to think that everyone would take care of their own neighborhoods, but as we can see clearly in our own country, not every neighborhood is taken care of by those within them. Those badly policed neighborhoods are a threat to others outside the neighborhoods, and this dynamic is just as true globally. More to the point, the "endless war" argument never takes into account the fact that factions, such as radical islam, has no expiration date other than global domination. So the war may indeed be endless and the need to fight it just as much so. In addition, evil never stops. THAT war is endless until He returns.


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